
  • 网络The original me;REAL ME;my song;Quondam Myself;I am the original
  1. 你不觉得我还是原来的我嘛?

    Do you think I 'm still the way I was ?

  2. 但我像傻瓜一样,还是原来的我。

    But like a fool I 'm still where I was .

  3. 虽然我的头发没有了,而我还是原来的我啊!

    I 'm me without my hair , ain 't I ?

  4. 当我老了,不再是原来的我。

    When I am aged , never own the natural ego .

  5. 好像我还是原来的我。

    Like I 'm the same old man I used to be .

  6. 现在可以做回原来的我了。

    Now I can go back to being me .

  7. 有一个最原来的我在那里。

    One of the most original I was there .

  8. 原来的我,是个上进心很强的人。

    I used to be an aspirant woman .

  9. 不不管怎样我都不再是原来的我

    No , no , whatever it was , I 'm -- I 'm not that guy anymore .

  10. 第四是祈祷上帝让我变会原来的我。

    The fourth was to ask God to take me far away from this person I 'd become .

  11. 会有一些突然的变化我还是原来的我但我想我看待问题确实有点改变比如说哪些方面

    there are like subtle changes , utimately I am the same person , but yeah I do think a little bit differently.Like in what way

  12. 原来的我,对英语不屑一顾,甚至还相信一些“爱国,反对英语”的东东。

    I who am original , scorn to take even a glance at English ," patriotic , object to English " to even believe some Dongdong .

  13. 他们的朋友离他们远去,一年又一年,看起来原来的我逐渐消失。

    Their friends drifted away . One year turned to two , two turned to three . It seemed like the person I once was began to disappear .

  14. 原来的我并不是那种盯着表盼下班的人,但在这里我却成了这样。一到下班时间我就迫不及待地逃离办公室。

    I 've never been a clock-watcher , but this place is turning me into one : I can 't wait to get out of here at the end of the day , and spend every Sunday dreading Monday .

  15. 有一次,他宣称:“我一步入政坛,便不再是原来的我。我的每句话都是肺腑之言。这令人兴奋,确切而言,应是亢奋。”

    He once said , " When I 'm on stage at a political rally , I become a different person . I say whatever comes out of my gut . It 's exciting . No , it 's more than exciting : it 's like having an orgasm . "

  16. 回到原来的滑梯我想说的是这本杂志非常的好看因为因为portia不仅外表美丽动人还兼具内在美等等等等但是你们都看看啊看那颧骨还有

    Anyway , what was I saying , this is a great magazine , because ... I mean , Portia is beautiful and on the inside too , blablabla ... but look at that , the cheekbones and the ...

  17. 让原来支离破碎的我,得以找回完整的自己

    that my shattered self could become healed and whole .

  18. 你还是用原来的号码我可以让她打给�

    You still have the same number ? I can tell her to call you .

  19. 审判日到来时,我们看到的是复制品-,但并不是原来的那个我。

    Come Judgement Day , we 've got a duplicate of the but we don 't have me .

  20. 原来的工作我都能处理的很好,所以我想换换环境,学点新东西。

    I could handle everything pretty well in the old position , so I decided to move around and learn something new .

  21. 在生活的坎坷中,我慢慢看清了,原来曾经的我并没有拥有自己的生活,就和很多人一样。

    Through the uphills and downhills of my life , I 've come to realise that I didn 't really ever own my own life . And neither did most of the others .

  22. 那是原来的价格。我是减价时买的。

    That was the original price . I bought it on sale .

  23. 在我原来的学校,我每年都能获得学校的诗歌奖。

    At my old school , I had won the poetry ribbon every year .

  24. 原来你删的我的贴啊,你还说我是新人!

    So you my affixed to the cut ah , you said I was new !

  25. 我说,我收回原来的话,我不再爱你。

    You know , I retract my earlier statement . I no longer love you .

  26. 现在它们回到了原来的家,我为它们高兴!

    Now they 're back to their original home . I 'm so happy for them !

  27. 我们传达的信息代替了有些人原来的想法:我很胖,没有人觉得我漂亮。

    The information could be an alternative to thoughts such as , ' I am fat ; no man would find me attractive .

  28. 差一点便进来,但如果我进来我就还是原来的伊莉莎白,我不想再当那个人了。

    I almost walked in but I knew that if I did I would just be the same old Elizabeth . I didn 't want to be that person anymore .

  29. 但到最后,我们还是会回到原来的办公室,我要打字,四处奔波,仍然会被要求同时处理十件事。

    But at the end of the day , we 'll be back in the same old office , and I 'll be typing and running around and still be expected to do ten things at once .

  30. 我的脚总不像我所希望的那样行动,即便只是要恢复到我原来的状态,我想我还没有完全复原。

    It 's a combination of my foot not being exactly where I 'd like it to be , even though through rehab I 've gotten to a point where I can play , I 'm not fully recovered .