
  • 网络invigorating spleen and replenishing qi
  1. 具有补脾益气、清热解毒、润肺止咳等功效。

    With Spleen Qi , heat antidotes , such as cough Runfei effectiveness .

  2. 补脾益气中药对ICAM-1的表达和PLA2含量的影响

    Effect of Prescription and Medicine of Strengthening Spleen and Benefiting Vital Qi on Expression of ICAM-1 and Contents of PLA_2

  3. 补脾益气中药对哮喘大鼠支气管上皮ICAM-1的表达和PLA2变化的影响

    The expression of asthma white rat bronchus epithelia ICAM-1 and the effect of content of IL-5 in BALF by prescription and medicine of strengthening spleen and benefiting Vital Qi

  4. 结果:1.通过补脾益气方治疗54例非小细胞肺癌NP方案化疗引起的胃肠道副作用总有效率为72.8%。

    By decoction in treating 54 cases of spleen and non-small cell lung cancer chemotherapy NP gastrointestinal side effects caused by the total effective rate was 72.8 % . 2 .

  5. 补脾益气为主治疗肠癌术后48例

    Spleen-Qi Nourishing Therapy for Postoperative Intestinal Cancer in 48 Cases

  6. 补脾益气方药对哮喘大鼠血清白细胞介素-4和γ~-干扰素含量的影响

    The Influence of Replenishing Spleen qi Decoction on Serum IL-4 & IFN - γ Levels in Asthmatic Rats

  7. 中医治疗重症肌无力的基本大法可概括为培补脾肾,益气升举之法。

    TCM treatment of myasthenia gravis can be summarized the basic method for replenishment spleen and kidney , tonifying Qi for rise .

  8. 本病中医治疗重在温补脾肾,益气温阳同时予以温化痰湿,活血化瘀。

    Chinese medicine treatment for this disease lies in warming spleen and kidney , nourishing qi and warming yang , at the same time of warming and resolving phlegm-damp , activating blood to eliminate stasis .

  9. 单剂应用能补脾和胃,益气止血,升高血小板和中性粒细胞,具有类皮质激素样作用,长期服用不但解决了强地松的副作用问题,而且经济实用。

    Single dose can reinforce the function of the spleen and reconcile stomach , replenish qi and hemostasis , increase the levels of neutrophils and thrombocytes . The effectiveness of it is similar to prednisone , but it has no side effect of prednisone and more economical .