
  • 网络pattern making;bank shot;slating;golpe
  1. 独立性体现在衣物的打板、包装、储存、协调和使衣柜合理化方面。

    Independence came in tying , wrapping , storing , harmonizing , and rationalizing that wardrobe .

  2. 基于AutoCAD二次开发技术的服装CAD打板系统

    The garment CAD base on the technology of re-development AutoCAD

  3. 介绍了第三代智能化服装CAD软件ET2000系统的特点,指出了服装打板时智能工具的使用技巧和应注意的事项。

    This paper introduces the ET2000 system which is the up-dated CAD software for garment , and puts forward the technology and attentive notes in using artificial intelligence when making plates .

  4. 在2004年的全明星赛上,麦迪混搭了T-Mac3,一只红色,一只蓝色,并再次上演了极具其个人特色的打板空接扣篮。

    For the ' 04 All-Star Game , McGrady rocked a mismatched pair of T-Mac 3s - one red , one blue - and threw himself another of his signature self-assisted alley-oops .

  5. 那颗球打板后弹进了篮框里。

    The ball bounced off the backboard and into the basket .

  6. 适用于小批生产和打板制样生产。

    It is suitable for small-lot production and sample production .

  7. 有一个人犯罪,被县官抓来打板。

    Originally in ChineseA man committed a crime and was arrested by thecountymagistrate .

  8. 打板后被弹开,印地安那州赢得了比赛。

    Hit the board and spun out , and Indiana wins the game .

  9. 热烈欢迎各界朋友来图、来样设计、打板,位临本厂洽谈、指导!

    Warmly welcome to design or sheet , place temporary plant negotiations , guidance !

  10. 保证供货与打板效果一致。

    Assure products are same to samples .

  11. 制衣,经过设计,打板,裁剪,制作,整熨等环节和工序。

    Clothing , by design , pattern , cutting , making , ironing and other procedures .

  12. 会电脑打板将是一个优势,但我们愿意对合适的人选进行培训。

    Computer patternmaking skills are an advantage but we are willing to train the right candidate .

  13. 即使只有不到两英尺的空间,欧文也能够从容地用一个左手旋转球上篮将球打板入筐。

    Even with less than two feet of breathing room , Irving is able to calmly spin a left-handed layup off the glass .

  14. 篮板球突破后在篮板附近的打板进篮筐,尤指用单手打羽毛球,乒乓球,踢足球和打篮球都是运动!

    A usually one-handed , banked shot made close to the basket after driving in . Badminton , ping-pong , soccer and basketball are sports !

  15. 可根据客户要求起板打样,看图打板,也可以帮客户采购面料直接起板,既方便快捷又可以为您节约成本。

    Available upon request from the board proofing , Figure a plate , but also can help customers purchase fabric directly from the board , not only for your convenience and cost savings .

  16. 在这个赛季的全明星赛上,麦迪穿上了那双银黑色战靴,并在比赛中上演了打板空接扣篮。

    McGrady slipped on a silver and black pair of his 1s for the NBA All-Star Game that season , during which he threw himself an alley-oop pass off the backboard in traffic and flushed it .

  17. 课题研究内容包括:以男装西服上装款式为例,总结其款式及纸样变化规律,确定男装西服上装的打板规则,完成服装纸样设计的知识获取。

    The research includes : at first , with the example of men-suit , sum up the change rule of its style and pattern , determine the pattern design rule , finish the knowledge acquisition of pattern design .