
shāi fēn jī
  • screening machine
  1. 选煤厂的筛分机数量很多,所以对筛分机的要求也越来越高。

    A Washery the large number of screening machine , so the demands on the screening machine also getting higher and higher .

  2. 上海纳维加特公司是中国超声波筛分机行业的著名制造企业。

    Is a well-known manufacturer in ultrasonic sieving industries in China .

  3. 新型气流筛分机的实验研究

    Laboratory ; Experimental Study on a Novel Gas Stream-screen Classifier

  4. 圆弧振动式甜玉米籽粒筛分机的分析与设计

    Analyzing and Design of Arc-Shaking Screen Classifier for Screening Sweet Core Bean

  5. 白瓜籽筛分机工作参数的确定

    The study on the working coefficients of white melon seeds screen machine

  6. 两自由度振动筛分机的动力学分析

    The dynamical analysis of vibration sifting machine with two freedoms

  7. 该型筛分机适合高产能的粗分作业。

    This type of screen is suitable for high-yielding sub-operation can be rough .

  8. 螺旋管筛分机筛管中的水流特性分析

    Analysis of water flow characteristic in spiral tube screen

  9. MK-Ⅱ型筛分机的动力学和强度分析

    Dynamics and strength analysis of a MK screen

  10. 铁路道渣挖掘-筛分机,非自动推进式导轨悬挂式液压挖掘机

    Excavator-screening machine , for railroad ballast not self-propelled

  11. 基于随机响应的筛分机强度设计理论探讨

    Exploration and discussion of the screen machine design throry based on the in-line responce

  12. 双质体自同步直线振动筛分机动力学分析

    The Analysis of Dynamics of Pairs Quality Body and Synchronous Straight Line Vibration Screener

  13. 螺旋分级筛分机的研制及工业试验

    Development and Industrial Test of Spiral Classification-screening Machine

  14. 筛分机用高强度螺栓连接终拧扭矩的简易计算方法

    A simple method of calculating turning tight torque in high strength bolt connection of screen

  15. 通过在传统的螺旋分级机上引入湿式筛分,研制成螺旋分级筛分机。

    Spiral classification-screening machine has been developed by introducing wet screening into the conventional spiral classifier .

  16. 水力旋流筛分机设计方案探讨

    Hydrocyclone Screen Design Scheme

  17. 筛分机的工作参数是影响筛分机分级效率和生产能力的重要因素。

    The working coefficients of a screen machine play a quite important role in its production efficiency and capacity .

  18. 为了改善筛分机械的使用环境,降低筛分机械的噪声,从噪声源入手,从内因和外因两个方面分析了筛分机噪声的形成原因。

    Reasons for noise occurence of screening machines are analysed from the viewpoints of internal and external causes of machines .

  19. 振动筛分机采用单层或双层网板对叶片、烟梗、梗丝等烟草物料进行筛分。

    The vibrating screen machine adopts single layer screen or double layer screen to sieve lamina , tobacco stem , cut stem and so on .

  20. 以原煤为实验对象,对双向运输筛分机的性能进行了实验研究。

    This article carries out an experimental study on the screening performance of dual-directional transport screens on the basis of raw coal as the targeted screening materials .

  21. 对于此筛分机,重点研究了影响其分级性能的因素,即结构、进料速度及进风速度对分级效率的影响。

    With this novel classifier , the thesis mainly studies the factors influencing performance of the classifier : barrel structure , material feeding rate and gas velocity .

  22. 通过实验发现,新型气流筛分机对于处理粒径为38μm(400目)~106μm(150目)的粉体物料具有理想的筛分效果。

    It was found in the experiments that the new gas stream-screen classifier is suitable for dealing with the powder diameter from 38 μ m to 106 μ m.

  23. 介绍了德国利威尔筛分机的特点,针对鲁奇炉对入炉原料的要求及义马气化厂的具体情况,对原备煤系统设计进行优化,对筛分机的选型和研制进行了分析。

    The Characteristics of a sizer made in Germany is presented . Options on design of original coal preparing system , selection and development of sizer are analysed .

  24. 通过平均触网概率的提出,首次建立了筛分机操作参数与筛分效果之间有着定量关系的煤用概率分级筛筛分数学模型。

    Based on a concept of average contact mesh probability a mathematic model of probability screen was established , which shows the quantitative relation between the operating parameters and screening efficiency .

  25. 介绍螺旋管筛分机结构和筛分过程,分析计算螺旋管筛分机筛管内的水流特性。结果表明:筛管内的轴向水流速度呈抛物线分布;

    The structure and operating process of the spiral tube screen is introduced , and the water flow characteristic in the screening tube of the spiral tube screen is calculated and analyzed .

  26. 本文从理论计算和实验二个方面,分析了筛分机结构振动的特性及其对结构强度的影响,并在此基础上提出了完善振动筛结构的一些措施。

    In this paper , the characters of sturcture vibrating of screen and its influence on structure strength are analyzed by means of theoretical calculation and experiment affective ways of improving sturcture of screen are also presented .

  27. 结果表明,该筛分机对处理粒度为49μm(300目)-84μm(180目)的面粉和滑石粉具有较高的分级效率。

    The results show that this classifier has better efficiency performance in processing the flour and talcum powder in the range of 49 μ m ( 300 mesh ) - 84 μ m ( 180 mesh ) .

  28. 分析了筛分面积、物料水份对筛分效果的影响规律;给出了双向运输筛分机的技术参数和筛板数量的结构的建议。

    Analyzing the pattern of influence of screening areas and moisture in the materials to be screened , the article also proposes suggestions on the technical parameters and the structure of screening panels of the dual-directional transport screens .

  29. 振动筛分机通过施加于筛体的振动,使物料松散、分层、透筛,同时传送物料,从而达到物料分级筛分的目的。

    Inertial vibrating screen through the body of the vibration imposed on the screen , so that material is loose , layered , transparent screen , simultaneous transmission of materials , so as to achieve the purpose of screening material classification .

  30. 为了得到新型气流筛分机的性能参数,通过实验的方法,对新型气流筛分机的筛分效率进行了评价,探讨了设置导流器对不同类型物料分级效率的影响。

    In order to get the performance of a novel gas stream-screen classifier , its classification efficiency was evaluated by experimental method . The effects of inner guide device and the kinds of experimental materials were discussed by analyzing the classification efficiency .