
  • 网络sieve analysis
  1. 筛分析与光电仪结合测定粉煤灰级配

    Measuring Gradation of Fly Ash with Combination of Sieve Analysis and Photoelectric Particle Size Meter

  2. GB/T2916-1997塑料氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂用空气喷射筛装置的筛分析

    Plastics & Vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resins Sieve analysis using air-jet sieve apparatus

  3. 筛分析是泥沙颗粒分析的方法之一。

    Screen analysis is one of the sediment grain size analysis methods .

  4. 用新型碳分子筛分析永久气体

    Chromatographic analysis of permanent gases by use of a new type of carbon molecular sieve

  5. 采用干筛分析法测定西安市祭台村建筑开挖工地表土微团粒粒度分布,获取模拟粉尘释放通量的表土微团粒粒度分布参数;

    The article mainly uses the dry filter analysis to measure the micro-aggregates size distribution , and the micro-aggregates size distribution parameter for simulating the dust emission flux ;

  6. 2005~2008年安庆市HIV抗体初筛结果分析

    Analysis of HIV antibody detection results in Anqing city from 2005 to 2008

  7. 振动电机激振的振动筛运动分析及主参数设计

    Movement Analysis and Main Parameters Design for the Vibratory Screen

  8. 振动筛减振分析及激振器轴承的选择

    Shock - absorbing Analysis and Bearing Selection of Vibrating Screen

  9. 538例宫颈非典型上皮细胞初筛结果分析

    Cervical screening results analysis of 538 cases of atypical cervical epithelial cells

  10. 基于虚拟样机技术的椭圆振动筛仿真分析

    Simulation of Elliptic Vibrating Screen Based on Virtual Prototype Technology

  11. 轻型矿用共振筛模态分析及失效研究

    Modal Analysis and Research of Invalidation for Light-duty Resonance Screen

  12. 大型振动筛动力学分析及动态设计

    Dynamic Analysis and Design of Large-Scale Linear Vibrating Screen

  13. 黄土孢粉分析的新途径&筛滤分析法

    A New Way of Spore pollen Analysis in Loess Deposits : Sieving-analysis Method

  14. 成品振动筛振幅分析与改进

    Improvement and analysis of amplitude of product vibrating screen

  15. 三相串激换向电动机多电机激振自同步振动筛的分析与测试

    Analyzing and Testing Autosynchronous Vibration Screen with Multiple-motor Vibrator

  16. 混沌振动筛模态分析

    Analysis on Chaotic Vibrating Screen Mode

  17. 圆形筛动力学分析

    Kinetics Analysis of Round-shaped Shaker

  18. 多电机激振自同步振动筛的分析与测试微波介质谐振器自动检测与激光微调

    Analyzing and Testing Autosynchronous Vibration Screen with Multiple-motor Vibrator Automatic Measurement and Laser Trimming of Microwave Dielectric Resonator

  19. 林德3万m~3/h空分分子筛进水分析及处理

    Accident Analysis of Water Penetrating into a Molecular Sieve in Linde 30000m ~ 3 / h Air Separation Apparatus

  20. 筛滤分析法正是为了适应黄土研究的需要而设计的一种新型的黄土孢粉分析方法。

    The sieving-analysis method , a new way of pollen analysis , is designed to fit the study needs of loess pollen .

  21. 水洗再生后的5A分子筛运行状况分析

    Working Status Analysis of Water - washed 5A Zeolite

  22. 对ZS2100×105013型直线振动筛的测试分析表明,测量所得振动筛的位移、速度和加速度值均在理论分析推荐值范围内,测试性能稳定,现场使用中深受用户欢迎。

    Measurement and analysis of Model ZS2100 × 1050-1-3 linear shale shaker shows that the displacement and speed and acceleration of the shale shaker obtained from the measurement are within the range of the theoretically recommended values .

  23. 振动筛静强度分析的半解析半数值解法

    Semi-analytical & semi-numerical solution for strength analysis of a vibrating screen

  24. 一种新型圆筒筛的性能分析

    The property analysis on a new type of cylinder jig screen

  25. 振动筛减振降噪分析

    An analysis of vibration absorbing and noise reduction for vibrating screen

  26. 2065A型双轴直线振动筛动态特性分析及其噪声控制

    Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of 2065A Two-Axle Vibrating Screen and Its Noise Control

  27. 艾滋病病毒抗体初筛实验室质控分析

    Analysis of quality control of the laboratory for AIDS initial screening test

  28. 圆弧振动式甜玉米籽粒筛分机的分析与设计

    Analyzing and Design of Arc-Shaking Screen Classifier for Screening Sweet Core Bean

  29. 重型自同步等厚筛振动特性分析

    Analysis of the Vibration Characteristics of Heavy-duty Self-synchronous Banana Screen

  30. 基于有限元的清粉机筛格结构分析

    Analysis of filter box structure of purifier based on FEM