
  1. 世界历史与资本主义&《资本论》语境中的世界历史思想

    The Concept and History of Realism World History and Capitalism

  2. 假如能抹掉1965-85年这段时期的历史,资本主义2.0大体上运行得相当良好。

    If we could delete the years 1965-85 from history , capitalism 2 mostly worked pretty well .

  3. 1500年左右发祥于欧洲的资本主义文明改变了全球历史,资本主义文明的全球扩张导致东亚古老的封建册封秩序崩溃,促使近代中日关系形成。

    The capitalistic civilization starting from Europe in about 1500 have changed the global history and urged the Sino-Japanese relations into a modern phase .

  4. 有长期封建历史的资本主义国家如英、法、德、日、意的发展,也都有过重大的曲折和反复。

    Capitalist countries with a long feudal history such as britain , france , germany , Japan and italy all experienced major setbacks and reversals at different times .

  5. 艺术家们的个人经历,也刺激着他们对战争、历史、资本主义、消费社会进行反思,创作出挑战性甚至挑衅性的艺术作品。

    The artists ' personal experience of this separation of East and West stimulated their profound reflection on war , history , capitalism , consumption society , and gave birth to their provocative art works .

  6. 揭示了目前的世界历史时代是资本主义世界历史时代,这个时代的本质特征是对外开放。

    The world has entered an epoch of capitalist world .

  7. 在资本主义经济制度走过的一百多年历史中,资本主义经济危机也从没停止过它的脚步。

    In the capitalist economic system . the capitalist economic crisis has never stopped in its footsteps through the hundred years of history .

  8. 美国,这个年轻的国家,其资本主义发展的历史与其它资本主义国家不同,造成了其政治文化发展上的异质。

    American is a young country and it 's history of capitalism development differs from the others ' , so is it 's politic culture .

  9. 在近代历史上,资本主义列强各国先后在中国建立起一批外国法庭,以行使它们非法攫取的领事裁判权。

    : In modern history , great capitalist powers set up foreign tribunals one after another in China so that they exercised the consular jurisdiction they grabbed illegally .

  10. 历史证明,资本主义道路在中国走不通,为了解答中国社会面临的历史课题,必须寻找新的理论武器。

    It was proved by the history that China could not move to the capitalism road , therefore to resolve the two historical tasks , the Chinese had to find a new theoretical weapon .

  11. 人与自然的关系同时也是人与社会的关系,生态问题也是一个社会历史问题,资本主义制度是生态危机的主要社会根源。

    Relationship between human beings and nature is also a relationship between men and society , ecological problem is also a social and historical issue , the causes of ecological crisis lies in the capitalist system .

  12. 社会主义制度是否优越于资本主义制度,这既是一个老话题,也是如何认识社会主义发展的历史进程和资本主义发展的历史进程无法回避的一个新问题。

    Digest : it is not only an old topic whether socialist system is superior to capitalism and but also a new key question on how to know the course of history of socialist development and capitalism development .

  13. 然而要缩小如此巨大的贫富差距是很大挑战。中国基尼指数仍在0.474且居高不下,显示出收入分配的极度不平衡。许多历史悠久的资本主义经济体,成功的冒险受到肯定。

    But reducing the huge income gap is a daunting task , as in recent years there has been no noticeable progress in reducing China 's high Gini coefficient of 0.474 , which indicates a high degree of inequality , and it is at a level above that in many long-established capitalist economies , where successful risk-taking earns rewards .

  14. 世界历史语境中的资本主义和社会主义

    The Capitalism and the Socialism in the Context of World History

  15. 美国法律对劳工自由流动所加限制的历史演变&自由资本主义阶段之真实性质疑

    The Historical Evolution of the Restrictions Imposed by American Laws on the Free Movement of Labor

  16. 董事会上的络腮胡,在历史上一直是资本主义与其批判者的势力对比晴雨表。

    Historically , beards in the boardroom have been a barometer of the relative vitality of capitalism and its critics .

