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dǎ jié
  • rob;plunder;loot;raid
打劫 [dǎ jié]
  • [loot;plunder] 拦路抢夺财物

打劫[dǎ jié]
  1. 几个月之后,凯文企图打劫银行。

    A few months later Kevin attempted to rob a bank .

  2. 新闻&当有人咬狗、或者打劫酒店之时。

    News-when a man bite a dog or rob a hotel .

  3. 他们这是在盘剥歌迷,简直是明目张胆的打劫。

    They 're just ripping the fans off ; it 's daylight robbery .

  4. 二人从此结伴浪迹天涯,以打劫为生。

    From then on , the two of them roved all over the world and lived by robbing .

  5. 即便是我们这些声称并不怀念那个年代的人,听起来也没有那么笃定。“被打劫的经历我肯定是不怀念的,”约翰·沃特斯(JohnWaters)对我说。不过他接着又说:

    Even those of us who claim not to miss those years don 't quite sound convinced . " Well , I sure don 't have nostalgia about being mugged , " " John Waters told me .

  6. 2007年,JamesColdwell打劫美国子银行在曼彻斯特及新罕布什尔支行中伪装成一棵树。

    In2007 , James Coldwell robbed a branch of Citizens Bank in Manchester , New Hampshire while disguised as a tree .

  7. ConradZdzierak明明是白种人,在打劫俄亥俄州的六家银行时,都把自己伪装成是黑种人。

    Conrad Zdzierak , a white man , robbed six banks in Ohio while disguised as a black man .

  8. 新的税法无异于打劫穷人。

    The new tax is tantamount to stealing from the poor .

  9. 他们来工作,不是为了来打劫你。

    They do not come to work to rip you off .

  10. 马上打劫了这店可能让我妈感觉好些。

    My mother would have felt better just robbing the place .

  11. 一次我到现在也没弄清楚我是不是被打劫了。

    One I am not sure what I have come across .

  12. 他看起来是想让穷人打劫富人。

    He seems to suggest the poor are robbing the rich .

  13. 但我比银行更可靠,银行常被打劫。

    Except better than a bank because banks always get knocked off .

  14. 你来打劫我们吗?'她母亲固执问。

    ' Have you come to rob us ? 'her mother persisted .

  15. 我保证他就是打劫钻石的那个神偷。

    I 'll bet for anything that he did the diamond job .

  16. 你叫我打劫银行,又叫我打劫珠宝行。

    You told me to rob the bank , then the jewelers .

  17. 女士们先生们,我们正在打劫银行。

    Ladies and gentlemen , this is a bank robbery .

  18. 有意思,我喜欢打劫英国佬。

    That was fun . I love robbing the english .

  19. 我不会付那么多钱。这简直是大白天打劫!

    I 'm not paying that much . it 's daylight robbery !

  20. 我怎么敢诽谤打劫了我的人

    How dare I cast aspersions at the person who robbed me .

  21. 所以他们几乎每一天都打劫我

    so they would rob me almost every single day .

  22. 解释了为什么他们打劫却不要钱。

    Which explains why they robbed the bank and tossed the money .

  23. 我们只想打劫那个老家伙。

    We were just going to rob the old guy .

  24. 我怎么知道你会试着打劫自己的家呢?

    How did I know you were robbing your house ?

  25. 或者更干脆些在英国公路上打劫发了财?

    Or make a fortune more promptly on the English highways ? '

  26. 那个家伙想打劫那个老太太。

    That guy is going to rob that old woman .

  27. 我开始理解你为什么打劫我了

    I 'm beginning to understand why you robbed me .

  28. 士兵们打劫和杀戮三天。

    The soldiers looted and massacred for three days .

  29. 下次再有人想打劫…

    The next time somebody tries to rob us ...

  30. 我们不好,老兄,我们刚被打劫完

    No we 're not okay , man , we just got robbed .