
  • 网络costing index
  1. 结果:以费用指标比较,MVP方案的成本指标和成本效果分析两项考察指标均优于NP和TI方案。

    Results : Regimen MVP was superior to regimen NP and TI on basis of cost guideline and cost effectiveness analysis .

  2. 进行敏感度分析,用西药费和总花费代替化疗费作为费用指标进行分析,NP方案与MVP方案成本效果比基本持平,优于TI方案。

    In conducting sensitivity analysis the chemotherapeutic cost was substituted by pharmaceutical cost and total costs , the cost effectiveness analysis of regimen NP was similar to that of regimen MVP but better than that of TI .

  3. 试论成本费用指标的归口分级管理责任制度

    Discuss for Classification Management Responsibility System of Cost Expense Index

  4. 结果建立病例质量、效率、费用指标引导系统。

    Results Guiding system for disease quality , efficiency and expensive index were established .

  5. 总费用指标约束下机械系统可靠度的优化分配

    Optimum reliability allocation in mechanical system subject to the constraint under the index of overall cost

  6. 第一节运用盈利指标、成本费用指标和风险指标对银行业绩效进行了分析,着重对比国有和股份制两类银行情况,并对中外银行的主要项目指标进行了对比。

    It makes an appraisal of performance with profit index , cost index and risk index .

  7. 单病种费用指标在门诊妇产科病人费用控制中的应用

    The application of single disease cost index in the cost control of outpatient of Obstetrics and Gynecology

  8. 然后,提出作者的观点以及在风险决策中分别盈利性指标和费用指标效用函数的具体建议。

    Moreover , suggestions are made on the specific utility functions for profit and consumption indexes respectively .

  9. 介绍了建立成本费用指标归口分级管理责任制度的基础、步骤及应注意的问题。

    The foundation , steps and notes for establishing classification management responsibility system of cost expense index are introduced .

  10. 传统的银行成本管理采用的是指标控制法,为了配合成本费用指标的考核,传统的银行成本核算方法主要是对一系列费用进行事后的归集和汇总。

    Traditional cost accounting management is by means of index control . It predominantly makes afterwards classification and summing up of series of costs .

  11. 经济费用指标指的是直接经济费用,包括:人工费、材料费、机械台班费。

    Economic cost index refers to the direct economic costs , including : artificial cost , material cost , cost of mechanical stage class .

  12. 与其使用价值有关的费用指标为单位有效容积的投资和单位生产能力的投资。

    The related expense indexes of the gas usage value are the investment on the unit effective volume and investment on the unit production capacity .

  13. 本文将指标体系划分为地质因素费用指标和地质经济分析指标两大类,其中前者相应地质因素有8个指标组和16个具体指标;

    The indicators can be divided into two categories . One is expenditure indices of geological factors , which are further classified to 8 groups and 16 specific indicators .

  14. 装备保障中损失费用指标的最优化,以M/M/c/∞/m型排队系统理论为基础。

    Based on queuing system theory of M / M / c / ∞ / m model , optimization for damage expense index in armament support was carried out .

  15. 分析了目前的炼油加工费用指标,发现不包括占较大比例的自产能源费用,就不能正确反映加工过程消耗的实际情况,需要改进。

    An analysis of the current oil refining cost index indicates that the exclusion of the cost of self-produced energy which takes up a significant proportion makes it impossible to reflect the actual energy consumption in the refining process and therefore , revision is required .

  16. 最后在市场绩效分析中,分别通过盈利性指标、成本费用指标、信用风险指标及流动性指标分析了我国商业银行业的市场绩效,并得出我国商业银行业市场绩效现状的原因。

    Finally in respect of market performance , market performance of commercial banking has analyzed through profitability indexes , cost index , credit risk index and liquidity index , and the reason why our commercial banking market performance stay in current situation was found out .

