
  • 网络wireless module;WIFI;RF wireless module
  1. 设计DSP芯片与无线模块通信接口电路。

    Design interface circuit between DSP and wireless module .

  2. 基于DSP和GR47无线模块的配电变压器监控终端设计

    Design of distribution transformer monitoring terminal based on DSP and GR 47 wireless module

  3. 基于无线模块GPRS手机系统的设计

    Design of the GPRS Mobile Telephone System on A Wireless Module

  4. 介绍使用无线模块和MCU设计GPRS手机的方法。

    This article introduces a GPRS mobile telephone system designing method on a wireless module and MCU .

  5. 远程多参数监护终端是整个系统的核心,它主要由多参数监护模块,嵌入式计算机系统,GPRS无线模块构成。

    Monitor terminal which consists of embedded computer and GPRS module is the core module of the whole system .

  6. 本文在公交车智能视频监控系统的基础上,介绍了基于DSP和无线模块的接口以及无线通信的设计与实现。

    The thesis is mainly about the interface circuit and wireless communication between DSP and wireless module based on intelligent video surveillance system used on BUS .

  7. 分析了如何依靠无线模块经过GPRS网络与接入Internet的固定IP计算机建立连接并进行通讯。

    The process of establishing a link between the wireless module in the GPRS network and the fixed IP computer in the Internet and communicating each other are analyzed .

  8. 该无线模块通过串口与计算机进行通信,在继电保护设备端是通过TX和RX引脚与DSP控制器通信。

    This wireless module communicates with computer using serial interface and connect , to DSP with TX and RX pins .

  9. 本文给出了使用C语言和嵌入式系统开发调试工具,在CDMA无线模块上实现定位数据的采集、处理和传输的具体方法。

    At last , this paper introduces the way of how to use C language and embedded system developing tools to realize the collection , compress and transmission of position location data on CDMA terminal module .

  10. 根据本智能家居控制系统的特点,详细设计了智能红外收发模块和WiFi无线模块。

    According to the characteristics of the smart home control system , the detailed design of intelligent infrared transceiver module and WiFi module .

  11. 在车辆参数远程监控系统方案要求的基础上对主控芯片、GPRS无线模块以及CAN模块等进行了选型和设计。

    Based on the requirements of the remote data supervisory system of HEV , this paper selects and design the master chip , GPRS wireless module , CAN control chip and so on .

  12. 本文对USB模块的驱动安装、最大传输速率、数据正确性以及无线模块的传输距离、文件的格式、大小和速率进行多次测试。

    The paper tests not only the USB module s driver installation , maximum transmission rate and data correctness but also the wireless module s transmission distance and the transfer files format , size and rate .

  13. 通过一个便携式的监护仪器,对患者的心电信号采集、分析,并由GPRS无线模块发送至医院监测站监护软件,从而实现对心血管疾病患者心电信号长时间实时检测。

    Patients can wear a portable instrument to collect and analyze ECG data , and then send to monitoring soft by GPRS wireless module , to achieve real-time detection of ECG for a long time .

  14. GPRS终端由采集模块和GPRS无线模块构成,采集模块负责对温度进行采集,GPRS无线模块负责与数据中心服务器通信,将采集到的温度数据传送给服务器。

    GPRS terminal composed of acquisition module and GPRS wireless module , among them acquisition module was responsible for collecting temperature , and GPRS wireless module was responsible for transferring the temperature data to Data center server .

  15. 文中论述了这种基于双51单片机的架构,分析了这种架构的必要性和优点,在这种架构基础上总线上挂接了显示模块,键盘模块,ROM存储模块,RAM存储模块及无线模块。

    The paper discusses the necessity and advantages of this dual-51 MCU framework , where the LCD module , the keyboard module , ROM module , RAM module and wireless module are articulated on the bus .

  16. 在硬件设计部分,文章针对控制装置所需要实现的功能给出了硬件框图,并将整个硬件分为ARM7核心板、底板、数据采集板和无线模块四部分进行设计。

    In the first part , it broached hardware frame aim at the function of equipment , and devided it into four parts : ARM7 core board , motherboard , data acquisition board and wireless module .

  17. 还简单介绍了系统使用的无线模块TC35和各个终端的硬件设计及单片机的外围电路设计的流程和原理。

    This paper also briefly introduced wireless TC35 module , the hardware design of each terminal station and peripheral circuit of the MCU .

  18. 论文的主体思路是设计一个配置无线模块的服务器和一个包含无线通信模块、触摸屏、串口通信模块、JTAG调试模块的嵌入式平台,并将μC/GUI和μC/OS-Ⅱ移植到硬件平台上。

    The main idea of this paper is to design a server with a wireless module and a terminal which constitutes a wireless module , a touch screen , a Serial communication module and a JTAG debug module .

  19. 在嵌入式操作系统平台下,摄像头模拟信号通过视频解码器进行数字化,经处理器转换为适合观看的格式,之后图像经压缩成MPEG-4格式,数据流通过CDMA无线模块发送。

    In the embedded operating system platform , Analog camera signals were digitalized by a video decoder , and converted into suitable size for viewing by the processor . Then the video was compressed into MPEG-4 format . Data stream was sent out through the CDMA wireless module .

  20. 用STR-6无线模块实现了无线串行通信,并设计了有线与无线灵活转换的通信方式;

    One kind of wireless module named STR-6 is used to realize the wireless communication , and the flexible mode which can concert wired communication into wireless one is devised .

  21. 无线模块从小封装获得大收益

    Wireless Modules : Big Benefits in Little Packages

  22. 之后通过无线模块发送到无线传感网络中。

    Next , send it into the wireless sensor network through the wireless module .

  23. PC机通过串口与无线模块连接组成的主控端。

    The main control terminal is composed of wireless module and PC through serial port .

  24. 基于无线模块的反应釜清洗头实时监测系统

    A real-time monitoring system designed for reaction tank cleaning device based on a wireless module

  25. 计算机与掌上终端的通信通过无线模块实现。

    The communication between computer and handheld terminal is achieved with the help of wireless module .

  26. 无线模块抗干扰能力强,传输距离远。

    The wireless modules have strong interference ability , and the transmission distance is very far away .

  27. 利用相对便宜的无线模块,采用脉码调制的方法进行短距离无线传送。

    The author successfully realizes the transmission in the short distance through PCM with the cheap wireless module .

  28. 设计中,以CAN总线和无线模块相结合的方式,模拟对现场数据的采集和控制。

    It combines CAN bus with wireless module in order to acquire and control the data of field .

  29. 软件部分主要包括无线模块软件接口设计以及发射器和接收器两部分单片机固件的设计。

    Software part involves the interface functions design of wireless module , and MCU firmware design of transmitter and receiver .

  30. 介绍了通过无线模块发送和接收短消息以实现对现场设备的监控方法;

    The method of monitoring equipments in the field by using the wireless module to transmit and receive short messages is introduced ;