
shāi yú wù
  • Sieve residue;screenings;residue on sieve
  1. 污水筛余物与医疗垃圾可以在标准处理循环中进行处理,以生成纤维素纤维。

    Sewage screenings and medical waste can be treated within the standard treatment cycles to produce the cellulose fibre .

  2. GB/T5211.14-1988颜料筛余物的测定机械冲洗法

    Determination of residue on sieve of pigment & Mechanical flushing procedure

  3. GB/T5211.18-1988颜料筛余物的测定水法手工操作

    Determination of residue on sieve of pigments Water method Manual procedure

  4. GB/T3780.21-1991橡胶用炭黑筛余物测定水冲洗法

    Carbon black used in rubber products Determination of sieve residue Water washing method

  5. 减少页岩油制喷雾炭黑筛余物的工程技术途径

    Technical approaches to reducting sieve residue of spraying carbon black from shale oil

  6. 筛余物的测定-水法-手工操培训操作人员工装夹具正确的操作方法。

    Determination of residue on sieve-water method-manual procedure Training fitter how to use the jig rightly .

  7. 木质素筛余物对物料黏度及聚氨酯合成革剥离强度的影响

    Effect of Lignin Screen Tailings on the Viscosity of Blending and the Peel Strength of PU Synthetic Leather

  8. 研究了炭黑中的筛余物、灰分和水分质量分数对胶料性能的影响。

    The effect of the mesh residue , ash and moisture contents on the physical properties of rubber compound was investigated .

  9. 对以上两种稳定剂所制备的不溶性硫从酸度、加热减量、灰分、150μm筛余物四个方面来检测,其测试值都达到国家标准。

    The four values of IS prepared by two stabilizers were coincident with the national standards , including degree of acidity , heating decrement , ash and 150 μ m residue on sieve .