
  • 网络screening;screening test;multiple screening
  1. 粪便DNA检测与粪便隐血试验用于普通风险人群结直肠癌筛检的比较

    Fecal DNA versus fecal occult blood for colorectal-cancer screening in an average-risk population

  2. 论混合血清法筛检HIV抗体的可行性

    Feasibility of screening for antibody to HIV by pooling the serum specimens

  3. 快速简便筛检乙型肝炎病毒C基因启动子变异的方法及应用

    Detection of core promoter sequence mutations of hepatitis B virus by a rapid and simple method

  4. 多因素Logistic回归分析显示,上述5个因素均被筛检进入回归方程。

    Logistic analysis showed that all previous factors were selected into equation .

  5. 胃镜检查前HBV、HCV、HIV筛检指标的调查分析

    An epidemiological analysis of HBV , HCV and HIV screening marker before gastroscopy

  6. MTT试验筛检49种单体激光光敏剂

    Screen Test of 49 Single Photosensitizer Using MTT Assay

  7. 应用体外细胞培养系统筛检抗HBV活性中药的实验研究

    Application of in Vitro Cell Culture System to Screen Anti-HBV Activity of the Experimental Study of Chinese Medicine

  8. 尿HB检测试剂盒在人群肿瘤筛检中的应用

    The evaluation of urine HB detection kit in cancer screening

  9. 目前HIV筛检已被视为国家艾滋病预防和治疗策略的重要内容。

    Today , HIV testing is seen as an integral part of both the nation 's prevention and treatment efforts .

  10. 大规模RNA调节系统的存在,会影响药理、物开发和遗传筛检的发展。

    The existence of an extensive RNA-based regulatory system also has ramifications for pharmacology , drug development and genetic screening .

  11. 检测尿中Survivin有望成为临床诊断、筛检膀胱癌的较可靠方法。

    Detecting Survivin in urine can be a reliable method diagnosing and screening bladder cancer .

  12. 不同年龄、身高组筛检DM的AUC差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    There is no different statistically significance between different age and height groups ( P0.05 ) .

  13. 为了对乙型肝炎患者HBV基因突变进行大样本大面积筛检,建立简便可靠的检测HBV基因突变的方法。

    To establish a convenient and reliable detecting method for prescriptive screening the mutation of gene of HBV on a larg scale .

  14. 采用Logistic回归以及ROC曲线分析小儿血脂紊乱筛检指标

    Analyze the indices of the screening test of hyperlipidemia by Logistic regression analysis and ROC study in children

  15. 大肠癌普查筛检指标SPA免疫便潜血试验带现象消除的研究

    Elimination of zone phenomenon in immunological fecal occult blood test of spa for colorectal cancer screening

  16. 此外,有些专家也质疑CRP用在临床筛检上的实用性。

    What is more , some experts doubt the usefulness of CRP for patient screening in the clinic .

  17. 目的探讨焦炉工外周血淋巴细胞DNA损伤及其血清活性氧水平,寻找职业性肺癌的早期筛检指标。

    Objective To explore lymphocyte DNA breakup and serum reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) level in coke oven workers and to screen the earlier biomarkers for occupational pulmonary cancer .

  18. 联合检测血浆中GSH-PX、MDA及肿瘤蛋白对肺癌筛检的Bayes判别分析

    Bayes Model of GSH-PX , MDA and Oncogene Proteins and Its Possible Role in The Screening of Lung Cancer

  19. 目的建立一套全自动核酸检测系统筛检献血员艾滋病病毒1型(HIV-1)核糖核酸(RNA)。

    Objective To establish automatic nucleic acid testing ( NAT ) to screen human immunodeficiency virus-1 ( HIV-1 ) RNA .

  20. 有必要对合并多元代谢紊乱的NASH患者,尤其是男性和年老患者进行定期HCC筛检。

    Regular screening for HCC is necessary for NASH patients , especially the elderly men with multiple metabolic disorders .

  21. B组每年用询检法筛检3~60岁人群,确定化疗对象400人左右。

    Residents who were 3 ~ 60 years old in Group B have been screened annually by inquiring examination and about 400 persons were defined as chemotherapy objects and were treated with praziquantel .

  22. 目的探讨血浆中GSH-PX、MDA、p21、p53及HSP70蛋白实测值建立的Bayes模型对肺癌的筛检价值。

    Objective To explore the screening of lung cancer with Bayes model of GSH-PX , MDA and oncogene proteins .

  23. 目的研究医院内输血后丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的临床流行病特点,探讨改进供血筛检的方法。

    OBJECTIVE To determine the clinical epidemiologic features of posttransfusion HCV nosocomial infection and to improve the methods of donor blood screening .

  24. 日本血吸虫病快速筛检敏感询检指标探讨MTT法快速,简便,可用于多种光敏剂的筛检试验。


  25. 由于缺乏有效的HIV筛检方法或方法应用不当以及缺乏严格的管理,通过输血传播HIV的危险极为严重,特别是在一些发展中国家。

    HIV risk among blood transfusion was severe due to lack of effective and correctly applied screening method and rigorous management , especially in some developing countries .

  26. 如何将测量CRP含量与当前结肠癌筛检的预防策略相结合,尚缺大样本多中心的前瞻性研究。

    It still lacks of multi-center prospective study on combining the CRP quantification with prophylactic strategy in screen of colorectal carcinoma .

  27. 最初HIV检测试剂仅用于筛检献血员,后来成为了HIV预防工作的重要方面。

    Initially , HIV test was primarily used to screen the blood supply , it also became an important aspect of HIV prevention , especially screening among people donating blood .

  28. SBA、γGT、ET三项指标联合检测在砷致肝损伤的筛检及动态观察其病情发展中有重要价值。

    Combining SBA , γ GT and ET has important value to detect arsenic caused liver damage and its dynamic observing .

  29. 方法共501位孕妇接受筛检,其中16例诊断为GDM。

    Methods A total of 501 pregnant women were screened and 16 cases were found with GDM .

  30. 自从1985年FDA批准第一个HIV试剂用于献血员筛检以来,迄今已经生产出第4代筛检试剂。

    Since the first HIV screening reagent was approved by FDA to screen the blood in 1985 , the fourth generation test has been produced till now .