
yuán lái
  • original;used to be;turn out to be;first;former;in the first place;so thats
原来 [yuán lái]
  • (1) [turn out to be]∶结果是;证明是

  • 这原来是个骗局

  • (2) [used to be]∶过去一向

  • 他比原来仔细多了

  • (1) [first]∶在最初的时候

  • 他原来打算早些动身

  • (2) [so thats]∶表示发现真实情形

  • 原来如此

  • [original;former] 原本,未改动过的

  • 原来面目

原来[yuán lái]
  1. 我认为你应该回头执行你原来的计划。

    I think you should go back to your original plan .

  2. 他们设法再现了老戏院原来的气氛。

    They have managed to recreate the feeling of the original theatre .

  3. 实验的结果与原来的意图相反。

    The experiment had the reverse effect to what was intended .

  4. 原来你在这儿!我到处都把你找遍了。

    There you are ! I 've been looking for you everywhere .

  5. 啊哈!原来我把它丢在这儿了!

    Aha ! So that 's where I left it !

  6. 我们突然领悟到原来我们谈论的不是同一个人。

    Suddenly it clicked ─ we 'd been talking about different people .

  7. 我不知道海滩原来这么近。

    I had no idea the beach was so close .

  8. 我没有察觉到原来他那时非常不开心。

    I didn 't realize but he was deeply unhappy at that time .

  9. 这没我原来所想的那么差。

    This isn 't as bad as I thought .

  10. 过去几年中销售量较原来的增加了四倍。

    Sales have quintupled over the past few years .

  11. 我从未意识到鲁思∙兰德尔和芭芭拉∙瓦因原来是同一个人。

    I never realized Ruth Rendell and Barbara Vine were one and the same .

  12. 噢,原来是这么回事。

    Oh well then , that explains it .

  13. 他离开了原来的思路。

    His thoughts wandered off on another tack .

  14. 人们发现他原来藏在棚屋里。

    He was discovered hiding in a shed .

  15. 原来她姑妈就是我表姐。

    It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same .

  16. 这片树林只是剩下的一部分,原来这一带是一大片森林。

    The woods are remnants of a huge forest which once covered the whole area .

  17. 原来预计今天下20厘米厚的雪。

    20cm of snow were expected today .

  18. 我们原来的计划没赶上变化,只好再订一个新的。

    Our original plan was overtaken by events and we had to make a new one .

  19. 这地方由原来的小渔村迅速发展成一个繁荣的旅游胜地。

    The place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort .

  20. 原来这就是他的鬼把戏。

    So that 's his game .

  21. 啊,你原来在这儿。

    Ah , there you are .

  22. 在随后的10年中,两个公司的规模扩大为原来的10倍。

    The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years .

  23. 有时,我临场发挥改了词,因为我把原来的词给忘了。

    Sometimes I improvise and change the words because I forget them

  24. 他的头发又变回原来的淡红棕色。

    His hair has reverted back to its original copper hue .

  25. 他们在土地上定居,赶走了许多原来的居民。

    They settled the land , dispossessing many of its original inhabitants

  26. 问题原来是飞机机身出现金属疲劳。

    The problem turned out to be metal fatigue in the fuselage .

  27. 我会把你原来房间的床铺整理好。

    I 'll make up the bed in your old room

  28. 实情被揭穿了:政府的承诺原来是空洞的谎言。

    The government 's promises were exposed as a hollow sham

  29. 她现在不像原来那样害怕分娩了。

    Childbirth now held fewer terrors for her than it once had .

  30. 他把相册放回架子上原来的地方。

    He returned the album to its place on the shelf