
  • 网络The Ice Storm;Fargo;Blizzard
  1. 但《冰风暴》和《与魔鬼共骑》的票房并不理想。

    The Ice Storm and Ride with the Devil saw fairly mild box office success .

  2. 来到好莱坞后,李安执导了《理智与情感》(1995)、《冰风暴》(1997)和《与魔鬼共骑》(1999)。

    After coming to Hollywood , Lee directed Columbia TriStar 's Sense and Sensibility ( 1995 ), The Ice Storm ( 1997 ), and Ride with the Devil ( 1999 ) .

  3. 福克斯旗下的有限电视频道FX,也制作了像《冰风暴》(Fargo)那样的优秀剧集。

    FX , a Fox cable channel , makes good shows such as Fargo .

  4. 在遭遇冰风暴灾害的肯塔基州的部分地区,国民警卫队继续挨家挨户上门,搜寻需要帮助的受灾群众。

    National Guard troops continue to knock on every door in parts of storm-ravaged Kentucky , looking for ice storm victims in need of help .

  5. 随着输电线路的大规模建设,冰风暴灾害对架空输电线路造成的灾害性破坏时有发生。

    Since the large-scale construction of overhead transmission lines around the world , the damage of transmission lines and towers caused by ice storms occurs frequently .

  6. 距强劲的冰风暴侵袭新英格兰州和五大湖地区已过去几周的时间,目前仍有上千名民众没有电力供应。

    It has been weeks since a powerful ice storm swept across the Great Lakes and New England and thousands of residents are still without power .