
  1. 我想知道在伊历一月我应该做点什么。

    Sir , I would like to know what I am supposed to do during the days of Muharram .

  2. 不同国家看伊历十二月新月的情况若与沙特有区别时,没有影响。

    Sighting the moon of Dhul-Hijjah carries no weight in other countries if it differs from that of Saudi Arabia .

  3. 在迁徙的故事中有许多教导,它能帮助我们理解伊历的基本意义。

    There are many lessons in this story and it can help us understand the basic significance of the Hijrah calendar .

  4. 我们应记得,穆圣(愿主福安之)曾在伊历一月从麦加迁徙到麦地那。

    In the month of Muharram , we should remember the Hijrah of the Prophet ( peace and blessings be upon him ) from Makkah to Madinah .

  5. 的确没有可靠的圣训号召穆斯林在伊历八月履行特殊的礼拜,斋戒或者其他功修。

    It is true that there is no authentic hadith which calls upon Muslims to perform special prayers , fasting or special worship in the month of Sha'ban .

  6. 突然间我悟出了这是我的养主给我的一个提示,给我的在这个伊历年最后一次机会来增加我的“文卷”的成绩。

    Suddenly it dawned upon me that I have just received a reminder from my Lord , giving me one last chance to improve my " grades " of my " report book " for this Hijjri year .