
dú yǎn lóng
  • one-eyed person;a person blind in one eye
独眼龙 [dú yǎn lóng]
  • [one-eyed person] 指因某种原因而瞎了一只眼的人(在很多情况下含讥讽意味)

独眼龙[dú yǎn lóng]
  1. 后来一群独眼龙冲过来了。

    Then a whole bunch of one-eyed men came rushing up .

  2. 在盲人的国度里,独眼龙就能称王。

    In the land of the blind , the one-eyed is king .

  3. 就在那时有一个独眼龙出现了。

    But just then a secon one-eyed man appeared .

  4. 最好的神枪手是个独眼龙。

    The best shot had but one eye .

  5. 他是个独眼龙。

    He didn 't have but one eye .

  6. 也许,这样对待一个可怜的无助的独眼龙是不对的。

    Maybe it 's not right to do this to a poor , helpless one-eyed man .

  7. 随后我见到了那个独眼龙,他很快就验好了货。

    Then I went to see that cyclops , and he was finished in no time .

  8. 有一个残暴的苏丹,是独眼龙,请来三位画家来为他画像。

    A despotic sultan who was blind in one eye invited three artists to paint his picture .

  9. 就在那时船长出现了,是个丑陋的独眼龙。

    Just then the captain came out . He was an ugly man with only one eye .

  10. 有时人们叫他“独眼龙”,因为在中国的传说里,龙是象征权力和机智的。

    Sometimes , he was referred to as the One-Eyed Dragon , as , according to Chinese lore , a dragon symbolizes power and cunning .

  11. 终于他们到了。“就这个地方啦!”红头发坏蛋叫了起来。“让咱们抓住第一个见到的独眼龙吧。”

    Finally they arrived . " This is the place !" cried the red-headed rascal . " Now let 's catch the first one we find . "

  12. 我们所要做的就是到那去,抓一个独眼龙带回来,将他关在市场上的笼子里,然后收一分钱让人看一下。

    Aoo we have to do is go there and capture a one-eyed man , bring him back home , put him in a cage in the marketplace and charge a penny a look .