
  • 网络homeland;hometown
  1. 裴在美将昔日台北和今日纽约并置,揭示喧嚣骚动的的都市永远无法取代宁静悠长的原乡。

    Pei in America will be the former Taipei and New York home , reveals a noisy commotion of the city can never be replaced by quiet a long hometown .

  2. 本文以流亡性边缘话语定义这些人的原乡创作,目的就在于使我们能够正确了解这种边缘话语的边缘属性。

    This article used ' exiled marginal words ' to define their works of tracing to the source of ideal hometown in order that we could exactly know the marginal character of these words .

  3. 她的小说世界为我们展现了众多行走在原乡与异乡之间的新移民形象。

    Her novels show us the New Immigrant images living in the original town and abroad .

  4. 第四章探访舞鹤对台湾庶民文化的关怀及其原乡情结。

    Chapter 4 surveys Wuhe 's concern over the common people culture and his original country complex .

  5. 家族意象在抽象的宗族精神与具体的经济生活都确立之后,家族移民由原乡到移居地的移民过程才算告一段落。

    After abstract spirit of clan and concrete economic life have been both established , the process of family immigration is completed .

  6. 当她们走出鹿港走向台北甚至更为广阔的世界后,原乡的记忆依然贯穿于小说之中。

    After they walk out Lu Harbor , to Taipei even much wider world , the native memories still run through their novels .

  7. 第一代境外鲁籍作家所承袭的原乡文化传统并非纯然的,而是混合了许多基督教文化的精神因子。

    It was not purely traditional culture , which impacted the first generation of the group . It mixed many Christianity culture factors .

  8. ,马奇亚维利职涯中,长期服务于佛罗伦萨,原乡的外交部门,而且是梅迪西家族的顾问;

    Machiavelli spent a large part of his career in the foreign service of his native Florence and wrote as an advisor to the Medici .

  9. 由于小说文本对原乡想象与狂欢化书写之间张力的精彩呈现,这种神话建构并未如愿以偿。

    Because the text unfolded wonderfully the tension between imagination of native land and carnival writing , this structure of the fable did not achieve the goal as he expected .

  10. 从伦理角色的联结,到自己原乡的溯源,以至于作为独立个体的自我身分的认证追寻;

    The poems show that these poetesses were searching for an independent identity , which search consisted of a look at their roles in society and a look back to their origins .

  11. “目今其祖已故,只有一个儿子,名唤王成,因家业萧条,仍搬出城外原乡中住去了。”

    " The grandfather had died leaving a son Wang Cheng who , since the family was then in a poor way , moved back to their native village outside the capital . "

  12. 原乡情结作为乡土社会的特定产物,呈现出对原乡的本能回归意愿,并积淀成一种集体无意识根植于乡土中国人的心灵深处。

    Complex of native land is the particular outcome of the country society , which is the embodiment of the will of returning home and has become a collective unconscious rooted in Chinese mind .

  13. 由家乡内涵的三重结构得到了家乡审美的特质:原乡与梦乡的双重审美原型、追忆与梦想的共同审美心理、从距离入手的审美方式。

    This structure contains the double aesthetic prototype of Original hometown and hometown in dreams , the common aesthetic psychology of " Recall " and " Dream ", the aesthetic pattern which starting from the distance .

  14. 本文将从捉迷藏这个游戏所隐藏着的文化遗传密码入手,探究中国作家原乡情结的文化归趋。

    This article started with the cultural genetic code concealed in the game of blindman 's buff , and explored the cultural reasons for some Chinese author 's love knot of tracing to the source of ideal hometown .

  15. 同时,从这些庄头公庙的建庙沿革、建置时间、主祀神明等进行观察,更能真实地反映出各庄头聚落形成的历程、分布及汉人移民的原乡地缘性格。

    Meanwhile , by observing from the village public temples ' construction evolution , construction time and principal divinities , it can more faithfully reveal the development course and distribution of the formation of village settlements and the original geographical characters of the Han immigrants .

  16. 清代及清代以前来台的闽南移民,大多是社会中下阶层的民众,家乡生活清苦,知识有限,但经过原乡文教大环境的熏陶,带来了闽南的传统习俗与文化信仰。

    Taiwanese immigrants in the Qing Dynasty and before , were mostly from lower-middle class of society , led an impoverished life in their homeland with knowledge limited . while influenced by the original rural culture and education , they brought the Taiwanese traditional custom and cultural beliefs .

  17. 从原乡视角考察无根一代作家群的小说创作,我们可以发现这个群体在边缘精神上是不彻底的,因为他们身处边缘却又向往中心。

    If the novels of the authors called ' The Generation without Root ' were studied at the angle of tracing to the source of ideal hometown , we could find that their marginal spirit was not thorough because they were eager for center though they were on the edge .