
  1. 无源逆变器,自励逆变器牵引变电站用逆斯考特变压器的设计

    Design of the Inverse Scott Connection Transformer Used in the Traction Substation

  2. 反激型电流源高频环节光伏并网逆变器研究无源逆变器,自励逆变器

    Research on Flyback-type Current Source Inverter for Grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems

  3. 晶闸管无源并联逆变器的启动方法分析

    Analysis on start method of no-power parallel connection converse converter of thyristor

  4. LC型无源滤波器能滤除逆变器开关频率附近的谐波分量,但会引起系统振荡;

    LC passive filter can filtrate the harmonic components whose frequencies near the switching frequency of the inverter , but power system oscillation may be caused .

  5. 完全的无源软开关功率逆变器研究

    A Study of Complete Passive Soft-Switching Power Inverters