
wú zhènɡ fǔ
  • anarchic
  1. 如果西方无法在无政府的局面中协助恢复秩序,其他势力便会呈风起云涌之势不论是马里的圣战分子,还是阿富汗死灰复燃的塔利班(taliban)分子。

    If the west is unable to help restore order in an anarchic situation , other forces will emerge whether it is jihadists in Mali or a resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan .

  2. 这种将网络空间视为独立的无政府王国的理想化说辞,仍能引起很多人共鸣。

    This idealised story of cyber space as an independent , anarchic realm still has great resonance .

  3. 问题在于如何将权力分散而不造成无政府状态。

    The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy .

  4. 军事统治政权被推翻以后,接着是一段时期的无政府状态。

    The overthrow of the military regime was followed by a period of anarchy .

  5. 革命以后,无政府主义大行其道。

    After the revolution , anarchy ruled .

  6. 在改革和无政府状态交织的混乱风暴中,他被抛在了一边,没人理睬。

    He had been swept aside in the whirlwind of reform and anarchy .

  7. 1960年的6月,刚果陷入了5年的内战和政治上的无政府状态。

    In June , 1960 , the Congo was plunged into five years of civil war and political anarchy .

  8. 表面上的几条法令基本控制不住无政府混乱局面的湍流涌动。

    A thin veneer of law and order barely keeps the seething , bubbling cauldron of chaos and anarchy in check .

  9. 最激烈的无政府主义者,居然成了最露骨的变节者。

    The most furious anarchist become the most barefaced apostate .

  10. 这国家那时一下子陷入无政府状态。

    The country was thrown into a state of anarchy .

  11. 你在心底肯定是个无政府主义者。

    You must be an anarchist at heart .

  12. 我尽量安抚他们并让它们明白我并不是一个无政府主义者。

    I did my best to comfort them and assure them I was not an anarchist .

  13. n.无政府状态,混乱我们若不加强控制就会出现动乱和无政府状态.

    If we do not have strong government , there will be rioting and anarchy .

  14. 《SCUM宣言》是本由瓦莱丽·索拉娜斯写于1968的厌男的小册子,里面宣扬使用暴力无政府的革命手段去创建一个纯女性的社会。

    The SCUM Manifesto ( Society for Cutting Up Men Manifesto ) is a misandrous tract written in1968 by Valerie Solanas which advocated a violent anarchic revolution to create an all-female society .

  15. 波恩大学GerdLangguth说道,SPD有无政府趋向,但是CDU没有。他正在为默克尔写传记。大选年渐近,CDU要求规管的本能表露越来越多。

    The CDU does not have the anarchic tendencies of the SPD , points out Gerd Langguth of the University of Bonn , who has written a biography of Ms Merkel .

  16. 革命作家马里奥•卡帕纳(MarioCapanna)、街头艺术家达维德•蒂内利(DavideTinelli)和无政府朋客作家普里莫•莫洛尼(PrimoMoroni)等提契诺区居民中的传奇人物都曾是Rattazzo酒吧的常客。

    Revolutionary writer Mario Capanna , street artist Davide Tinelli and Anarcho-punk author Primo Moroni are just a few of the legendary Ticinese residents who became regulars at Bar Rattazzo .

  17. MoussaCamara上尉宣布进行叛乱,声称已经夺取政权,停止所谓的无处不在的腐败,无所作为,无政府状态和悲惨的经济形势。

    Announcing the coup attempt , Captain Moussa Camara said the military was taking power to stop what he called widespread corruption , impunity , anarchy , and a catastrophic economic situation .

  18. 实际上,部落特区可以说处于无政府状态。

    In truth the tribal areas are not governed at all .

  19. 同时国家也是施动者,国家以什么身份对待其他国家也建构着相应的无政府文化。

    The identity which the states treated others constitute corresponding anarchical culture .

  20. 无政府性·社会性·阶层性&国际政治的特性与国际观

    Anarchy , Sociality and Classes : Characteristics of International Politics

  21. 目击者和救援人员称,当地的局势几乎陷入无政府状态。

    Witnesses and aid workers describe the situation there has been near-anarchy .

  22. 世外天国看起来很像无政府集体主义,然而它并不是。

    Outer Heaven might seem like an anarcho-collectivist idea , but it 's not .

  23. 国际社会具有松散性和无政府性。

    Second , international society is loosen organized and absent of government or control .

  24. 非暴力不过是公民不合作所佩戴的面具,用以遮掩它的真实面目:无政府正义。

    Non-violence is the mask civil disobedience wears to conceal its true face & anarchy .

  25. 给你介绍点无政府感,你总急着维护秩序,一切反而只剩混乱。

    Introduce a little anarchy , you upset the established order , and everything becomes chaos .

  26. 放松管制和金融商业行为的后果,不是在无政府社会里发生的。

    The consequences of deregulation and financial business practices did not occur in a state-free world .

  27. 他所编著的《无政府、国家与乌托邦》一书对罗尔斯的《正义论》进行了强有力的批判。

    He strongly criticized Rawls ' Theory in his book of Anarchy 、 State and Utopia .

  28. 世界国家的出现是历史的必然&目的论与无政府逻辑

    The Emergence of the World State Is a Historical Inevitability : The Teleology and Logic of Anarchy

  29. 那时的阿富汗已经不是无政府的真空区,而成了恐怖主义的赞助者。

    Afghanistan at that time was not an ungoverned space , but a state sponsor of terrorism ;

  30. 他们的人会希望看着我死去,然后他们的王国回复到无政府状态,而你助纣为虐。

    His kind would see me dead and his kingdom return to anarchy and you would help them .