
  • 网络drop and pull transport
  1. 模型采用禁忌搜索算法进行求解,最终给出LPG循环甩挂运输调度的合理方案。

    The model adopts the improved Tabu Search Algorithm solve the problem and finally gives reasonable route of LPG cycle Drop and Pull Transport scheduling .

  2. 渤海湾滚装船开展甩挂运输可行性研究

    Feasibility Research on Drop and Pull Transport for Ferrying in Bohai Gulf

  3. 论文应用Shapely值法对甩挂运输联盟博弈的特征函数进行定义,并得到甩挂运输联盟的收益分配方案。

    Shapely value method was applied to define the characteristic function of Drop-and-pull transport union game , and get the income distribution scheme of it .

  4. 最后,通过例子演绎了甩挂运输联盟的利益分配过程。

    Finally , an example deduces the allocation process of Drop-and-pull transport union benefits .

  5. 汽车甩挂运输最佳运距的研究

    The research on the best transport distance for automotive vehicle transportation with independent power set

  6. 山东省汽车甩挂运输运作模式与发展对策研究

    Study on the Operation Modes and Development Policies of Semi-trailer Swap Transportation in Shandong Province

  7. 甩挂运输作为先进的运输组织形式,己在国际范围内得到了广泛的应用。

    As advanced transportation organization form , Left-Hanging Transportation has been widely applied in the international .

  8. 汽车甩挂运输是先进的公路运输形式之一。

    Automotive vehicle transportation with independent power set is one of the advanced highway transport forms .

  9. 甩挂运输联盟是一个既有广阔的应用前景,又富有挑战性的课题。

    Visibly , the research of Drop-and-pull transport transportation union has broad application prospects and is a challenging task .

  10. 论文研究成果可为我国当前广泛推广集装箱甩挂运输提供参考,具有较好的实用价值。

    The results from the thesis are of great practical value and can be used as a guide to container drop-and-pull transport .

  11. 甩挂运输能把运输成本降低,提高运输效率,同时达到节能减排的目的。

    Drop-and-pull transport can reduce the transportation cost , improve transport efficiency , and achieve the goal of energy conservation and emissions reduction .

  12. 甩挂运输是一种集约、高效的运输方式,是道路货运业的标准化、网络化和规模化的集中体现。

    Drop-and-pull transport is an intensive , efficient means of transportation , embodies the standardization , large scale and networking of road freight industry .

  13. 并从安全、经济、技术和运输组织方面对在渤海湾滚装船上开展甩挂运输的可行性进行了研究。

    The research on the feasibility of carrying out the new transport mode has been performed in the respects of safety , economy , technology and transport organization .

  14. 甩挂运输组织模式能够降低单位周转量的燃料消耗,促进节能和环保。

    The drop and hook transport can reduce fuel consumption on the basis of unit transportation turnover , and so that to promote energy saving and environmental protection .

  15. 为了加强渤海湾滚装运输的安全,提出了一种全新的滚装船甩挂运输的运输方式,探讨了滚装船甩挂运输的运输组织形式。

    In order to improve ferrying transport safety in Bohai Gulf , a totally new transport method known as Drop and Pull Transport is introduced , its transport organization form is discussed .

  16. 从联盟形成的准备措施、构建要求、企业选择标准和加盟退盟程序共四方面阐述甩挂运输联盟的形成机制。

    The four aspects to form the union that are preparation , construction requirements , companies choosing standard and the programs of joining in the union or dropping out , exposit formation mechanism .

  17. 甩挂运输作为一种低碳环保的新型高效运输方式,符合当今我国物流业发展的要求,是我国十二五规划中提倡并大力推广的运输方式。

    As a kind of low-carbon environmental protection of new and high efficient mode of transport , the drop and pull transport fit the requirements of the development of the logistics industry in China today .

  18. 汽车甩挂运输组织模式是整个汽车甩挂运输工作流程中的一个重要环节,甩挂运输组织模式选择的优劣将直接关系到整个甩挂运输企业的经济效益和服务水平。

    Semi-Trailer Swap Transportation organization mode is a key part of Semi-Trailer Swap Transportation workflow , the choices of which may be directly related to economic benefit and service level of the whole Semi-Trailer Swap Transportation .

  19. 集装箱甩挂运输作为道路集装箱运输业先进的运输组织方式,能产生可观的经济效益和社会效益,已在欧美等发达国家得到广泛使用。

    As an advanced way of transport organization , container transport with dumping trailers can generate considerable economic and social benefits , and it has been widely used in Europe , the United States and other developed countries .

  20. 改革开放以来,道路甩挂运输的理念在我国接受并试点运行,国家有关部门采取了一系列措施推进道路甩挂运输的发展。

    Since the reform and opening up , China has accepted the concept of road Left-Hanging Transportation and began to pilot run , the relevant state departments have taken a series of steps to promote the development of road Left-Hanging Transportation .

  21. 通过案例对比了传统运输模式和甩挂运输模式的社会效益和经济效益,分析道路货运现代化是在追求交通运输发展的同时,更能确保运输的安全、效率、效益和质量。

    The case is used to compare social and economic benefits of the traditional modes of transportation and drop-and-hook . It illustrates that road freightage modernization not only pursuits transportation development but also makes sure transportation safety , efficiency , benefits and quality .

  22. 甩挂运输作为一种新兴的运输模式,对于提高车辆运行效率、降低物流运输成本、促进节能减排、推动绿色物流发展具有重要意义。

    As a new mode of transportation , Drop and Pull Transport is of great significance to improve the operating efficiency of the vehicle and reduce the cost of logistics and transport , promote energy conservation , and promote the development of green logistics .

  23. 最后,通过太原钢铁厂的实证研究来比较甩挂运输方式和传统运输方式的优劣,从而体现出甩挂运输的降低运输成本,提升企业竞争力的优势。

    Finally , through comparing the pros and cons of the traditional mode of transport and the pull transport in the empirical study of the Taiyuan Iron and Steel Works , the advantage of the pull transport to reduce transport costs and enhance competitiveness of enterprises is reflected .

  24. 甩挂运输联盟使中小规模物流企业成功开展甩挂运输的梦想成为现实。3、本文在自由竞争模型的基础上加入互惠系数,成功建立甩挂运输联盟的收益模型。

    Jilt hang transport union made the dream of small and medium-sized transport enterprises to carry out Drop-and-pull transport become a reality . Thirdly , on the basis of free competition model , this paper joins the reciprocal coefficient to successfully establish of the return model about Drop-and-pull transport union .