
  • 网络natural sand;RS-S
  1. 分别以铁尾矿砂和铁尾矿石代替天然砂和普通碎石配制了C30和C60两个强度等级的混凝土。

    Concretes of C30 and C60 were prepared with iron mine tailings as fine aggregate and coarse aggregate and with natural sand and common crushed stone separately .

  2. 再生细骨料与天然砂碱骨料反应特点比较

    Characteristic Comparison of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction for Recycled Fine Aggregate and Natural Sand

  3. 水泥天然砂卵石混合料地基工程施工技术

    Construction technology of cement and natural sandy peddle mixture in foundation engineering

  4. 天然砂砾石填筑路基的检测与施工技术

    Test and Construction Technology of Natural Sandy Gravel Used for Subgrade Reclamation

  5. 天然砂是混凝土的重要组成部分。

    Natural sand is an important part of concrete .

  6. 石屑与天然砂有着相似的物理性质,是比较适宜的代砂材料。

    The crushed stone dust and natural sand have very similar physical properties .

  7. 低标号混凝土采用机制砂代替天然砂可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on The Low Label Concrete Using Mechanism Sand Instead of Natural Sand

  8. 天然砂与修饰砂对病毒的吸附与去除

    Adsorption and Removing of Virus by Sand and Modified Sand with Metallic Hydroxide Virus counter

  9. 天然砂砾石基层的击实特性研究

    Study on compaction characteristics of nature grit

  10. 指出人工砂替代天然砂是必然的趋势。

    Finally the paper puts forwards that substituting nature sand with artificial sand is inevitable trend .

  11. 通过试验表明,品质优良的机制沙完全可以替代天然砂配制出性能优良的预拌泵送混凝土。

    The experiments study the influences of the machine-made sand on the workability and strength of the concrete .

  12. 天然砂是不可再生资源,经过我国这几十年来的大规模开采和使用,优质的中、粗砂已经越来越少。

    The natural sand is the non-renewable resources , the coarse sand were already getting fewer and fewer .

  13. 实践证明,机制砂完全可以取代天然砂应用于高强混凝土的泵送施工。

    The fulfillment proves that the artificial-sand can apply completely to pumping construction of the high and strong concrete .

  14. 结果表明,废砖粉可以取代建筑砂浆中的部分天然砂,配制再生砂浆。

    The result shows that crushed brick powder can be used to replace part of natural sand in making mortar .

  15. 但是,天然砂作为渗滤介质,在实际污水处理中将起着重要的作用。

    However , as a kind of infiltration media , it played a important role in the treatment of wastewater .

  16. 结果表明,人工砂代替天然砂用于隧道喷射混凝土支护技术可行、经济节省、安全可靠,值得进一步推广使用。

    The results show that the proposed technique is feasible , thrifty and reliable , so that it merits popularization .

  17. 试验结果表明,人工砂高性能混凝土具有优异的耐久性,可以替代天然砂生产高性能混凝土。

    The result shows that artificial sand HPC has excellent durability , artificial sand can replace natural sand in producting HPC .

  18. 金属阳离子可促进天然砂吸附病毒,并随其浓度和价态的增加而增加,但对修饰砂作用不明显。

    Natural sand adsorbed viruses increasing with the presence of metal cations , their contents and valence , but this positive role was not clear to modified sand adsorption viruses .

  19. 总结了采砂管理中存在的问题.为了实现河砂的可持续性科学开采,提出了以下治理措施:大力推广用人工砂替代天然砂,减少河砂需求压力;

    Based on the analyses about the disadvantages of the unlawful sand-gravel extraction , the exiting problems in management of sand-gravel mining , a corresponding policy and measurement are proposed .

  20. 本文通过试验测试天然砂和人工砂混凝土的抗渗性能,研究了人工砂对混凝土抗渗性能的影响;

    In the paper , tests are carried out of manufactured sand concrete and natural sand concrete to study the effect of manufactured sand on the impervious performance of concrete .

  21. 石屑的物理性能指标与天然砂相当且经济性好,是一种较好的代砂材料。

    The physical property target of stone chips match with the natural sand and the efficiency is quite good , which is one kind of good generation of granulated substance material .

  22. 当考虑到改善沥青混合料的施工和易性,或是由于料源限制必须使用天然砂时,应控制天然砂的含量,使其最好少于破碎石屑含量。

    Thinking about the workability of construction or some other restrictions , it should be controled that the content of sand in mixture is less than cracked alkaline aggregate as fine aggregate in practice .

  23. 河床天然砂卵砾石层能否作为超高面板坝坝基是该工程的关键技术问题之一。

    Whether the natural sand gravel stratum in the river bed would serve as the foundation of the superhigh faced rockfill dam or not was one of the key technical problems of the project .

  24. 用于混凝土和砂浆的人工砂应当同天然砂一样,除了要有规范规定的良好级配外,尚应对其合格石粉含量加以限制。

    Just as it is for the natural sand , artificial sand used in concrete and mortar should also have a good grading as per the specification and its qualified stone powder content should be restricted .

  25. 研究废砖粉以不同取代率取代建筑砂浆中的天然砂对砂浆的和易性及强度的影响。

    Tests are carried out by using crushed brick powder to replace part of natural sand in different substitutive percent in mortar to see how it affects the working ability and compression intensity of the mortar .

  26. 在云、贵缺乏天然砂资源的地区,采取当地石灰岩制砂,满足工程建材需要,这是在特殊条件下的做法。

    Making sand from local limestone to meet the need of projects for construction material in Yunnan and Guizhou district lacking natural sand resources is a practice of opening new ways to obtain needed materials in special conditions .

  27. 使用机制砂代替天然砂配制混凝土对节约资源保护环境有重要意义,已成为必然趋势,机制砂的开发、研究和应用也日益受到重视。

    Using the manufactured sand rather than natural sand in the concrete is very important to resources conservation and environment protection . Thus the development , research and application of manufactured sand has been paid much more attention to .

  28. 本课题本着保护环境,变废为宝的原则,探讨研究在沥青混合料中用粉煤灰替代矿粉,机制砂、增钙渣替代天然砂的可行性。

    Taking the principle of protecting the environment and changing the offal into useful things , the paper discusses and study the feasibility of fly ash substituting mine powder , machine-made sand and slag-calcium-added substituting natural sand on asphalt mixture .

  29. 混合砂混凝土的配合比设计可以按照天然砂的配合比设计法来设计,且其强度可满足混凝土强度保证率的要求。

    The flowing is result of the research : ( 1 ) The preparation design of the mix-sand concrete can flow the preparation of nature sand concrete design , and the compression of concrete achieve the require of the stress guaranteed rate .

  30. 我国石屑资源丰富,所以用石屑代替天然砂配制混凝土可以解决我国天然砂资源短缺的问题,同时有着显著的经济效益和社会效益。

    It is rich in China , so the way by which natural sand is substituted by crushed sand in concrete can well solve the problem of the shortage of natural sand resources , and also produce apparent economic and social benefits .