
  1. 结论:吗啡诱导的小鼠结肠慢传输运动模型日平均粪便量、肠道推进率、结肠Cajal细胞数量较对照组均明显减少,且减少的幅度与吗啡给药时间呈正相关。

    CONCLUSION : Daily fecal mass , intestinal transit ratio and the number of interstitial cells of Cajal are decreased in the mouse model of slow intestinal transit movement induced by morphine and have a positive correlation with period of morphine injected .

  2. 基于灰色理论&马尔可夫模型对畜禽粪便量增长的预测

    Prediction of the Amount of Livestock and Poultry Feces by Gray-Markov Models

  3. 规模化养殖畜禽粪便量估算及环境影响研究

    Estimation of the amount of livestock manure and its environmental influence of large-scaled culture based on spatial information

  4. 下利是临床常见的病证之一,其主要表现为排便次数增多、粪便量增加,伴有粪质稀薄。

    Diarrhea is one of the most common clinical disease and syndrome . The main manifestation is the number and fecal of defecate increased , accompanied by thin quality feces . Diarrhea can appear in many of the disease in western medicine .

  5. 24h小鼠的粪便排泄量为总摄入量的19.87%,小于吸收排泄量11%,因此可得异黄酮的排泄主要是经过尿液排泄,经肝肠循环为次要排泄途径。

    Excretion from dejection was 19.87 % of the intake of isoflavones in 24 hours . So it is considerable that urinary excretion is primary and hepato-enteral circulation is secondary in excretion pathway of isoflavones .

  6. 0.5、0.8或1.2g/kg·d的多功能大豆纤维(MSF),可增加小鼠粪便排泄量及粪便含水量。

    The defecation and fecal water content were increased in rats when treated with gastric intubation of 0.5,0.8 or 1.2g multifunctional soybean fiber ( MSF ) / kg body weight every day .

  7. 实验中测量了食品摄取量和粪便排出量。

    During the experiment , food intake and faecal output were measured .

  8. 日本血吸虫宿主粪便排卵量的稳定性观察

    Observation on the stability of schistosome egg output in final host faeces

  9. 日粪便排出量和消化率的测定;

    Fecal output and a measure of digestibility ;

  10. 湖南洞庭湖区农地畜禽粪便承载量估算及其风险评价

    Loading capacity estimation and risk assessment of livestock manure in cultivated lands around Dongting Lake

  11. 上海市郊农田畜禽粪便负荷量及其警报与分级

    Loading amounts of animal feces and their alarming values and classification grades in Shanghai suburbs

  12. 方法:采用小鼠灌胃给药的方法,分别观察实验动物胃内容残留率、小肠推进率、粪便排出量及痛阈值的变化。

    Method : The drug were infused to stomach of mice and stomach residual rate , small intestine advance rate , stool quantity and pain threshold were observed .

  13. 能增强大鼠和家兔的大肠运动,给药后粪便排泄量增加,墨汁推进距离延长,受试组与蒸馏水对照组比较有显著差异(P<0.05和P<0.01)。

    It can promote motion of large intestine in rats and rabbits , after adminstration , amounts of excrement increased , ink pushing distance lengthened , each groups had significant difference compare to negative control ( P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 ) .

  14. 探讨了污染治理对策,认为应该提高饲料原料质量,合理饲料配方,使用绿色添加剂,并改进饲料制造工艺,以提高饲料中营养物质的利用率,减少畜禽粪便排放量并降低其有害成分含量。

    Countermeasures of pollution control were discussed and it is concluded that to improve feed material quality and feed prescript , to use green additives , improve feed machining techniques can increase utility of feed nutrients and decrease amount of faeces and harmful contents .

  15. 另外,生产上饲料过多的蛋白质供应,往往导致粪便排N量增加,对环境造成污染。

    In addition , too much protein supply on feed to production sow , often result in increased fecal N discharge to the environment caused by pollution .

  16. 动物粪便甲烷排放量的估算及减排

    The Evaluation and Reduction Methods For Methane Emissions From Animal Manure

  17. 重庆市畜禽粪便年排放量的估算研究

    Estimation of annual quantity of total excretion from livestock and poultry in Chongqing Municipality

  18. 畜禽粪便施用最大量磷素指标的确定

    Determining the Upper Limit of Phosphorus Content in Livestock and Poultry Excrement Used as Fertilizers

  19. 同时,乳酸杆菌、双歧杆菌随粪便排出的量也增加。

    Meanwhile , the counts of lactobacilli and bifidobacterium excreted in the feces were also increased .

  20. 随着我国规模化畜禽养殖业的迅速发展,畜禽粪便的排放量逐年递增。

    With the rapid development of intensive livestock and poultry industry in China , massive amounts of animal manure have been produced annually .

  21. 鉴于此,本文对郑州市农作物秸秆和畜禽粪便的资源量及其利用现状进行了调查与研究。

    Therefore , the total quantity and the utilisation status and pathes of agricultural straw and livestock manure were studied in the paper .

  22. 为了提高病原学检出率,给华支睾吸虫感染者口服用利胆药物或进食高脂食物,使华支睾吸虫感染者粪便虫卵排出量提高50-150%。

    In order to increase the detection rate of the pathogen , the related medicine or fatty food was given to the infected person to increase eggs in feces by 50-150 % .

  23. 对连锁毒饵、非连锁毒饵的食毒虫尸和食毒粪便进行残留量分析与药效平行比较,作进一步验证。

    To analyze the content of active ingredient resident in the body and dejecta of the chain killing bait and non - chain killing bait , and to compare the efficacy with each other .

  24. 由于猪的粪便中含磷量很高,被用作肥料所带来的磷污染问题日趋严重,引起了人们的广泛关注。

    Because of swine manure is high in phosphorus , phosphorus pollution caused by using manure as fertilizer to land is a serious and growing problem , which has drawn people ′ s attention .

  25. 近年来的菜篮子工程使人民生活水平不断提高,而与此同时,禽畜粪便的排放量也在不断增长。

    In the past few years the " shopping basket program " has made our life become better and better , but at the same time , the discharge of animal dung has also increased quickly .

  26. 由于畜禽养殖饲料中重金属添加剂的大量使用,畜禽粪便中含有一定量的Cu、Cd等重金属。

    Animal manure contains a certain amount of heavy metals like Cu , Cd because of the excessive use of mineral additives in animal feeds .

  27. 添加植酸酶可减少肉鸡粪便氮磷排泄量,减轻环境污染。

    Phytase supplementation reduced excreta nitrogen and phosphorus output and could relieve the pollution .

  28. 大鼠静注野黄芩苷9mg/kg后,48小时内尿排泄总量达给药量的3.38%。粪便中的排泄量为1.97%。

    After iv 9mg / kg , 3.38 % and 1.97 % were excreted from urine and feces in 48 hours .

  29. 由于粪便中含病毒量很高,因此在处理时要非凡注重。

    Because virus is contained in excrement and urine the volume is very high , because this wants special attention when processing .

  30. 1995年禽畜粪便的年产生量已达24.85亿吨,约为当年工业固体废弃物的3.9倍。

    There was 2.485 billion ton animal dung in 1995 , which was 3.9 times as much as the industrial solid wastes .