
yīn yuè dà shī
  • maestro;virtuoso
  1. 音乐大师是指在演奏某乐器方面是专家的人。

    A virtuoso is one who is expert in playing a musical instrument .

  2. keenon:热衷于,有兴趣的。莫莉非常喜爱那位音乐大师。

    eg : Molly was very keen on the music master . enthusiastic passionate intense zealous

  3. 贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师

    Beethoven be regard as one of the Immortal of classical music

  4. 法国音乐家德彪西,被称为印象派音乐大师。

    France Musician Debussy is the music master of impressionism .

  5. 他们的唱片向音乐大师本尼古德曼和莱昂内尔汉普顿表示敬意。

    Their album pays homage to music masters Benny Goodman and Lionel hampton .

  6. 被称为音乐大师的艾灵顿喜爱为他的乐团写歌。

    Referred to fondly as Maestro , Ellington loved writing music for his band .

  7. 女王把皇家音乐大师的称号授予那位年轻的乐师。

    The Queen Bestowed the title of the Queen 's Music upon the young musician .

  8. 以金边为基地的这个组织拉拢了20位音乐大师,他们当中很多都穷困潦倒。

    This Phnom Penh-based organisation tracked down 20 other master musicians , many of them destitute .

  9. 夜莺:森林里的音乐大师

    Nightingale : Musician In The Forest

  10. 不仅演奏旋律,爵士音乐大师用同样的和弦即兴演奏出不同的曲调。

    Instead of just playing the melody , jazz musicians improvise different tunes using the same chords .

  11. 然而,我们对民间音乐家甚至杰出民间音乐大师负载的优秀传统音乐遗产的巨大文化价值尚缺乏必要的认识和正确的估量。

    However , to recognize and assess the folk musicians , even the outstanding ones work were not enough yet .

  12. 2009年11月01日创作了《歌剧魅影》等经典音乐剧的英国音乐大师安德鲁·韦伯患上了前列腺癌。

    2009-11-01 Andrew Lloyd Webber , the composer of famous musical " Phantom of the Opera ", has been diagnosed with prostate cancer .

  13. 他成了音乐大师,现在每个国家都在想:'他是属于我的!

    He became a great master , a great composer , of whom every country has the right to say , ' He was mine ! '

  14. 莫里斯·拉威尔是19世纪末20世纪初法国著名的作曲家、钢琴家,是继德彪西之后法国的又一位印象派音乐大师。

    Maurice Ravel is a French famous composer and pianist across the 19th century and 20th century , and the greatest French Impressionist musician after Debussy .

  15. 总之,门德尔松广博的学识、开阔的眼界、宽广的心胸、卓越的才能,都使他成为一代杰出的音乐大师。

    In short , Mendelssohn and extensive knowledge , broad vision , a broad mind , great talent , have made him a generation of outstanding musicians .

  16. 《许多的赞美》是著名音乐大师雅尼代表作之一,他的音乐颇具东方色彩,用中国民乐演奏更接近他的主题;

    " Sing Sing So " is the Indonesian folk song , performed by Chinese hulusi , broke the boundary limitation , revealed the oriental charm to the world .

  17. 卡拉扬的舞台负责人邀请基辛全家去慕尼黑玩,那时基辛正准备去瑞士和奥地利演出,跟着其他莫斯科音乐大师一起。

    His impresario , Hans-Dieter Gohre , invited Kissin and his family to stay in Munich before the beginning of his tour in Austria and Switzerland with the Moscow Virtuosi .

  18. 作为19世纪浪漫乐派杰出的钢琴音乐大师,弗雷德里克·肖邦以其独特的音乐风格在钢琴艺术中占有重要位置。

    As the great romanticism musician belong to the 19 century , Chopin , Frederic played a very important role in the field of piano art for his unique style .

  19. 以求能在这位音乐大师身上受到启发,促进当代电影音乐创作的新发展及对电影音乐审美表现的探究。

    In order to be able to master the music inspired him to promote the creation of contemporary new development of film music and the performance of film music aesthetic inquiry .

  20. 美国音乐大师约翰·凯奇,被认为是音乐界“怪才”,他以独特创作方式,为现代音乐开辟了一条崭新道路。

    Regarded as the geek in the music , John Milton Cage , the musician of U.S.A , opens up a entirely new road for the modem music with his special creating mode .

  21. 本论文从美学的角度,探讨了19世纪欧洲浪漫主义音乐大师瓦格纳的创作思想、风格以及对后世的影响。

    The paper approaches Richard Wagner 's , who was the great master of the 19th European romanticism music , artistic ideas , style and its influences to his afterworld from the aesthetics angles .

  22. 钢琴这一外来乐器在中国发展到今天,我国的音乐家们不仅努力的掌握西方音乐大师的优秀作品,同时为这一乐器创作了大量的、具有中国民族风格的音乐作品。

    With the developing of this foreign keyboard instrument , Chinese musicians have been working hard to master the great piano works by western musical masters , and meanwhile creating many piano works with unique traditional style .

  23. 伟大的古典音乐大师莫扎特的歌剧咏叹调作品一直被广泛的应用在演唱与教学中,这些作品清新、典雅,音乐优美、流畅,为后世留下了宝贵的音乐财富。

    The opera of arias works of the great classical-music master Mozart have been widely used in singing and teaching , such productions are fresh , classical , elegant and smooth , leave the valuable treasure to generations .

  24. 处于古典主义和浪漫主义过渡时期的舒伯特成为了这一钢琴小品体裁的奠基者,后来的浪漫主义的钢琴音乐大师肖邦则承袭了舒伯特的衣钵,将即兴曲的创作推向了另一个高度。

    Classicism and romanticism in the transition period Schubert piano pieces in this genre has become the founder , and later master of romantic piano music , Schubert , Chopin was carried on the legacy , the creation of improvised music into another a high degree .

  25. 在过去的四年里,马尔斯也逐渐从一名歌坛新星变成一位音乐创作大师。

    The past four years has also seen the singer graduate from emerging artist to inspired musical * maven .

  26. 今年,卡内基音乐厅合唱大师班为庆祝成立20周年,特别邀请了美国两个一流的高中合唱团和专业合唱团一起演出。

    This year was a bit different . In order to celebrate its 20th anniversary , the Carnegie Hall Professional Choral Workshop imported two top-notch high school choruses from North Carolina and Pennsylvania , to mix with the pros .

  27. 丹尼尔•格里格利•梅森终于凭着他的音乐,赢得了大师的尊重。

    Finally , with his music , Daniel Gregory Mason had won over the master .

  28. 帕岱莱夫斯基看奏鸣曲时,一边哼唱着,一边叫着:“太棒了!”这过程中居然和梅森握了八次手。丹尼尔•格里格利•梅森终于凭着他的音乐,赢得了大师的尊重。

    Paderewski shook hands with him about eight times as he read through the sonata , singing the melody and exclaiming " beautiful ! " Finally , with his music , Daniel Gregory Mason had won over the master .

  29. 在巴黎时,他在音乐学院师从位音乐大师。

    While in Paris he studied with one of the great masters at the conservatory .

  30. 自从移居加拿大,我就有机会接触到其它音乐传统并跟一些音乐大师同台演出。

    Since I moved to Canada , I have had opportunities to make contact with other musical traditions and play with master musicians .