
  • 网络Music Hold
  1. 潮州音乐保留着我国古典音乐的特点与风格,同时又富有浓郁的地方色彩,是我国民族音乐遗产中的珍宝。

    Chaozhou music is the treasure of our folk music heritage , For one thing , it holds the characteristic and style of Chinese classical music ; for another , it is the music with full local color .

  2. 最接近本能的、无理性的音乐,保留戴奥尼索斯艺术中的精神(b穆斯科卡尔内)

    Remained the nearest to the instinctual , the irrational in music , and thus to the Dionysian spirit in art ( bMusco Carner )

  3. 这种音乐要保留美国黑人音乐的原有传统,但节奏要欢快,以表达他们对新得到的自由的庆祝。

    One that would preserve their musical traditions but be fast and happy to express their new-found freedom .

  4. 遗产管理公司和索尼音乐公司保留了许多杰克逊的尖锐和兼容并蓄,应该得到认可,他们本可轻松选择更传统的路线。

    The Estate and Sony should be given credit for retaining much of Jackson 's edginess and eclecticism where they could have easily opted for a more traditional lineup .

  5. 由于客家人对客家文化的崇尚及客家族系较多聚居偏僻和交通不够便利的山区,故而使较多原生民间音乐得以保留。

    Hakka music is kept in the form of original folk music till today , because the Hakka people uphold their own culture and inhabit in the remote mountain area with inconvenient traffic .

  6. 蒙古族风格交响音乐是在保留传统民族音乐的基础上借鉴西方作曲技法所创作出来的一种交响音乐,是传统与现代交融的结晶。

    Mongolian-style symphonic music in the preservation of traditional folk music on basic composition techniques from the West created by a symphonic music , blending traditional and modern are the crystallization .