
dǎ chà
  • interrupt;interrupt a conversation;cut in;talk off the mark
打岔 [dǎ chà]
  • (1) [interrupt;cut in;interrupt a conversation]∶打断某一行动或谈话;尤指在另一个人讲话时用问题和评论或议论去打断

  • (2) [talk off the mark]∶有意转换话题

打岔[dǎ chà]
  1. 别打岔,听我说下去。

    Don 't interrupt my talking .

  2. 来打岔这个过程和发言,

    to interrupt that process and to speak up

  3. 我不能容忍老有人打岔。

    I can 't stand people interrupting all the time .

  4. 请原谅我打岔,不过我确实不同意那一点。

    Forgive my interrupting but I really don 't agree with that .

  5. 别老是跟我打岔!

    Don 't keep on interrupting me !

  6. 这样打岔令人讨厌。

    This interruption is very annoying .

  7. 他没有理会她的打岔。

    He ignored her interruptions .

  8. 他们还有打岔的烦人习惯。

    They also have the irritating habit of interrupting .

  9. “他还是那么胖吗?”——“我不知道,”她妈妈接着说,没有理睬这一打岔,“就算那样,他已经发财了。”

    ' Is he still just as fat ? ' — ' I wouldn 't know , ' continued her mother , ignoring the interruption , ' and be that as it may , he has made a fortune . '

  10. 别净打岔。

    Don 't keep interrupting .

  11. 希望你不介意我如此冒昧打岔。

    I hope you don 't mind me barging in like this .

  12. 接着讲你的故事吧,不会再有人打岔了。

    Please go ahead with your story , there won 't be any more interruptions .

  13. 许多打岔的事使得我未能完成这项工作

    Many interruptions have prevented me from finishing the work .

  14. 不要打岔,不要似听非听,不要去计划你的反应。

    No interrupting , no daydreaming , no planning your response .

  15. 如果你再打岔,我就给你扔到粪堆里!

    Lf you screw around you 'll be swimming in shit !

  16. 福尔摩斯这样一打岔,约翰·栾斯好象有些不高兴。

    John Rance appeared to be somewhat irritated at this digression .

  17. 她打岔进来,提出自己的一些建议。

    She broke in with some suggsetions of his own .

  18. 我问你工作,你就给我打岔。

    So I ask about work , and you change the subject .

  19. 如果没有事打岔的话,我会到萨洛浦街去的。

    I will try and be at Throop Street if nothing interferes .

  20. 无数的打岔的事使我未能完成工作。

    Numerous interruptions have prevented me from finishing the work .

  21. 我在说话的时候,琳达一直在不断地打岔。

    Linda kept interrupting me while I was talking .

  22. 你不要打岔听我说嘛。

    Now be quiet and let me tell it !

  23. 原因之一就在于打岔有时是必要的。

    One reason is that sometimes interrupting is necessary .

  24. 我们在讲话时他打岔进来。

    He broke in while we were talking .

  25. 请原谅我打岔,不过我确实不同意那一点。

    Forgive me for interrupting , but I really don 't agree with that .

  26. 他不喜欢讲话的时候被打岔。

    He dislikes being interrupted in his speech .

  27. 挑战和打岔,他或她

    and challenges and interrupts , he or she

  28. 莱伊小姐无意义的打岔使他生气。

    Miss Ley 's frivolous interruptions annoyed him .

  29. 然而,尽管打岔被认为是件粗鲁的事,我们还是会这么做。

    Yet , even though interrupting is considered rude , we all do it .

  30. 我说话的时候,请不要打岔。对比一下。

    Don 't interrupt me when Ispeak .