
dǎ shé
  • beat and break a leg/etc.


dǎ zhé
  • give a discount
  1. 大多数博物馆对学校的团体参观者打折。

    Most museums give a discount to school parties .

  2. 应用经济学原理及方法,对职业体育中的垄断、季票打折、竞争平衡、城市拥有运动团队的成本和收益等问题进行分析。

    Use economics principle and method , monopoly , season ticket of sports give a discount , competition balanced , city have sport cost and income of group , etc. issue analyse to job .

  3. 孩子和两个大人合住一间房可以打折。

    There are reductions for children sharing a room with two adults .

  4. 他们目下正在打折卖啤酒。

    They have an offer on beer at the moment .

  5. 该剧院给团体票打折。

    The theatre gives discounts for block bookings .

  6. 剧场给十人以上的团体打折10%。

    The theatre gives a 10 % discount to parties of more than ten .

  7. 他们销售的所有商品都打折。

    They were selling everything at a discount .

  8. 你们打折吗?

    Do you give any discount ?

  9. 打折并不是招揽顾客的唯一途径。

    Providing discounts is not the only way to win custom .

  10. 这是家新开的商店,出售打折商品和等外品。

    It 's a new shop selling discounted lines and seconds .

  11. 动作快的人能够在1月份的打折中淘到最便宜的东西。

    Early birds can get the best bargains in the January sales .

  12. 由于开始实行打折,近期旅行的预订量上升了15%。

    As discounts kicked in , bookings for immediate travel rose by 15 %

  13. 他在高英斯男装店买了一件打折的运动上衣。

    He bought a sports jacket on sale at Gowings Men 's Store .

  14. 为了尽快售出,我会打折销售。

    I 'll sell at a discount in return for a speedy sale .

  15. 这迫使航空公司对机票大幅打折来刺激需求。

    This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily in order to spur demand

  16. 它们经常进行打折销售。

    They are often available at a discount

  17. 你得费力往前挤才能够到那一架架的衣服,但那些打折品的确超值。

    You have to fight to reach the racks of clothes but the bargains are amazing .

  18. 无论是付现还是赊购,都可以要求经销商打折。

    You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you pay cash or buy on credit .

  19. 这种衬衣断码儿了,所以打折出售。

    These shirts are sold at a discount because some sizes are not available .

  20. 那家商店出售商品一概不打折。

    That store does not discount at all .

  21. 线上有打折商品无限的空间,店铺里有普通商品更大的空间,公司有扩充的客户群,以及更少的原价商品降价销售。

    Unlimited space online for discounted merchandise , more space in thestores for regular merchandise , an expanded customer base , and less cannibalizationof regular-price sales .

  22. 它已计划开设更多的“幕后梅西”,这个新的打折店可能有助于梅西百货更好地对抗野心勃勃的T。J。Maxx折扣店。

    It   has plans   to   open   more   locations   of   Macy 's   Backstage ,   a   newly-developed   off-price   concept   which might   help   it   better   compete   with   ambitious   T.   J.   Maxx .

  23. 在美国,这个快餐的发源地,伴随着快餐业的打折活动以及促销活动,例如推出l美元菜单和便宜的什锦饭,快餐店客流也变得兴旺起来。

    Traffic was boosted in America , the home of fast food , with discounts and promotions , such as $ 1 menus and cheap combination meals .

  24. 我想世界各地的人都喜欢买打折的东西。

    I guess people everywhere like to buy things on sale .

  25. 这种玩具车现在打折出售了。

    This kind of toy car is on sale in the shop .

  26. 在墨西哥,商店每年都会在周末打折。

    In Mexico , stores offer a weekend of discounts every year .

  27. 艾丽斯:这个星期六我要去购物。我家附近的购物中心正在打折。你有什么打算?

    Alice : I am doing some shopping this Saturday . The shopping center near my home is having a sale . What 's your plan ?

  28. 这种设备多见于游乐园、商场、宾馆游戏室以及超市和打折商场门外。

    Kiddie rides are commonly available in amusement parks , malls , hotel game rooms and outside supermarkets and discount department stores .

  29. 赞助结婚近年来日渐风行,赞助商提供免费或打折的婚庆服务,作为交换,新人婚礼的请柬、婚礼流程、和婚宴桌牌等上面要为赞助商打广告。

    Sponsored weddings have really started to gain popularity in recent years , where vendors2 provide free or discounted services in exchange for ads in the couples ’ wedding invitations , programs , placecards , etc.

  30. 大臣们说虽然咖啡店主可给自带杯子的顾客打折,但税收会比折扣更有效。他们同时指责政府没有认真对待塑料垃圾的问题。

    Ministers said shop owners could offer discounts for coffee drinkers carrying their own cups . But the MPs said taxes would prove much more effective than discounts and accused the government of not taking plastic waste seriously .