
  1. 这次行动的目的是给反应堆降温,同时为装有用过的核燃料棒的水池补充冷却水。

    The operation was intended to help cool the reactors and also to replenish water in a storage pond with spent fuel rods .

  2. AEC方案在高硬度、高碱度、高含盐量的水质条件下具有优良的缓蚀阻垢效果,对用黄河水作为补充水的冷却水系统,可在很高的浓缩倍数下安全经济地运行。

    AEC program has excellent efficiency in corrosion and scale inhibition under the water conditions of high hardness , high alkalinity and high conductivity . When the cooling systems uses the Yellow River water as make up water , it runs safely and economically at high cycles of concentration .

  3. 从分析水中pH与碳酸盐碱度的关系入手,在总结大量实践经验的基础上,提出了三种类型补充水的循环冷却水的总碱度与pH值之间的关系式。

    The relational expressions between the total alkalinity and pH value of three kinds of make_up recirculating cooling water are raised by analyzing the relationship between pH and carbonate alkalinity of the water and summarizing plenty of practical experiences .

  4. 对NX-383缓蚀阻垢剂在以中水为补充水的焦化冷却水系统中的缓蚀和阻垢性能进行了评价,并进行了现场应用试验。

    The performances of NX-383 , corrosion and scale inhibitor , being used in regenerated water as make-up water in cooling water system of coking plants are evaluated .

  5. 腐蚀在线监测技术在中水为补充水的循环冷却水系统中的应用

    The application of on-line corrosion monitoring for circulating cooling-water system using reclaimed water as make up water