
  • 网络monopoly
  1. 文章分别基于上游原料供应商为独占垄断、双头垄断以及完全竞争的假设,结合提成许可策略,比较分析了下游产品市场差异Cournot厂商的创新激励。

    The innovation incentive of downstream firms in a differentiated Cournot duopoly model are examined under three respective assumptions that the upstream industry is monopoly , duopoly or perfect competition .

  2. 第三步是建立独占垄断技术优势。

    The third step is that establishing monopoly technologic competitive advantage .

  3. 独占垄断生产或销售的手段或方法的人。

    Someone who monopolizes the means of producing or selling something .

  4. 上述研究主要集中在独占垄断、双寡头结构、互补产品的硬件市场中进行。

    The study mainly concentrates in the exclusive monopoly , a duopoly structure , and complementary products in the market for the hardware . 2 .

  5. 因此,在我国合同法的一般规则中可这样设置:凡事实上居于独占地位或垄断地位而供应民生之必需品者,负有强制缔约之义务的规定。

    In our country , the general rules of contract law can be such a setting : who in fact living in an exclusive position or monopoly position should bear the obligations of contracting .

  6. 自然垄断是指经营者对有限资源的独占性导致的垄断。

    The natural monopoly refers to the monopoly that the operator causes to the monopolizing of limited resources .

  7. 以行政权力为后盾谋求市场独占地位是行政垄断的本质特征。

    The essential characteristic of administrative monopoly is to seek the market take the administrative authority as the backing to monopolize the status .