  17. 本文介绍了工程施工单位内部经济核算费用指标的计算方法,并与施工图预算定额计算方法进行了对比分析,说明了施工单位制定内部施工定额的重要性。

    This paper gives introduction of the computation method of economic checking cost index in the engineering construction units in computation with the computation method for rated budget in constructional drawing ; and describes the significance of establishment of internal construction ration in such units as well .

  18. 从这一思路出发,一方面本文引入了基于极大验后估计(MAP)的统计费用优化指标函数,并给出了特定的应用模型;

    According to this approach , a statistically based cost function through which phase unwrapping is treated as a maximum a posteriori probability ( MAP ) estimation problem is defined .

  19. 以术中所需时间(min)、术后肛门排气时间(h)、术后起床活动天数(d)、术后住院天数(d)、术后出现并发症和住院费用等指标比较。

    Compared MC with LC by the parameters of operating time ( min ), postoperative anus exhaust time ( h ), postoperative getting up for moving ( d ), postoperative hospitalization cost ( yuan ) .

  20. 结论:采用固定位数的ICD-9编码分类方法可操作性较好,分析病种所包括的住院患者占住院患者总数的60%左右较为合适,病种平均住院天数和平均住院费用等指标以几何均数为宜。

    Conclusion : Dividing disease entities by fixed digits of ICD-9 code is easily performable . This method should be used when the disease entities include about 60 % of total inpatients , and geometric mean should be used in calculating average length of hospital stay and average cost .

  21. 投资者的费用空间指标与基金业绩

    Investor 's Cost Space Measure and Performance of Fund

  22. 地埋管地源热泵的初投资最高,年运行总成本最低,费用性指标最大。

    While the total annual cost of GSHP is the least but the initial investment and the fee index are the highest .

  23. 有关部门和企业的费用考核指标,不能作为税收扣除标准和计算征税的依据。

    Evaluation index of expense of relevant departments and enterprises shall not be the standard for tax reduction and the basis for taxation .

  24. 结果显示,冷却塔冷却水系统初投资最低,费用性指标最小,经济性最好;

    The results show that the initial investment and fee index of cooling water systems are the least , and cooling water system is the most economical system .

  25. 通过对存款业务、信贷业务、中间业务和费用的指标和权重设计,建立和完善客户经理的激励约束机制;

    By the designing of the index and authority of the deposit , credit , intermediate business and expenditure , set up and perfect inspiriting and restricting system .

  26. 本文首先从现代住宅建筑的社会性、技术性和经济性特点出发,系统地分析了影响住宅建筑设计方案的因素及其关系,建立了适合住宅建筑设计方案的功能和费用优选指标体系。

    From the characteristics of the house design , this paper systematically analyzed the relations among the factors which affect the design , and enhance classified them and established the corresponding function and cost indexes systems .

  27. 针对我国有关行业土地复垦费用估算指标取值、土地破坏数量的估算以及复垦术语的含义等提出了分析和看法。

    Some comments and views on the estimation of land reclamation costs and areas of degraded land in related industries in our China as well as on the meanings of the terms of land reclamation were put forward in this paper .

  28. 【方法】采用队列研究方法调查低出生体重儿0~1岁、1~2岁间的年患病次数、门诊就诊次数、住院次数及就诊费用等指标,并与正常对照组进行比较。

    【 Methods 】 Cohort study was used to survey the incidence , frequency of outpatient service , hospital admission and fee of health service of low birth weight infants in 0 ~ 1year , 1 ~ 2year , and compared with controls .

  29. 图表分析法。论述了医院财务评价指标体系,其指标包括经济效益指标、负债比率指标、变现能力比率指标、病人费用评价指标、管理水平指标和职工消费水平指标。

    It also deals with hospital financial assessment indexes , which include economic benefits index , ratio of liabilities index , ratio of reappearance ability index , patients ' expenses assessment index , management standards index , and staff and workers ' consumption level index .

  30. 方法调查近十年来360例鼻息肉手术出院病例临床医疗技术及医疗费用的变化指标,并进行统计分析。

    Methods The changes of the clinical medical technology and medical expenses of360 patients who underwent were analyzed by SPSS .