  17. 女性异化是资本主义社会的特殊历史状态,是资本主义制度和父权制相结合的整体所造就的产物。

    The alienation of women was a special state in capitalist society , and it was the result of the unified system of the capitalism and patriarchy .

  18. 从历史阶段看,资本主义在全球范围内的发展大致经历了三个阶段:一是19世纪及其以前的自由资本主义阶段;二是20世纪上半期的帝国主义阶段;

    Capitalism has known three stages : free capitalism in and before the 19th century , in the first half and the second half of the 20th century .

  19. 论文指出,全球化的历史是一个资本主义扩张的历史,资本增殖的欲望是全球化的内在驱动力,而传播技术的发展为其提供了客观的外在条件。

    The history of internationalization runs parallel with the expansion of capitalism . The desire to raise value is the internal power of internationalism , and the development of communication technology arms internationalism with external conditions .

  20. 从共时性视域来考察,政治宽容产生的历史前提和近代资本主义的发生、市场经济的发展、近代国家的产生,尤其在近代欧洲历史上的宗教斗争是分不开的。

    From the synchronic perspective , historical premise production of modern political toleration is related to the occurrence of modern capitalism , the development of market economy , the production of modem state , specially religious struggle in modern european history .

  21. 由于经济全球化是资本主义主导下的历史进程,是资本主义生产方式的必然延伸,因此,广大的发展中国家在这一过程中处于相对不利的地位,面临较大困难。

    However , due to the fact that global economic tendency is the historical process under capitalism and the inevitable extension of capitalist productive mode , developing countries may be put in an unfavorable situation in the process and may encounter great difficulty .

  22. 从贸易摩擦的历史发展来看,资本主义国家之间在国际贸易领域的矛盾,主要根源在于,资本主义政治经济发展的不平衡性引起对市场的激烈争夺。

    Seen from the angle of historical development , The main root of contradiction between capitalist countries in international trade , lies in that , the capitalistic development of politics and economy does not balance and result in a hot fight for the market .

  23. 托马斯·哈代一生经历了维多利亚时代、爱德华七世、乔治五世等多个历史时期。随着资本主义社会的科学技术飞速发展,各种哲学、文学思潮风起云涌。

    Thomas Hardy lived through the Victorian Era , the Eras of Edward VII and King George V , etc. With the rapid development of science and technology in capitalist society , all kinds of philosophical and literary trends surged forward with great momentum .

  24. 16至19世纪的空想社会主义者全盘否定资本主义,主观地割断资本主义与社会主义的历史联系,否认资本主义是社会主义的基础,因此他们的理想社会只能是空中楼阁。

    From the 16th to the 19th century , the utopian socialist totally repudiated capitalism and considering the relationship between capitalism and socialism apart from their history , and capitalism is the basis of socialism . So their utopian society is just a castle in the air .

  25. 综观人类政治发展的历史可见,前资本主义时期政治哲学中把道德作为政治的内在的价值尺度。

    Of the history of political development , we can see , that during the period of pre-capitalism , the political philosophy took the morals as the internal measure of value of politics , and it is the true at all the times and in all lands .

  26. 话语主体通过阅读-书写过程介入到社会历史话语之中并重新书写历史、干预资本主义社会现实。

    Through a reading-writing process the subject of writing participates in the reconstruction of social and historical discourse .

  27. 世界向世界历史转变,首先是指人类历史向资本主义历史时代的转变,资产阶级在其中显示了重大的历史推动作用,开创了世界历史的新纪元。

    " World transforms into world history ", in the first place , it means the transformation of human history into historical era of capitalism in which capitalist class manifested significant historical impetus and initiated new era of world history .

  28. 在救亡图存的社会历史大背景下,晚清历史教育传播了西方社会的历史,特别是资本主义发展的历程,启迪了中国人的思想。

    Under the background of saving the nation , the western society history especially capitalism development had enlightened the thoughts of Chinese , which had been disseminated in the later Qing 's education in history .