
  1. 北京历史的轨迹完整清晰,发展的方向亦具有不可改变之趋。

    The locus of Beijing 's history is distinct and integrated .

  2. 我用力将自己的道路并入历史的轨迹。

    I have forced my way into history .

  3. 历史的轨迹显示,为民服务的政府生存壮大;

    The arc of history shows that governments which serve their own people survive and thrive ;

  4. 自由发展历史的轨迹&从劳动与自由发展的关系来理解

    Free developed historical track

  5. 我们必须沿着历史的轨迹,重回那段纷纭复杂的儒佛道思想交融互动思潮之中,去探究那个时代之所以如此的内在原因。

    We should restore the history of Wei-Jin thoughts follow the history track , to explore the underlying reason of it .

  6. 因为观念往往可以改变历史的轨迹,所以只有新的办学理念才有可能把大学带入一个崭新的时代。

    Because ideas can often change the course of history , so only the new idea of running a university can bring a university into a brand-new era .

  7. 今天重新审视其历史的轨迹,体会其内在的关联,对促进中国法律史学科的建设与发展,有一定的意义。

    To examine the process of the change and sense the inner connection among them will facilitate the construction and development of the science of Chinese Law history .

  8. 模型采用三次Hermite插值函数模拟移动对象的历史单元的轨迹且利用线性函数模拟移动对象的当前单元的轨迹,对当前单元中的误差进行了处理。

    The trajectories of the past units of moving objectives were stimulated by using cubic Hermite interpolation and the trajectories of the current units of moving objectives were done by linear interpolation while the errors from the current units were handled .

  9. 物的瑕疵担保责任制度从一项独立的制度到其独立性的灭失,必定有其历史发展的轨迹和原因。

    Its inevitable loss of independence should have the track and reason of historical development .

  10. 作为基督教母体的犹太教,上帝观念的形成有其历史的发展轨迹。

    As the matrix of Christianity , God of Judaism has a fluctuant developing trace .

  11. 全文按照历史发展的轨迹、理论探讨与实践结合的逻辑顺序展开。

    The whole thesis develops in a logical order from history course , theories to practice .

  12. 文化变迁是社会文化系统永恒的定律和历史发展的轨迹。

    The cultural change is the development trajectory of the eternal law and history of social and cultural system .

  13. 另一方面沿着中国壁画艺术历史发展的轨迹,阐述了永乐宫壁画的历史渊源。

    At the same time , I also expounded their historical origin along the track of the development of Chinese art of frescos .

  14. 孝感话把的特点,显示了把在地域上的共时差异,反映了语言历史演变的轨迹。

    The character of " Ba " in Xiaogan dialect , bespeak its simutaneous difference in area , reflect the developing trace of linguistic history .

  15. 其二,以民俗学、语言学等理论为工具对一些世俗生活和民俗现象进行溯源,描述其历史演变的轨迹;

    Secondly , tracing the original of worldly life and folk customs and depicting its development in human history with the help of linguistics and folklores .

  16. 本论文以农村市场、农民需求为认识和研究的对象,在占有了较多资料的基础上,力图从我国农村市场历史发展的轨迹中,寻找到现实与历史间的自然联系;

    This thesis takes our rural market as the research object , and makes a comprehensive research and thinking on rural market from historical viewpoint based on realistic issues .

  17. 基于历史变迁的轨迹和现有农地集体产权制度,农地使用权物权化及其立法完善是现实路径。

    It is realistic paths to have agricultural land tenure right in rem and perfect by legislation based on the track of the history change and the existing collective property relations on agricultural land .

  18. 无论从刑事历史发展的轨迹和趋势,还是从我国社会制度和思想根源来看,它都在我国现代刑事司法中体现出强大的生命力。

    Whether from the criminal history of the track of development and trends , or from the social systems and ideological causes , it is embodied in great vitality in our modern criminal justice .

  19. 分析这两部小说的性别意识,能够充分挖掘封建社会性别观随着人类文明的发展,渐渐朝着文明方向发展的历程,还可以验证女性渐渐浮出历史地表的轨迹。

    Analyzing the gender consciousness of this stories , one can find out the development of view of gender changed during feudal society , then directed to civilization , and also validate the strengthened women consciousness .

  20. 这有助于我们全面客观地认识古代鄯善国的社会性质;同时,可以进一步深入地了解西域历史的发展轨迹,具有比较重要的学术意义。

    This will help us to recognize the social systems of ancient Shan-shan . In the meantime , it will help to further understand the history of the Western Regions . Thus it has an important academic significance .

  21. 其历史演进的轨迹,可概括为以科学观念更新国民文化心理结构的诉求、科学社会化与社会科学化的探索和革命化、大众化的科学启蒙三个阶段。

    The historical course of socialization of science can be divided into three stages as follows : renewal of the cultural and psychological structure of the populace with scientific concepts , exploration of socialization of science and spread of science in the society , and the popular and revolutionary enlightenment .

  22. 任何事物都有其成长的历史和成熟的轨迹,挣值管理亦如此。

    Anything has its unique shaping history and mature track , so is the earned value management .

  23. 综观先秦两汉历史散文的嬗变轨迹,我们发现文学、史学、哲学、经学四种要素在其间起伏消长,在不同的时期呈现出核心化或边缘化的地位。

    There are four formations , literature , history , philosophy and study of Confucian classics rising and falling in the transmutation of historical prose before Qin and Han . They are in central or frontier status during different periods .

  24. 一方面,霍布斯鲍姆进步历史观念的内涵变化轨迹明显;

    On one hand , this paper analyses the change of Hobsbawm 's progressive historical view .

  25. 马恩所说的自然历史过程仅仅是针对世界历史总的发展轨迹而讲的,而不是说历史演进的快慢、具体实现形式等,也是不以人们的意志为转移的。

    The " natural historical course " brought out by Marx and Engels is only aimed at the total developing track of the world history , rather than the tempo and concrete realization form of the historical evolution , and it cannot be changed by man 's will .

  26. 回首走过百年历程的中国刑法学,是一段向异域学习的历史,是一段移植的历史,这段历史的轨迹也是很清晰的:德日-前苏联-德日。

    The development of the Science of Chinese Criminal law in the past century is a period of history that China learned from foreign countries , and a history of transplanting foreign laws .

  27. 历史过程中的偶然因素与社会结构中的稳定内核使上古历史沿着一定的轨迹运行。

    The joint affect of occasional factors and firm social infrastructure make the early ancient history follow a certain pattern .

  28. 城市历史发展遗留下来的建筑和空间环境,是一种特殊的文化载体,记录着城市历史演变的轨迹。

    Urban environment physique that the city history leave behind is a kind of special cultural carrier , noting the track of the city history .

  29. 研究明清时期童蒙历史教育,对于构建完整的历史教育学的学科体系,拓展中国教育史研究的领域,探索历史学科教育的发展轨迹都具有重要意义。

    So studying traditional children history education in the Ming-Qing period is very important for founding complete history education system , expanding Chinese education history and researching history education .