
chū mò
  • haunt;come and go;appear and disappear;dip
出没 [chū mò]
  • [appear and disappear;haunt;dip] 显现或隐没

  • 大鲸悠然出没于浪涛中

  • 船头在浪中缓缓出没

出没[chū mò]
  1. 在军事侦查等条件下环境复杂多变,目标纷繁多样,出没突然缺乏规律可循,所以侦查监视系统要以稳健的目标检测与跟踪算法为核心。

    And that under the condition of battleground , the environment is very complex and varied , there are kinds of targets that appear and disappear with few rules . So the kernel of monitor and surveillance system is the robust algorithms of moving target detection and tracking .

  2. 上巳、寒食与重阳的对应,是以“大火”出没为依据的。

    Been on , and Cold Food Chongyang counterparts , the " fire " come and go based .

  3. 这座教堂是个鬼魂屡次出没的地方。

    The church is the site of a number of supernatural manifestations .

  4. 一个无头骑士常出没于乡间的小路上。

    A headless rider haunts the country lanes .

  5. 死去的孩子们的幽灵常在该村出没。

    The village is haunted by the ghosts of the dead children .

  6. 他们出没在一个对种族主义者的敌视习以为常的世界里。

    They moved in a world where hostility to racists was natural .

  7. 这个森林黑暗寂静,经常有幽灵和看不见的鬼怪出没。

    The forest was dark and silent , haunted by shadows and unseen presences

  8. 山谷里有无数野猪出没。

    Wild boar are numerous in the valleys .

  9. 山猫自由出没于山野。

    Bobcats roam wild in the mountains .

  10. 据说他的鬼魂经常敲着玩具鼓出没在其中的一些房间里。

    His ghost is said to haunt some of the rooms , banging a toy drum .

  11. 警察调查了嫌疑犯时常出没的所有酒吧。

    The police visited all the bars that the suspect frequented .

  12. 幽灵常出没于这座城堡。

    A spirit haunts the castle .

  13. 川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。

    The Wanglang Preserve in western Sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda .

  14. 据说那座老宅子有鬼魂出没。

    People say ghosts haunt that old house .

  15. 据说玛格丽特女士的鬼魂常在这个教堂出没。

    The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel .

  16. 这一带海岸仍将到处有我们祖先的英灵出没。

    These shores will still swarm with the dead of my people .

  17. 大熊猫出没于川西山区。

    The mountainous areas of Western Sichuan are the haunt of the giant panda .

  18. 这个地区是罪犯经常出没的地方。

    The area was a haunt of criminals .

  19. 他经常出没于那家酒吧。

    He often haunts about the bar .

  20. 大批老鼠出没于那所旧房子。

    Mice infested the old house .

  21. 山骨隐显,林梢出没,意趣高古。(米芾《画史·唐画》)

    The structure of the mountains is hidden and revealed , the branches of trees emerge and disappear , and the mood is lofty and antique .

  22. 这个学校位于的区域有野生动物出没,还允许对其进行猎杀。

    The school is in an area where animals live wild and can be hunted .

  23. 为了上课,学生们走了一条丛林小道,这里常有野生动物出没。

    To get to class , students travel a road through the forest that wild animals use as well .

  24. 这一带经常有须鲸出没,要注意安全啊。

    Baleen whales often appear in this region . Be careful !

  25. 并不是所有的动物出没都受到人们欢迎。

    Not all reappearances have been welcomed .

  26. 科学家们发现,在有大批老鼠出没的岛屿周围,其珊瑚礁的健康状况急剧下降。

    And rats , scientists found , dramatically reduce the health of a coral reef surrounding an infested3 island .

  27. workout作出;制订出没多久我们就制订出一个大家都能接受的计划。

    It wasn 't too long before we had worked out a plan acceptable to all .

  28. 撕心裂肺的Echo迷失了道路去出没于山峡幽谷中重复从陌生人口中说出的任意感伤的话。

    Echo , devastated , wandered off to haunt canyons and glens , repeating random sentiments shouted by strangers .

  29. v.缠住,出没adj.发育不良的,矮小的这些孩子发育迟缓表明他们营养不良。

    stunted The stunted growth of these children shows that they are undernourished .

  30. 自称网络社区运动的发源地的TheWell创立于1985年,时值互联网时代的黎明。在它的电子公告论坛上,曾有一众颇具影响力的杰出网络人物出没。

    Founded in 1985 , at the dawn of the Internet , the Well , the self-proclaimed birthplace of the online community movement , hosted an influential cast of dot-com luminaries on its electronic bulletin board discussion forums .