
shāi xuǎn shì yàn
  • screening test
  1. 结论:根据Harper和Reeves,这些特点使得这个试验成为一个可靠的、有创意的眼科实践筛选试验。

    CONCLUSION : These features make this test a dependable , original ophthalmic practical screening test according to Harper & Reeves .

  2. 结论:PT测定不仅具有外源性凝血系统筛选试验的意义,也可以作为肝病患者对病程进展及严重程度的参考指标。

    Conclusions : The PT test has the significance not only in the screening test of exogenous blood clotting system , but also it can be used as the reference index in the liver diseases .

  3. 利用4份DNA模板进行81对引物筛选试验,选择出了条带清晰、稳定性好、多态性高的15对引物。

    15 pairs of primers were selected out because the bands were clear , finer stability , high polymorphism .

  4. CAP系统变应原筛选试验在慢性荨麻疹病因诊断中的应用

    Application of CAP System Allergen Screening Tests in Etiological Diagnosis of Chronic Urticaria

  5. VLSI老化筛选试验技术的挑战

    Challenge of VLSI Burn-in Screen out Test Technology

  6. 保护剂B的最佳添加浓度筛选试验结果表明:1次添加浓度为1%或2%,2次添加浓度为2%。

    The test about best adding concentration of virus preserver B showed that the first adding concentration was 1 % or 2 % , the second was 2 % .

  7. EIA技术是环境污染物筛选试验的良好工具,其与气相色谱(GC)、高效液相色谱(HPLC)结合,能极大地提高环境监测能力。

    It can greatly increase the capability of environmental monitoring in combination with current analytical methods such as GC and HPLC .

  8. 甘蔗组织培养中不同阶段的抗生素及PPT抗性筛选试验

    Selective Test of Antibiotics and PPT in Different Stages of Sugarcane Tissue Culture

  9. 结论:慢性荨麻疹患者以吸入过敏多见,用CAP系统进行变应原筛选试验检测,是临床上有助于慢性荨麻疹病因诊断的重要检测手段。

    Conclusion : Inhalant allergy is common in chronic urticaria . The CAP system allergen screening tests have important value in etiological diagnosis of chronic urticaria .

  10. 介绍了马钢股份公司H型钢厂净环水系统水处理水质稳定配方筛选试验和配方现场成功应用。

    The prescription tests of stable water quality and the successful op - eration in situ for clean circulation water system of the H-Steel Works of Maan - shan Iron & Steel Co. are presented .

  11. 血清学方法可作为初步筛选试验,根据其结果再进行13C-UBT试验判断HP感染状态。

    Serum method can become the initial shift test . To judge HP infection with 13C-UBT after serum method .

  12. 化工产品在HCFC-22替代工质压缩机的应用及筛选试验

    Chemical Products Application And Selection Tests For HCFC-22 Alternative Refrigerant Compressors

  13. 方法:对412株革兰氏阴性杆菌采用K-B纸片法筛选试验和双纸片法表型确证试验检测ESBLs。

    Methods Detect ESBLs strain during 412 gram-negative bacteria by means of K-B paper screen and double paper validating methods .

  14. 方法:应用“RPR”做为梅毒血清学筛选试验,对太原部分地区507例孕妇进行梅毒血清学检测。

    Methods ; RPR Method was used to carry out serologic test for syphilis in507 pregnant women in some districts of Taiyuan .

  15. AmpC酶表型筛选试验检测AmpC酶结果可靠,操作简便、快速,易于在临床实验室中推广使用;

    AmpC enzyme phenotype screening method is an easy and quick method and is promising to be popularized in clinical laboratory .

  16. 通过催化剂筛选试验,结果表明以活性炭为载体的固载AlCl3催化剂为佳。

    The test results showed that AlCl_3 supported on activated carbon catalyst was best in yield of 70 % .

  17. 田间筛选试验结果表明,JS913在60~120g(a.i.)

