
shuǎi mài
  • a clearance sale;markdown sale;dispose of goods at reduced prices;disposal of goods at reduced prices;sale at a reduced price
甩卖 [shuǎi mài]
  • [markdown sale;dispose of goods at reduced prices] 商店减价大量出售货物

甩卖[shuǎi mài]
  1. 这是在清仓大甩卖时我买给他的毛衣。

    I bought the sweater that I gave him at a clearance sale .

  2. 我是在清仓大甩卖时以相当便宜的价钱买了这件上衣。

    I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale .

  3. 他们可能会举行清仓大甩卖。

    They 're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory

  4. 顾客们知道我们的清仓大甩卖是实实在在的全场降价。

    Customers know that our stocktake sales offer genuine markdowns across the store .

  5. A:为什么?B:下周我们学校有大甩卖。

    A : Why ? B : For our school sale next week .

  6. 昨天限时大甩卖的时候,这件商品要比现在便宜得多。但促销活动已经结束了,很抱歉!

    It would have been much cheaper yesterday in the flash sale – but it 's finished now , sorry !

  7. 圣诞促销这个概念在德国过于新奇,以致于商店常常使用“甩卖”(sale)这个英语词。

    The concept is so foreign that signs in stores often use the English word'sale . '

  8. 中石化表示,其并没有甩卖国II标准成品油,也没有打算提高国III成品油的价格。

    Sinopec has said it is not dumping Standard Two products and does not plan to increase prices for Standard Three products .

  9. 就现状而言,马哈尼认为,Fire手机就算降价甩卖,在美国智能手机市场的份额也很难突破10%。

    As it stands , Mahaney , the RBC analyst , doesn 't expect the Fire phone 's U.S. smartphone market share to crack 10 % , even after the price drop .

  10. 迪拜国际资本(DubaiInternationalCapital)承诺,将其拥有多数股权的5家欧洲公司至少再保留两年,从而消除了人们对这家负债累累的迪拜投资公司将减价甩卖资产的揣测。

    Dubai International Capital , a heavily-indebted investment arm of the emirate 's ruler , has dismissed speculation about a fire sale of assets by promising to keep its five majority-owned companies in Europe for at least two more years .

  11. 那么,为什么Facebook公司在2012年首次公开募股时获得了高达1040亿美元的估值,而刚刚被甩卖的《华盛顿邮报》(TheWashingtonPost)的价值还不到这个数额的四百分之一?

    So why is it that Facebook ( FB ) was valued at $ 104 billion in its 2012 IPO , while the Washington Post ( WPO ) was just offloaded in a fire sale for less than 1 / 400th of that amount ?

  12. 除了购买廉价中国商品以外,concord还会从沃尔玛(wal-mart)等大型美国零售商的清仓甩卖中进货,然后将这些未售出的商品运至包括墨西哥和智利在内的33个国家。

    Apart from buying cheap Chinese goods , Concord also sources from clearance sales by large US retailers such as Wal-Mart and ships those unsold products to 33 countries , including Mexico and Chile .

  13. 你可以在住所周围的地方贴传单,在周六的车库大甩卖中卖任何东西,或者,你可以通过像eBay或Craigslist这样的网站尝试在网上做买卖。

    You could post a few signs in the neighborhood and sell everything at a Saturday garage sale or you could try the online route with services such as eBay or Craigslist .

  14. 我们的确担心,如果其中的大笔资金要同时退出,就会出现减价大甩卖,英格兰银行(bankofEngland)负责金融稳定的副行长乔恩·坎利夫(JonCunliffe)说。

    We do worry that if a lot of this money heads for the exit at the same time you could see a major fire sale , said Jon Cunliffe , deputy governor for financial stability at the Bank of England .

  15. 他在去年换季大甩卖时买了那些短裤。

    He bought those shorts last year at an end-of-season sale .

  16. 清仓大甩卖时,较小尺寸的衣服总是很快就卖光。

    Smaller clothing sizes always sell out quickly at clearance sales .

  17. 换季大甩卖提醒他这一季已经接近尾声了。

    End-of-season sales remind him that the season is almost over .

  18. 这个商店正清仓大甩卖。

    The shop be have a sale to clear old stock .

  19. 亲爱的,这个周末北京商厦大甩卖,你要去吗?

    Darling , BeijingMall is having a big sale this weekend .

  20. 为出售存货商店正在减价甩卖。

    The shop is having a sale to clear old stocks .

  21. 到华兴大甩卖来买衣服吧!

    Come and buy your clothes at huaxing 's great sale !

  22. 本店所有商品均以跳楼价大甩卖。

    All goods in this store are sold at cut-throat prices .

  23. 我已经设法把那些积压货甩卖出去了。

    I managed to pawn off all of he old stock .

  24. 要甩卖哪些资产仍有待决定。

    What is on offer has still to be determined .

  25. 我是在圣诞节大甩卖的时候买的这台电视机。

    I bought this TV set in the Christmas sales .

  26. 我知道,但这家服饰店办了一个换季大甩卖。

    I know that but this clothing store had an end-of-season sale .

  27. 没有售出的任何数量的货物都将甩卖掉。

    Any quantity of the goods leave untold shall is dispose of .

  28. 你就像地毯甩卖会上的女同志一样狂吃。

    You eat like a dyke at a carpet sale .

  29. 有大批老鼠出没的仓库大量库存,清仓甩卖

    A warehouse infested by rats " Massive stock , clear out "

  30. 夏季甩卖中很多商店都大减价。

    There are huge reductions in many shops during the summer sales .