
  • 网络AUDIO;Audio output;audio out;line out;line-out
  1. 连接到扬声器的音频输出与你有话筒。

    Connect the audio out to a set of speakers and you have a megaphone .

  2. 本音箱只需用USB线供电,USB供电和音频输出是同一根USB线,随笔记本电脑开关机自动启动。

    The speaker only powered by USB cable , USB power and audio output with a USB cable , with the laptop switch machine starts automatically .

  3. 基于DDS算法的亚音频输出系统

    The inferior audio frequency output system based on the DDS algorithm

  4. 包含了主芯片、内存、调谐解调器、回传通道、CA(条件接收)接口、外部存储控制器以及视音频输出等几大部分。

    The hardware includes main chip , memory , demodulator , circle channel , CA , extern memory and video & audio output .

  5. 其中底层游戏引擎是对功能API的封装,其中主要的功能包括游戏的渲染,音频输出等。

    One underlying game engine is a function of the API package , which includes the major functions of the game rendering , audio output , and so on .

  6. 介绍了由GPS接收器、工控机和音频输出设备组成的公交车自动报站系统的功能、组成原理和关键技术,阐述了系统主要的硬件和软件设计方法。

    The thesis analyses the function , the principles of composing and the key technology of GPS based buses ' auto-announce system , also the hardware design and the software design are presented .

  7. 在研究DDS算法的基础上,结合SOC控制技术,设计了一种实现高精度和高稳定度的亚音频输出系统。

    On the basis of researching DDS algorithm , connected with the technology of SOC , it designs a inferior audio frequency output system of high accuracy and high stability .

  8. 天诚TCD-759型数字卫星接收机音频输出的改造

    One Reform Method of Audio Output in Tian-cheng TCD-759 Digital Satellite Receiver

  9. HT1625具有低功耗选择,接线简单和音频输出等特点。

    HT1625 has the characteristics of low power dissipation choice , simple connection and audio output .

  10. 数字电视接收产品音频输出接口的匹配问题

    Matching Problems of Audio Output Interface for Digital TV Receivers

  11. 换句话说,要将产品设计成可以提供音频输出的。

    Alternatively , the product could be designed to provide audio output .

  12. 这个软件合成器的数字音频输出设备是

    The digital audio output device for this software synthesizer is

  13. 当前音频输出对象所使用的声音。

    Gets and sets the current audio output object used by the voice .

  14. 这个函数将一个数据块发送到一个指定的波形音频输出装置。

    The waveOutWrite function sends a data block to the given waveform-audio output device .

  15. 未安装音频输出程序。

    No audio renderer is installed .

  16. 这意味着应用程序音频输出的控制权在用户手里,这也是理所应当的。

    This means that control over the application 's audio output remains in users'hands , where it belongs .

  17. 计算机音频输出是一个有用的备用和可访问呈现机制,对于有视力障碍的人尤其如此。

    Audible computer output is a useful alternative and accessible presentation mechanism , particularly for people with visual impairments .

  18. 这个标志,说明是否声音是允许调整音频输出格式。

    Gets and sets the flag that specifies whether the voice is allowed to adjust its audio output format automatically .

  19. 指定的操作失败,因为高级角色选项中已取消了用于所有角色的语言音频输出。

    The specified operation failed because spoken audio output for all characters has been disabled in the Advanced Character Options .

  20. 特别是本文提出的利用单片机为频率合成器提供不同的基准频率从而得到不同音频输出信号的方法,新颖简单、灵活方便。

    Especially , the method making signal from reference frequency of single - chip microcomputer is novelty , simple and agility .

  21. 用电缆线插入“音频输出”口,可直接取出音频信号供电视机输入音频信号用。

    Plug the cable in the " Audio Frequency Output " Interface , it may take out the audio signal directly transmit it to TV Input Audio Frequency .

  22. 在吴恩达教电子大脑听和说时,它们的“燃料”就是他从百度在线视频和音频输出资料库中得到的数据。

    Their " fuel " is data , which he gets from Baidu 's trove of online video and audio output as he works to teach the electronic brain to listen and speak .

  23. 因此,虚拟声定位技术是当前计算机、视听技术及虚拟现实技术研究的一个重要内容,也是声学仿真的音频输出技术的一个重要研究领域和当前研究热点。

    Therefore , 3D virtual sound technique is an important content in computer technology , video / audio technology and virtual reality technology , and it is also an important research field and a popular subject at present in acoustics simulation and humanized audio outputting technology .

  24. Q在电脑上可以使用音频光纤输出吗?

    Is it possible to use the audio optical output on my computer ?

  25. 基于MIPS内核的HDTVSOC平台音频PCM输出模块的设计

    Design of PCM Output Module for MIPS-Based HDTV SoC Platform

  26. 本文以波形音频输入输出为样本,剖析了Windows音频设备驱动程序的结构和原理。

    Using waveform audio input and output as sample , the structure and principle of audio device driver for windows are exploited in this paper .

  27. 支持数字音频同轴输出。

    Support coaxial digital audio frequency output .

  28. 音频流输入输出接口

    ASIO Audio Streaming Input and Output interface

  29. 除此之外,调试人员还应将电磁波滤波器连接至音频放大器音频输出端,诸如铁氧体磁环均能达到类似的过滤效果。

    Apart from this step , designers should also connect an EMI filter , such as a ferrite bead , to the output of the amplifier .

  30. 样机三可以直接与数字音频设备的输出端相接,这样,D类功放即成为了数字功放,对于样机三,我们已经实现了单片集成。

    The third is attached to the output of digital audio facilities and is a " real digital amplifier " , which has been integrated into one-chip .