
  • 网络music industry
  1. 第一欧洲人把事件献给检查争议数位分配,MP3和音乐工业后面。

    The first European dedicated event to examine the issues behind Digital Distribution , MP3 and the Music Industry .

  2. Gnutella网络早就不再是重要的文件共享网络,并且音乐工业似乎表明不再将其作为威胁。

    Gnutella stopped being an important file-sharing network a long time ago , and no longer presents the threat the music industry seems to indicate .

  3. 对于音乐工业他们太脆弱了。

    They were too fragile for the music industry .

  4. “独立”的机器可以反映出现代音乐工业的一些历史。

    Independent 's machines tell some of the history of the modern music business .

  5. 音乐工业的机会在于如果不能达到全部目的也将会赢得一些东西。

    Chances are , the music industry is going to win some , if not all of its demands .

  6. 大多数人能看见基督教徒嬉蹦舞曲真的正让人在音乐工业方面知道它的存在。

    Most people can see that Christian hip hop is really making its presence known in the music industry .

  7. 目前音乐工业面临着重重危机,音乐版权保护体系也存在着一系列问题。

    Music industry is in crisis now and the copyright protection system of musical works has a series of problems .

  8. 但是在音乐工业里不是有才华就一定行的,另外她有小点口音。

    Unfortunately it 's not always about the talent in the music industry , and she still has a little bit of an accent too .

  9. 这显然将西方古典音乐和工业制造的现代流行音乐排除在外。

    This obviously disqualifies Western classical music and modern , industry-produced pop .

  10. 到了20世纪50年代,乡村音乐唱片工业在纳什维尔建立起来,摆脱了起源时的不成体系。

    In the1950s , the country music recording industry was set up in Nashville and moved away from its rough roots .

  11. GA的应用范围非常广泛,如机器学习、音乐作曲、工业控制、图像的恢复和识别等。

    GA is applied in a very big range , such as machine learning , music composing and industrial control .

  12. 音乐和电影工业发起的这些诉讼案件以及诉讼案件引起的震慑作用使得人们不敢再去触犯法律。

    These lawsuits and the threat of lawsuits by the music and movie industries are being made to keep people from breaking the law .

  13. 现今,大量存在的未经授权的P2P网络音乐共享严重影响了音乐工业的健康发展。

    Nowadays , the existence of the large amount of the unauthorized P2P music-sharing strongly impedes the healthy growth of the music industry .