
  • itinerary;travel itinerary;Itinerary Receipt
  1. 这是因为他们想要拿到高价值的商业单,这些人往往通过企业代理旅行社预订,最为交换,易捷航空现在用GDS编写行程单。

    This is because they want to reach high-value business flyers , who often make bookings through corporate travel agents & which , in turn , use a GDS to compile their itineraries .

  2. 今天到周五,总统的私人行程单

    The President 's O.T.R. schedule between now and Friday .

  3. 他承认到太阳轮流在空中,使他们的行程单,每一天,并解释了十个太阳白斑太的土地忍无可忍的地步。

    He pleaded to the suns to take turns and make their journeys across the sky singly , one for each day , and explained the white blaze of ten suns is much too much for the land to bear .