
kǎo chá
  • examination;examine;test;research;check
考查 [kǎo zhā]
  • [examine;check] 考较查验

考查[kǎo chá]
  1. 在对这些事情作仔细考查之前,我无法对它们进行判断。

    I cannot judge of these things till I examine them carefully .

  2. 这项研究将考查抑制当地经济发展的因素。

    The study will examine the factors which constrain local economic growth .

  3. 这次测试是考查能力,而不是学习成绩。

    The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement

  4. 她在为我工作以前曾受到过秘密考查。

    She was secretly vetted before she ever undertook any work for me

  5. 测试包含对语言能力、数学能力和抽象推理能力的考查。

    The test has scores for verbal skills , mathematical skills , and abstract reasoning skills

  6. 这次考查分两个部分,包括下列科目。

    This examination is divided into two parts and covers the following subjects .

  7. 我要考查一下自己的判断能力。

    I 'll test my judgement .

  8. 有一个美国人去俄国考查访问,他看到很多秘密警察,人民都很害怕,面无笑容。

    One American came to Russia to have a look and visit . And there he saw all the secret police , and the people were scared and didn 't smile .

  9. 考查了Pd负载量,反应温度和压力对加氢反应的影响,优化了反应条件。

    Effects of Pd-loading , reaction temperature and pressure were discussed .

  10. 本草考证与文献考查聚合物空腔胶囊的制备及CdS的组装

    Fabrication of polymer hollow capsule and synthesis of CdS nanoparticles in capsule

  11. 运用事件相关电位(ERP)技术考查了在汉语词汇产生过程中,语义提取和语音提取的时间进程。

    The temporal course of semantic and phonological retrieval in Chinese word production was investigated using ERP technique .

  12. 以不同链长的聚乙二醇为交联剂,考查了两种链长交联剂对pH敏感水凝胶的溶胀行为、降解性质以及释药性能的影响;

    The swelling , degradation and the drug release of the pH-sensitive hydrogel crosslinked by polyethylene glycol with different chain length were studied .

  13. 考查了各反应步骤中反应温度、反应时间、pH值和投料比等实验因素对产物收率的影响。

    The effects of the reaction temperature , reaction time , pH and reaction formula on the yield of the product were studied .

  14. 2通过实验室制备和考查甲磺酸罗哌卡因注射剂的工艺流程,对外观色泽,pH值,澄明度,降解产物,无菌检查,含量,稳定性,各项考查。

    2 Check the craft process and its external color , pH value , clearness degree , germfree checking , content , stability respectively .

  15. 详细考查了铜离子、氨、pH及亚硫酸盐对硫代硫酸根离子阳极氧化的影响;

    The effects of copper ions , ammonia , pH value and sulfite on the anodic oxidation of thiosulfate ions were investigated in detail .

  16. 将两种方法制备的Pt/C,Pt-Ir/C催化剂与聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)一起负载于多孔金属载体,得到疏水催化剂,考查了其对氢-水液相交换反应的催化活性。

    Polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE ) and carbon-supported catalysts were supported on porous metal to obtain hydrophobic catalysts .

  17. 微机快速考查氮磷检测器(NPD)中热离子源的寿命

    Quick Survey of Lifetime of Thermionic Source in Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector with APPLE ⅱ Computer

  18. 对实际反应堆废水,洗衣房放射性废水进行了RO组件运行考查。

    RO model is carried out to examine effect of actual reactor waste water and radioactive laundry waste water .

  19. 所建立的差分格式被用来数值求解Couette流以考查这一方法。

    Obtained difference scheme is used to solve Couette flow .

  20. 本文介绍了二氧化铱/铱(IrO2/Ir)pH传感器的制备方法,探讨了传感器响应的可能机理,考查了该金属氧化物传感器对H~+的响应。

    The preparation of an IrO2 / Ir pH sensor and its possible mechanism of responding to H + are reported .

  21. 再将每处理组分为接受挑战接种和非挑战接种两部分,之后考查处理组的发病情况,并考查各组的木质素沉积和植保素积累和H2O2含量情况。

    Each treated group was divided into two teams . One was challenging inoculated and another one not . After that , the incidence of disease of each treated group was checked .

  22. Petrini等使用单向和双向的ping考查了Quadrics网络的性能。

    Examine the performance of Quadrics networks using uni - and bi-directional ping benchmarks .

  23. 考查了不顾及与顾及G矩阵偏离能壳性对计算的影响。计算结果表明,偏离能壳性的影响对TDA与RPA都是不可忽略的。

    The evaluation shows that the influence induced by the OESP of the G-matrix on both TDA and RPA calculation may not be neglected .

  24. 通过数值计算,考查了水泥评价测井(CET)在各种水泥胶结情况下的反射波形及其频谱特征。

    The character of several typical cement bounding condition is numerically studied , by which the reflecting waveform and spectral character have investigated .

  25. 本研究以米根霉(Rhizopusoryzae)AS3.254和AS3.41为菌株,考查了两株菌以鱼粉废水为替代培养基的产乳酸情况。

    Production of lactic acid integrated with fishmeal wastewater treatment by Rhizopus oryzae AS 3.254 and AS 3.41 was investigated in this thesis .

  26. 考查了AUC分解产物在还原过程中的粒度效应和氢分压效应。

    The effects of particle size and partial pressure of hydrogen are examined in the reduction of AUG decomposition product .

  27. 隐函数定理考查F-1(0)之构造。

    The implicit function function theorem considers the structure of F - 1 ( 0 ) .

  28. 考查了三聚氰胺用量、反应工艺条件及增粘剂对MUF树脂性能的影响。

    Effect of malamine amount , reaction process condition and tackifier on MUF resin performance was investigated .

  29. 通过CV,强化寿命测试和电化学阻抗(EIS)考查了改性Pb02电极的电化学性能和使用寿命。

    The electrochemical properties and service life of the modified anodes were characterized by electrochemical techniques such as CV , accelerated life test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) .

  30. 考查四元数空间形式中混合型全拟脐QR子流形并研究了四元数空间形式中具有某种条件下的混合型伪脐QR子流形。

    We investigate mixed totally umbilical QR-submanifolds in a quaternionic space form and also study the pseudo-umbilical QR-submanifolds of a quaterninoic space form with some additional conditions .