
  • 网络Dominate;The One;Clueless;Take the Lead
  1. 在中国古代,每一个朝代都有一代之文学独领风骚。

    In ancient China , every dynasty had a generation of the literature dominate .

  2. 上海曾经的繁华旧梦,当下的时尚新潮,她丰富独特的经历成为了都市文学史上不可忽略的摹写范式,独领风骚。

    Shanghai was once the bustling old dream , the moment the fashion trendy , her rich experience as a city unique in the history of literature can not be ignored depict paradigm , dominate .

  3. 作为画家,他独领风骚。

    As a painter , he is in a league of his own .

  4. 这种最新款式独领风骚。

    This latest design has no rivals .

  5. 单从规模和气势来说,肯特的利兹城堡独领风骚。

    For sheer scale and grandeur , Leeds Castle in Kent takes some beating .

  6. 不过在漆器方面,西方收藏家仍然独领风骚,引导风向。

    Lacquer , though , is still something in which Western collectors lead the way .

  7. 由于这个原因,瑞士银行(UBSAG)在西方投行中独领风骚,不过瑞信有望紧随其后。

    For this reason , UBS AG dominates among Western banks , although Credit Suisse is hoping to follow suit .

  8. 而如今他在这个领域已无法独领风骚,德国数学家大卫希尔伯特(DavidHilbert)正对他穷追不舍。

    And now he no longer had the field to himself . The German mathematician David Hilbert was breathing down his neck .

  9. 可以说,百度之所以在搜索引擎市场独领风骚如此多年,百度mp3功不可没。

    Baidu has dominated in Chinese market so many years , which ascribed to its mp3 service .

  10. 尽管上述事实使得那些想让本国继续在多项物理领域独领风骚的美国人纠结不已,但只有跨国合作才使得项目X略有未来。

    Though it may gall those Americans who would like their country to continue to go it alone in matters physical , that multinational deal over Project X may represent the future .

  11. 或许是不愿意在年末看到亚马逊(Amazon)凭借KindleFire平板电脑独领风骚,美国连锁书商巴诺(Barnes&Noble)也不甘寂寞地推出了Nook平板,同时也是它去年推出的NookColor平板的升级版。

    Not content to let Amazon hog the spotlight this holiday with the kindle fire , Barnes & Noble unveiled the nook tablet , a hardware update to the nook color , launched last year .

  12. 在这一百多年的历史发展中美国篮球独领风骚,尤其是美国的NBA,已经成为全世界瞩目、拥有数以亿计的观众和球迷爱好者。

    American basketball game has shone mostly in the one hundred years ' development , especially NBA , which has drawn attention of the world and has had hundreds of millions of audiences and basketball fans .

  13. 所以让女歌手继续独领风骚吧,2016年,不妨签下佩里的劲敌、流行乐界最有竞争力的人——泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift),不管届时球场上是哪两只球队在拼杀,最后的赢家肯定是她。

    So let the female reign continue . Sign up Taylor Swift - nemesis of Ms. Perry , and the most competitive person in pop - for 2016 , and don 't even worry about whichever teams are warring it out on the field before and after her . She 'll be the victor .

  14. 音乐作品将在庆典中独领风骚。

    Musical composition will take pride of place in the festivities .

  15. 现代广告形象,并不是只有名人独领风骚。

    The modern advertising image is not only dominated by the celebrities .

  16. 他们的教义使得他们相信他们在道德方面独领风骚。

    Their doctrines led them to believe in their own moral supremacy .

  17. 然而,今年的展会上,主力机型独领风骚。

    This year , though , it was all about the workhorse .

  18. 言简意赅,独领风骚&学术论文论题英译之解读

    Interpretation of C-E Translation of Titles for Academic Papers

  19. 在武林中少林棍是少林寺僧独领风骚的兵器。

    Gradually the staff became an especially powerful weapon .

  20. 汽车售后服务产业正从蓬勃发展的汽车产业链中脱颖而出,独领风骚。

    Auto after-sales service industry is booming that is part of auto industry chain .

  21. 其中山西民居,以其独特的建筑风格和形式独领风骚。

    Shanxi house building is thought special for the unique style and architectural form .

  22. 正是这些表现主义手法的使用让该剧在现代戏剧史上独领风骚。

    It is those expressionistic techniques that make this play outstanding in history of modern drama .

  23. 华林寺&达摩祖师来华第一禅寺在武林中少林棍是少林寺僧独领风骚的兵器。

    The First Footprint of Bodhidharma in China Gradually the staff became an especially powerful weapon .

  24. 中国酒文化博大精深,涵盖酿酒业方方面面,是祖国的宝贵文化遗产,在世界酒文化之林独领风骚。

    China culture of alcoholic beverages has rich and deep meanings , including everything in liquor-making industry .

  25. 英国现代女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫以她横溢的文才、大胆的创新精神在世界文坛上独领风骚。

    British modern novelist Virginia Woolf was famous for her brilliant literary talent in the literary world .

  26. 周六的半决赛中,出现了两幅激动人心的场面:琼斯和格林在各自的跑道上独领风骚,堪称飞人。

    In Saturday 's semifinals , two more warning shots : Jones and Greene each qualified fastest .

  27. 在今年春夏白色独领风骚时,它仍然拥有着无可置疑的地位。

    When Chun Xiabai color outshines the rest this year , it still is having apodeictic place .

  28. 独领风骚是1995年的时尚电影。彻底改变了青春少女的生活,包括我。

    Clueless was the fashion movie of1995 , changing the lives of teenage girls all over , including mine .

  29. 他们还喜爱他那至今在全球依然属于独领风骚之列的演奏吉他的技巧。

    And , they loved his guitar playing which today remains among the most distinctive in all the world .

  30. (质量、能力等的)等级,级别,水平作为画家,他独领风骚。

    As a painter , he is in a league of his own ( = much better than others ) .