
bǔ bào
  • make a report after the event;make a supplementary report;make an additional statement;present a supplementary;repay sb.'s kindness
补报 [bǔ bào]
  • (1) [present a supplementary]∶事后报告和续报

  • 补报调查结果

  • (2) [repay sb.'s kindness]∶报答别人的好意、帮助、好处

补报[bǔ bào]
  1. 张掖地区蝶类的补报及垂直分布特点

    Complementary Report of Zhangye Region Butterflies and the Characteristics of Vertical Distribution

  2. 本文简要介绍了车载监控系统中道路匹配、道路识别、盲区补报功能、自动查询、报警功能和智能决策等关键技术。

    Some key technologies are used such as path 's matching , path 's automatic discover , blind region 's re-reporting in this system .

  3. 根据暴雨洪水特点,洪水预报采用主雨强结束后即开始预报,对于复峰过程则采取多次补报的方式修正。

    Of which the prediction begins as soon as the end of the main strong rainfall and the multi-supplement is taken for the modification of the repeated peak rainfall durations as well .