
dǎ jiān
  • topping;pinching;have a snack;stop for refreshment when travelling;make a brief stopover;stop for meal when traveling
打尖 [dǎ jiān]
  • (1) [make a brief stopover;have a snack;stop for meal when travelling]∶旅程中间的短暂停留(休息或吃饭)

  • 倘若在平时行军,遇着这样好的地方,应该命人马停下来休息打尖,然后再走。--姚雪垠《李自成》

  • (2) [topping;pinching]∶掐去棉花等作物的顶尖儿,也叫打顶

打尖[dǎ jiān]
  1. 去梢树木等植物打尖后除去的部分。

    The cropped parts of plants or trees after pruning .

  2. 播期及打尖对青海白菜开花结实的影响

    The Effect of Seeding Time and Pinching the Top off on Flowering and Bearing of Chinese Cabbage variety Qinghai

  3. 在中国,平常无论在哪里吃饭、打尖,你若向店家要碗白开水,他总是会痛快答应的,没有谁会为给你倒杯白开水而跟你要钱。

    In China , when eating in restaurants , if you ask for a glass of hot water , and it is always provided for free .

  4. “刘家铺子”是曾经名富一时的客栈,来往的客商在这里打尖,驹旅流浪之人在这里过夜。

    " Liu shop " is a moment rich inn once were , and from the merchants here jumping , horse brigade who spent the night wandering .