
  1. 然后运用SWOT分析法对常熟进一步开发历史文化旅游产品进行综合分析,并找出产品开发过程中存在的不足之处,提出产品开发相应对策;

    Secondly , the paper makes a comprehensive analysis of historical and cultural tourism in Changshu by means of SWOT . Besides , the paper finds out the weaknesses in developing products and comes up with some counter measures to develop products .

  2. 本文总结了历史文化旅游的特点。

    This article analyzes the characteristics of history and culture tourism .

  3. 深化历史文化旅游资源;

    To deepen historical and cultural resources in an appropriate degree .

  4. 天津近代历史文化旅游资源开发

    Development of Cultural Tourism Resources on Modern History of Tianjin

  5. 泸州市历史文化旅游资源开发探讨

    Exploration of the history and culture tourist resources in Luzhou

  6. 隐性历史文化旅游资源的显性化途径分析&以湖北省三国文化旅游资源的品牌塑造为例

    Analysis of Visible Realization of Potential History Culture Tourism Resources

  7. 西方国家历史文化旅游发展的现状和趋势

    The status and trends of history and culture tourism development in the western countries

  8. 第三章,就邵阳历史文化旅游资源进行具体分析与评价。

    In the third chapter , I analyze and appraisal historical and cultural tourism resources specifically .

  9. 论云南历史文化旅游资源的内涵、类型、特色和价值

    On the Contents , Kinds , Characteristics and Values of Yunnan ' Historic and Cultural Tourism Resources

  10. 第二章,就邵阳历史文化旅游的现状及存在的问题进行阐述。

    In the second chapter , I expound the current situation and the existing problem of historical and cultural tourism .

  11. 论述了邯郸开展历史文化旅游的可行性和必要性。

    The feasibility and the importance on the theory for city of Handan to develop historical cultural tour was explained .

  12. 历史文化旅游在一些城市特别是在历史文化名城的经济发展过程中起了很大的推动作用。

    Historical and cultural tourism plays a major role especially in the course of economic development in some historical and cultural cities .

  13. 历史文化旅游是一种特殊类型的旅游活动,不同于一般的风景观光游、消闲购物游。

    The history and culture tourism is a special tourism , being different from the common tourism such as scenic tourism or shopping tourism .

  14. 目前,随着旅游业的发展和旅游文化品位的提升,历史文化旅游在国内外呈现出逐渐升温的趋势。

    At present , with the development of tourism industry and the improvement of cultural grade of tourists , historical and cultural traveling is taking an ascend trend .

  15. 丹江口风景区拥有丰富的历史文化旅游资源,利用这些资源,可以对该景区进行综合开发,提高其文化内涵。

    Dan Jiang Kou scenery spot possesses plentiful historical tourist resources . The local government makes use of these resources to comprehensively exploit the scenery spot and improve the cultural connotation .

  16. 旅游资源是旅游产业开发的基础。作为旅游资源的一种重要类型,历史文化旅游资源具有稀缺性、不可替代性、不可再生性和可持续开发等特点。

    Tourism resource is the basis of tourism development , as one of the most important type of tourism resources , it has the characteristics of scarcity , non-substitutability , non-reproducibility and sustainable development .

  17. 江南古典园林是极其珍贵的文化旅游资源之一,在园林历史文化旅游城市中具有不可替代的作用,是吸引游客的独特人文旅游资源。

    Chinese classic garden is one of the extremely precious culture tourist resources , which has irreplaceable function in the historical and cultural city . It is the unique humane tourist resources , which attracts visitors .

  18. 本文主要对历史文化旅游资源进行了讨论,包括历史文化旅游资源的挖掘和文化旅游产品的开发设计。

    This text mainly carries on a discussion to the former , the development of the tour resources of the history cultural which include the tour resources of the history culture travel the development design of product .

  19. 南阳市拥有丰富的历史文化旅游资源,如何开发利用这些资源,使之在有效保护的基础上,充分发挥作用,变资源优势为经济优势。

    There are abundant historical culture tourism resources in Nanyang City , and it deserves more study on how to make the best of them and change resources advantage as the economic advantage on the basis of valid protection .

  20. 使西安丰富深厚的旅游资源通过广告传递给不同层次的旅游者,创造一个共生和谐的形象,从而提升西安历史文化旅游线路的竞争力。

    Xi ' an to deep rich tourism resources through advertising transmitted to the different levels of tourists , and create a symbiotic and harmonious image , history and culture so as to enhance the Xi ' an tourism routes competitiveness .

  21. 在系统开发广州古都历史文化旅游资源方面,目前要着重做好以下几方面的工作:编辑出版《古都广州》大型丛书,扩大宣传力度;

    In order to exploit systematically historic and cultural tourism resources of the old capital of Guangzhou , the following aspects should be thought much : to edit and publish the good-sized series The Old Capital of Guangzhou and strengthen drumbeating ;

  22. 武汉历史文化旅游资源按照史前文明时期、军事城堡时期、封建镇邑时期和近代都会时期四个时期分类,可以囊括所有的历史文化旅游资源并对其文化内涵进行分析;

    Wuhan history and culture according to prehistoric civilization period , military castle period , feudal town city period and know period modern times tourist resources , can include all tourist resources of history and culture and analyze their cultural intension ;

  23. 从实际地理差异出发,具有空间组合优势的自然旅游景观,祖籍地的历史文化旅游景观,祖庙宗教旅游景观等是福建重点旅游资源。

    Thus , from the realities of geographic difference , Fujian Province should emphasize the tourist resources for Taiwan 's tourism on the natural tourist landscape , historical culture landscape in the ancestral residence and ancestral temple-religion culture landscape with advantage of space combinations .

  24. 然后,以古城西安城墙内历史文化旅游线路为例,结合自己的设计实践,大致勾勒出古城西安旅游形象广告的基本轮廓。

    Then , in the ancient city of Xi ' an city wall in the historical and cultural attractions as an example , the light of their own design practice , and broadly outlines the ancient city of Xi ' an tourism image advertisement basic contours .

  25. 本文认为对武汉文化旅游资源开发的过程,实质就是挖掘其文化内涵的过程,挖掘武汉的文化旅游资源要从历史文化旅游资源和民俗文化旅游资源来挖掘。

    This text thinks the course to development of resources of cultural tour of Wuhan , the essence is the course of excavating its cultural intension , the culture tourist resources which excavate Wuhan will be excavated from tourist resources of history and culture and folk culture tourist resources .

  26. 21世纪双江历史文化名镇旅游地形象DI战略

    The tourist image Di strategy of the 21st century about the famous historic and cultural town & shuangjiang

  27. 基于ASEB分析框架的历史文化遗产旅游体验研究

    The Research on the Tourism Experience in Historial and Cultural Heritage Based on ASEB Analysis

  28. 大理历史文化名城旅游发展优化研究

    Researches on Tourism Development Optimization of Dali Historical and Cultural City

  29. 邯郸历史文化与旅游开发刍议

    Modest proposal on Handan historical culture and tourist industry development

  30. 福州市三坊七巷历史街区文化旅游可持续发展探讨

    Discussion on Sustainable Development of Cultural Tourism in Historic Streets in Fuzhou