    In field trial , at dosage of 60 ~ 120g ( a.i. )

  18. 结论:头孢西丁K-B法筛选试验结合头孢西丁三相试验可准确检出质粒介导的AmpC酶,可用于临床常规检测。

    Conclusion : Cefoxitin screening test combinated with indirect three-dimensional test can detect plasmid-mediated AmpC accurately and can be used in clinical routine detection .

  19. 方法:用PharmaciaCAPSystem技术,对49例慢性荨麻疹患者和20例正常人作吸入物变应原筛选试验(Phadiatop)以及食物变应原混合物特异性IgE(fx5E)检测。

    Methods : Allergen screening tests ( Phadiatop and Fx5E ) were conducted in 49 patients with chronic urticaria and 20 healthy control persons by Pharmacia CAP system .

  20. 本研究以收集自世界各地的206个双孢蘑菇栽培菌株为材料,进行栽培出菇筛选试验和总DNA大规模的SRAP、ISSR和RAPD分析。

    In this paper , 206 cultivation strains of Agaricus bisporus collected from all over the world were studied by screening test of cultivation and using the techniques of SRAP , ISSR and RAPD fingerprinting .

  21. 通过合金类型筛选试验和W、Ni等元素含量对结基合金的强度性能及组织状态的影响研究,确定了耐1175~1200℃高温高强度变形钴基合金成分。

    The chemical composition of a high strength wrought cobalt base alloy used at 1175-1200 ℃ was defined by the sifting test of alloy type and the investigation of the influence of nickel , tungsten contents onthe alloy 's strength and microstructure .

  22. 目的探讨50g葡萄糖筛选试验(GCT)在妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)诊断及治疗中的价值。

    Objective To investigate the value of 50g glucose challenge test ( 50 g GCT ) in diagnosis and treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus ( GDM ) .

  23. 本研究所采用的改良表型筛选试验能有效地检测高耐QACs的细菌表型。

    The improved phenotype screening test can effectively screen the bacteria of high resistance to QACs .

  24. 对AR-750等七种稳定剂作了筛选试验。

    Seven stabilizers including AR-750 were selected and examined .

  25. 对36个经PCR检测为阳性的转基因株系进行了两年抗蚜虫筛选试验,结果表明:蚜口密度抑制率在13.19%-95.4%,平均蚜口密度抑制率为78.59%。

    Thirty-six transgenic Lycium plants that had been confirmed as being gna-integrated by PCR detection were tested for resistance to aphids in two years . The results showed that the inhibition rate of aphid population was 13.19 % - 95.4 % , 78.59 % on average .

  26. 结论:急性药物试验安全可行,无明显毒副作用,可作为VLP阳性患者选择合适抗心律失常药物的初步筛选试验。

    Conclusion : Acute drug trial is safe and feasible . The trial can be used as initial screening trial to select suitable AAA for VLP positive patIents .

  27. 目前,筛选试验中振动应力量值选取大多采用GJB推荐值,而不同产品有其不同动力学特性,从而很难保证各类产品都达到强筛选效果。

    At present , vibration stress in screen testing is based on the commended values from GJB , and which cannot always get good effects to different products .

  28. 苯并吡喃羧酸类化合物对TMV的诱导抗性:以心叶烟为材料,采用全叶法,对5种羧酸类化合物进行药效筛选试验,得到最优药剂。

    The induction resistance of benzopyran acids on TMV : The optimal agent was screened by the resistant test of 5 carboxylic acid compounds on Nicotiana glutinosa as the materials using the whole leaf method .

  29. 除草剂筛选试验中,2.4-D丁脂效果最好,但对苜蓿毒性大,喷雾器加罩定向喷雾可减轻这种危害。

    From the weedicide filter examination , we can conclude the affection of 2.4-D are best , but the toxicity to alfalfa are large .

  30. 同时对再生植株进行了盆栽Basta抗性筛选试验,获得不同抗性的植株和种子。

    At the same time , the effect of resistance to Basta was tested , the regeneration plants and seeds of resistant different concentration of Basta have been obtained .