
  • 网络Resolution;resolving power;MTF
  1. 所用打印纸的解像力;

    The resolution of the printing paper used .

  2. 但是,光圈全开时,(广角段)边和角的解像力下比较差,这点出乎测评者对这段焦段的预期或期望。

    However , the image borders and corners show a little less resolution wide open than we had expected from a lens in this segment .

  3. 扫描仪本身的解像力以及其所用的驱动软件;

    The native resolution of the scanner chip and firmware ;

  4. 由本研究得知,高解像力超音波检查可作为足底筋膜炎诊断评估的工具。

    We conclude that high-resolution ultrasonography is a useful tool in the diagnosis of plantar fasciitis .

  5. 实验结果表明,基于双正交小波变换的多分辨率遥感图像数据融合技术是提高卫星遥感影像解像力的一个重要手段。

    The experimental result shows that data fusion approach of multi resolving power of RS image based on biorthogonal wavelet transform is an important means to improve image interpreting power of satellite RS image .

  6. 彩喷纸的表面性能是影响喷墨打印效果的重要因素之一,特别对彩喷纸的解像力有很大的影响,而对于涂布的彩喷纸来说,胶粘剂的性质直接影响纸张的表面性能。

    Based on the analysis of ink-jet printing process , we found that surface property of ink jet paper is one of the important factors to influence ink-jet printability , especially , the resolution of ink-jet paper .