
shāi fēn fǎ
  • sieving method
  1. 氟化铝粒度分布的测定&筛分法

    Determination of Size Distribution of Aluminium Fluoride & Sieving Method

  2. GB/T4108-1983镁粉、铝镁合金粉粒度组成的测定干筛分法

    Magnesium powders and aluminium-magnesium alloy powders & Determination of particle size by dry sieving method

  3. 叶、皮和根部芳香精油的成分,同时运用薄层层析(TLC)筛分法对其抗氧化活性物质进行了对比分析。

    TLC-screening method was used for analysis of antioxidant components in the oils .

  4. 采用筛分法对无限微热源法合成混合物的初产品进行分级,除去大的SiC颗粒和杂质,并用自行研制的浓缩过滤分级机进行初步分级。

    Bigger particle and impurity are preliminarily separated by sift method , and the machine of condense-sift-grading can be exerted to sift the mixture .

  5. 介孔分子筛的合成及RhodamineB在介孔分子筛中的组装研究GB/T1480-1995金属粉末粒度组成的测定干筛分法

    The Synthesis of Mesoporous Materials and the Encapsulation of Rhodamine B in Mesoporous Materials ; Determination of particle size for metallic powders & Dry sieving

  6. 氧化铝粒度筛分法精密度的影响因素探讨

    Investigation of influencing factor of al_2o_3 grain screening way accuracy

  7. GB/T1480-1995金属粉末粒度组成的测定干筛分法

    Determination of particle size for metallic powders & Dry sieving

  8. GB/T3170.1-1982铝粉粒度的测定机械振动筛分法

    Determination of particle size of aluminium powder & Mechanical vibration sieve method

  9. 通过筛分法将粗光卤石矿分级,运用化学法分析各粒级颗粒的组成。

    Particle sizes and composition were determined by sieving and chemical analysis .

  10. 应用重力筛分法评价煤质结渣特性

    Assessment of Coal Slagging Characteristics by Gravity Fractionation Techniques

  11. 无振动离心筛分法的试验研究

    Test and Research for the Non-vibrating Centrifugal Screening Method

  12. 中华人民共和国国家标准&金属粉末粒度组成的测定干筛分法

    Determination of particle size for metallic powders-dry sieving

  13. GB/T13220-1991细粉末粒度分布的测定声波筛分法

    Determination of particle size distribution of fine powder-Method of sieve classification with sonic wave

  14. 粉末涂料-筛分法测定粒度分布

    Coating powders-determination of particle size distribution by sieving

  15. 旋风粉碎-筛分法测定造纸法再造烟叶中外加纤维含量

    Determination of Added Fiber Content in Paper-making Process Tobacco Sheet with Vortex Milling and Sieving

  16. 无振动离心筛分法试验模型机主要参数设计

    Determination of the main parameters of a trial model machine for the non-vibrating centrifugal screening method

  17. 溶质筛分法的研究

    Study on the solute sieving method

  18. 并根据扩孔筛分法的特点,提出了一个综合评价指标&筛分有效系数,为扩孔筛分的合理选取及评价筛分方案的好坏提供了依据和手段。

    The effective coefficient of screening was used as a new index to comprehensively appraise screening performance .

  19. GB/T2448-1991尿素粒度的测定筛分法

    Urea-Determination of particle size-Sieve method

  20. 接下来,他会像过去的淘金者一样,用筛分法拣出沉在底部的金粒。

    Then he pans it , just like the old days , shaking the tub of dirt so that the gold sinks to the bottom .

  21. 采用室内击实试验研究了砂岩颗粒料、泥岩颗粒料、砂泥岩混合颗粒料的压实特性,并通过筛分法研究了击实过程中的颗粒破碎的问题。

    Indoor compaction test were carried out to study the compaction characteristics of sandstone particles , mudstone particles , sandstone-mudstone particles , and through the screening method to study the compaction process of particle breakage problem .

  22. 经过文献检索知道从含硫渣中回收硫磺的方法主要分为物理和化学两类,物理法有:高压倾析法、热过滤法、浮选法、制粒筛分法、真空蒸馏法等;

    I found there are two methods of recovery of sulfur from sulfur residues after searching of documents , one is physical method as : pressure decantation , high temperature filtration , floatation , forming of pellets sieving , vacuum distillation .

  23. 本文采用场致扫描电镜的显微观察法和膜对溶质的粒子筛分法测定聚醚砜中空纤维血浆分离膜的孔径大小及分布。

    The pore size and its distribution on the surface of polyethersulfone ( PES ) hollow fiber plasmapheresis membrane were characterized by using microscopic observation method of field emission scanning electron microscope ( FESEM ) and solute transport model method based on particle separation .

  24. 目的建立快速毛细管SDS无胶筛分电泳法(SDS-NGS),测定小分子多肽相对分子质量。

    Objective To develop a capillary SDS non-gel sieve electrophoresis for rapid determination of relative molecular mass of small polypeptide .

  25. 细粒筛分分级法提纯粗粒钾光卤石

    Fine Sieving grade mathod for purification of Crude Carnallite

  26. 纸浆细小纤维的制备可以先对纸浆适当预处理,然后采用筛分仪筛分法、DDJ筛分法、湿筛分法等方法进行。

    After proper pretreatment , fines of pulp can be prepared by the way of Bauer-McNett classifier method , DDJ sieving method and wet-sieving method .

  27. 无胶筛分毛细管电泳法检测微量蛋白质骨桥蛋白

    Determination of Osteopontin at Trace Levels by Non-Gel Sieving Capillary Electrophoresis

  28. 筛分灌砂法在水稳砂砾底基层检测中的应用

    The application of screening sand replacement method in water stabilized gravel base detection

  29. 筛分灌砂法在高速公路路基填筑检测中的应用

    The application of griddle dispart fill sand method in the examination of the superhighway roadbed