
  • 网络unavailable water
  1. 不同烟区土壤中,砂质土壤可利用的有效水量明显高于粘质土壤,而所保蓄的无效水却很少。

    Sandy soil has more available water and less unavailable water than clayey soil .

  2. 土壤速效水含量增加,迟效和无效水含量减少,比水容量在低吸力阶段增加,在高吸力阶段变小,水分释放和供应能力增强;

    The content of available water increased whereas the content of sluggish available and unavailable water of soil decreased .

  3. 试验结果表明,中瑞保水剂(PAMN-LC)吸水总量的78.42%为有效水,无效水所占比例只有21.58%;

    Field experiment results show that available water absorbed by PAMN LC accounts for 78.42 % .

  4. 结果表明:苹果园的土壤相对含水量在215%以下为“无效水”;

    The results showed that the soil relative content less than 21.5 % belonged to " non-available water ";

  5. 迟效水孔隙和无效水孔隙随质地变粘而增加;

    And the slowly available water pore space and unavailable water pore space were increasing with soil texture getting clayey ;

  6. 扶余油田是裂缝发育的低渗透砂岩油藏,由于储层的非均质和后期压裂改造,导致无效水循环严重,含水上升快。

    Fuyu oilfield is the sandstone reservoir of low permeability and multiple fractures , as reservoir heterogeneity and post-fracturing , resulting in invalid serious water cycle , water rose quickly .

  7. 降雨后供试土壤总含水量下降,同时土壤重力水明显减小,雨后的有效水比雨前大,无效水比雨前小,迟效水降雨前后无明显变化规律。

    The total water content decrease distinctively after rain and the gravitational water content and unavailable water content decrease while available water content increase , the slow available water content have not the distinctive rule .

  8. 由于受油层非均质性的影响,注入井转后续水驱后,层间、层内矛盾突出,平面上注入水沿高渗透条带突进,低效、无效水循环严重。

    Affected by layer heterogeneity , after follow-up water flooding , interlayer and layer contradiction is serious , injecting water sudden along high permeability layer in the plane , inefficient and invalid water cycle is serious .

  9. 提高注水效果,降低无效水循环显得日益重要,因而发展更加有效的注水配套技术来满足地质提出的客观需求已迫在眉睫。

    Enhancing the effect of injection and reducing ineffective water circulation have become more and more important , so the development of more effective water injection matching technology to meet the objective demand put forward in geology has been imminent .

  10. 聚合物驱提高采收率有限的主要原因是沿着大孔道(或高渗透条带)窜聚及后续水驱的无效水循环现象严重,聚合物的利用率低,中低渗透部位原油得不到有效驱替。

    The main reason for limitation of polymer flooding is polymer channeling along the major channels ( or high permeability bands ) and invalidity of the water cycle , the utilization rate of polymer is very low , so crude oil is not effective displaced in low-to-moderate permeable formation .

  11. 得到生态系统可能实际利用的径流性水资源量GR。将生态需水量GE与生态系统可能实际利用的水资源量GR进行平衡分析,计算实际生态耗水,并分析盐碱地无效耗水。

    By the balancing analysis between the ecological water demand GE and the available water supply GR , we can calculate the actual ecological water consumption and analyze the unavailable water consumption in the saline land .

  12. 以棵间蒸发形式消耗的无效耗水也有明显的差异,最多相差20mm。

    The ineffective water-consumption through e-vaporation between plants of the different treatments were also different and the maximal difference was 20 mm .

  13. 试验结果表明:同常规耕作相比,玉米全程免耕下棵间蒸发的无效耗水可降低27.6%;农田水分利用效率提高幅度达18.9%;

    Experimental results show that no tillage in summer corn can reduce soil surface evaporation by 27.6 % and raise water use efficiency by 18.9 % , compared with conventional tillage .

  14. 研究发现典型注水开发油田高含水期由驱替特征曲线确定的注水采收率略低于标定值,这种差异主要是累积产水量中有一部分无效产水造成的。

    In a typical waterflooding field at high water-cut stage , waterflood recovery factor by displacement curve account is on the small side with calibrating numerical value because useless water injection rate in cumulative water production .

  15. 试井技术识别无效注采水循环通道方法探讨

    Discussion for an Approach to Specifying Injection and Recovery Cyclic Channel by Well Testing Technology