
  • 网络iman
  1. 我看了看球队阵容,我所看到的是一群我迫不及待想与其并肩作战的家伙:凯文-乐福(与我旧时的AAU队友重聚!)、特里斯坦-汤普森、JR-史密斯、伊曼-香珀特。

    I look up and down this roster , and all I see is guys I can 't wait to play with : Kevin Love ( reunited with my old AAU teammate ! ) , Tristan Thompson , JR Smith , Iman Shumpert ...

  2. 伊曼曾经把鲍伊描述为“居家好男人”。

    Iman once described Mr. Bowie as a " homebody " ;

  3. 据《时尚芭莎》报道,伊曼用SK-II护肤洁面霜洗脸,做瑜伽和普拉提。

    She uses SK-II Facial Treatment Cleanser , according to Harper 's Bazaar , and does yoga and Pilates .

  4. 妻子为超模伊曼,并孕育两子。

    Bowie is survived by his supermodel wife Iman and his two children .

  5. 他和伊曼会和女儿同学的父母交往。

    He and Iman socialized with the parents of their daughter 's friends at school .

  6. 伊曼确保每天给脸做两次清洁和保湿,从来不忘涂防晒霜。

    Iman makes sure to clean and moisturize her face twice a day and never skips sunscreen .

  7. 他和伊曼于1992年结为连理,并且搬进了中央公园南边的一个传统的战前公寓。

    The couple married in 1992 and moved into a conventional prewar apartment on Central Park South .

  8. 冯?伊曼指出同一内存空间可以用来存储数据和指令。

    Von Neumann pointed out that the same memory could be used to store both instructions and data .

  9. 虽然前超模伊曼声称她如此美丽地老去要归功于基因,但她对护肤和锻炼的投入肯定有帮助。

    Although former supermodel Iman claims that genetics are responsible for her aging so beautifully , her attention to her skincare and exercise regimen certainly help .

  10. 1990年,在一个晚餐聚会上,伊曼遇见了鲍伊。当时他作为一个逃税者、一个世界公民住在瑞士。

    When Iman met Mr. Bowie at a dinner party in 1990 , he was living in Switzerland as a tax exile , a citizen of the world .

  11. 卢教练还需要为后场的一些功能专一的球员如伊曼-香珀特(他们最好的单防人)和凯尔-科沃尔(最好的射手)分配上场时间。

    Lue still needs to find minutes in the backcourt for specialists like Iman Shumpert ( their best perimeter defender ) and Kyle Korver ( their best shooter ) .

  12. 不过,如果有人发现他在林肯中心出现,或者和伊曼出来就餐,出于尊敬,而且也往往是出于敬畏,一般会给他很大的空间。

    But if people did spot him at Lincoln Center or out to dinner with Iman , they usually gave him wide berth , out of respect and also a sense of intimidation .

  13. 他的妻子伊曼是在索马里出生的名模,精通五门外语。他们夫妻在纽约市度过了20多年的光阴,可以说几乎所有的婚姻时光都花在了这个城市里。

    He and his Somali-born wife , Iman , who is a model fluent in five languages , spent almost their entire marriage , more than 20 years , as residents of the city .

  14. 巨无霸汉堡由悉尼一家餐厅的老板乔和伊曼·埃尔-阿朱兹夫妇制作而成,总重达90公斤,打破了之前美国密歇根州84公斤汉堡王的纪录。

    The monster burger cooked up by Sydney cafe owners , Joe and Iman El-Ajouz , weighed in at90 kg in total , eclipsing the previous record of84 kg , set in Michigan in the United States .

  15. 如今,公开宴请宾客的典礼或是坐床仪式往往是结婚庆典中的亮点。在努鲁伊曼王宫大殿里,新郎新娘身着奢华传统服装,彼此相邻,坐在镀金宝座上。

    Today 's ' bersanding ' or enthronement ceremony is usually the highlight of the wedding festivities , and saw the bride and groom seated next to each other , dressed in opulent traditional attire on gilded thrones in the Throne Chamber of the Istana Nural Iman palace .