
  • 网络cowes
  1. 比赛将在11月12日正式启动在今年考斯周,但我们已经考虑应用。

    The11-12 race will be officially launched during Cowes Weekthis year , but we are taking applications already .

  2. 现在,我们再也不能到考斯去搭这条船了,走进它的餐厅去叫一份熏咸肉加鸡蛋的精致早餐。

    And now never again will we board her at Cowes and go down into her dining saloon for a fine breakfast of bacon and eggs .

  3. 回答者是时尚保温瓶制造商S’well的创始人兼首席执行官莎拉•考斯。

    is written by Sarah Kauss , founder and CEO of S'well .

  4. 考斯-瑞德从小开始表演:他在洛杉矶就读的高中以艺术为特长,进入纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)后转向学习分子生物学。

    Kos-Read has always acted : he attended a high school in Los Angeles that specialised in the arts before switching to study molecular biology at New York University .

  5. 1997年,当乔纳森•考斯-瑞德(JonathanKos-Read)移居北京时,他成了一名英语教师,或者用他的话来说,“全球化时代的打工仔”。

    When Jonathan Kos-Read moved to Beijing in 1997 he became an English teacher or , as he describes it , " one of the burger flippers of globalisation . "

  6. 考斯-瑞德最新的电影是一部名为《鬼吹灯》(Ghouls)的僵尸动作片,涉及他的镜头将在内蒙古的荒野拍摄1个月。

    Kos-Read 's latest film - an action-packed , zombie movie called Ghouls - involved him shooting for a month in the wilds of Inner Mongolia .

  7. 实际上,就像时事评论员米基考斯(MickeyKaus)所说的那样,奥巴马最明智的做法,应该是拒绝接受诺贝尔奖。考斯表示,奥巴马还没有时间去完成自己想做的事情。

    In fact , the president 's wisest course , as the commentator Mickey Kaus observed , was to have turned the prize down , saying he had not had time to accomplish the things he wanted to .

  8. 数字化考斯托斯锁相环的分析与研制

    An analysis and development of a digitized Costas phase locked loop

  9. 现在的北京与考斯-瑞德在上世纪90年代末刚开始到这里的样子相距甚远。

    It is a long way from where Kos-Read started in the late 1990s .

  10. 瓦尔考斯的示范工厂采用了众多帮助实现节能以及环保要求的创新设计。

    The Varkaus site features a number of innovations designed to save energy and increase environmental compliance .

  11. 考斯-瑞德很喜欢他的女儿成长于国际人士杂汤的现实。

    Kos-Read loves the fact that his daughters are growing up in this complex soup of international people .

  12. 考斯-瑞德仍然经常出演公式化的角色,但近年他饰演了一些比较复杂的角色。

    Kos-Read remains often a token character but in recent years he has had parts that are more complex .

  13. 这家人在北京的家是位于顶层的两层复式楼,俯瞰着一汪湖水,这是考斯-瑞德的第二套房。

    The family home , a two-storey penthouse overlooking a lake in Beijing , is Kos-Read 's second property .

  14. 如今,考斯-瑞德是中国的一名电影和电视人物,他的艺名“曹操”更为人所熟知。

    Today Kos-Read is a movie and television personality in China better known by his stage name Cao Cao .

  15. 考斯-瑞德很喜欢他的女儿成长于“国际人士杂汤”的现实。

    Kos-Read loves the fact that his daughters are growing up in " this complex soup of international people . "

  16. 联合国粮农组织的经济学家考斯塔斯.斯塔默里斯以厄立特里亚为例说,这个国家的石油百分之百依靠进口。

    FAO economist Kostas Stamoulis used Eritrea as an example , a country he said imports 100 percent of its petroleum .

  17. 乘马车行进了两天后,我在威特考斯下车,一个沼泽地上的十字路口。

    I was put down at Whitcross , a crossroads on the moor , after travelling for two days in the coach .

  18. 正因如此,考斯-瑞德更喜欢演网络剧,尺度更自由,而且观众群体比电视剧更年轻、时尚。

    For this reason , Kos-Read prefers doing web serials which enjoy more free rein and attract a younger , hipper crowd than TV .

  19. 2005年,考斯-瑞德在一部讲述中国警察前往美国的电视剧《无国界行动》中出演一个角色。

    In 2005 Kos-Read had a part in Operation No Borders , a TV series about Chinese police officers who travel to the US .

  20. 巴西利亚这座新城市是伟大的建筑师卢希奥•考斯塔所设计的。它于1960年取代了里约热内卢,成了巴西的首都。

    Designed by the great architect Lucio Costa , the new city , Brasilia , replaced Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazif in1960 .

  21. 帆船赛周期间,去考斯的游客有机会可以从船只或是海岸上近距离地观看游艇。

    Visitors to Skandia Cowes Week enjoy a unique opportunity to see the yachts at close quarters on the Solent , both from boats and on shore .

  22. 本文在实验和分析基础上设计数字同相正交锁相环(即数字考斯托斯环)就是一例。

    For example , in the paper , the digitizing in-phase quadrature locked loop ( i.e. , digital Costas loop . ) has been designed on the basis of experiment and analysis .

  23. 多莉是一只黑白相间的猫,先是从考斯的家中失踪,之后被普尔的游轮主人发现,多莉一直躲在船上的小木屋里。

    Dolly , a black-and-white rescue cat , disappeared from her home in Cowes and was later found in Poole by the boat 's owners , stowed away in one of the cabins .

  24. 考斯-瑞德记得当时导演用中文吼道“停、停、停”,并告诉考斯-瑞德:“跟那个演员说,他得更像黑人!”这位导演想要刻画的是漫画式的、“贫民窟”样的非裔美国人文化。

    Kos-Read remembers the director yelling in Chinese " cut , cut , cut " and saying to Kos-Read : " Tell the actor he needs to be more black ! " The director wanted a cartoonish , " ghetto " portrayal of African-American culture .