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  • 网络joseki;infinitive;non-finite
定式 [dìng shì]
  • [regular fomulae in playing weiqi] 围棋对奕中的固定程式

  1. 老师指导全班同学操练不定式的用法。

    The teacher drilled the class in the use of the infinitive .

  2. 情态动词通常用不带to的不定式。

    Modal verbs generally take the bare infinitive .

  3. 视觉多样性有助于“跳出思维定式,发现问题的最优解”……咖啡馆常常有着许多能够刺激视觉的因素。

    Just observing them can motivate you to work harder . Visual variety helps in " solving a problem that has an optimal3 solution , but requires you to think outside the box " ... Coffee shops , though , generally have visual stimuli in spades .

  4. (不定式短语作动词like的宾语)你想要开会讨论这个问题吗?

    Would you like there to be a meeting to discuss the problem ?

  5. Totravelaroundthecountryhaslongbeenmydream.此句用不定式做主语,谓语为完成时,较好地概括了例文中前三句的内容。

    To travel around the country has long been my dream .

  6. 动词must没有不定式形式。

    The infinitive of the verb'must'is wanting .

  7. 当make意为‘迫使’时,可用于被动语态(与to+不定式连用)

    When make means compel ' , it can be used in the passive ( with to + infinitive )

  8. togo是动词不定式。

    To go is an infinitive .

  9. 可以有很多办法训练你的记忆力。注:本句是不定式作定语限定memory。

    There are many ways to train your memory .

  10. cause和make可与(to+)不定式连用,但不可用于被动语态

    Cause and make can be used with ( to + ) an infinitive , but not in the passive

  11. 尽管他总是弄哭他妹妹,今天却被妹妹弄哭了。help后的不定式作宾补(包括作宾语)to可有可无。

    Though he had often made his sister cry , today he was made to cry by his sister .

  12. haveaparttimejob不能直接作主语,可以改为不定式作主语tohaveaparttimejob,或者动名词作主语havingaparttimejob。第二处错误是poorstudent。

    Second , have a part time job for poor student is a good way to help reduce his family burden .

  13. 基于FPGA的键盘给定式双路直流稳压电源设计

    Keyboard-setting Double-circuits Steadied DV Power Supply Design Based on FPGA

  14. 第一个isused是定语从句的谓语动词,但是该定语从句省略了引导词。定语从句中三个并列的不定式短语动词toachieveprivacy,tobuildhomesortodesigncities共同作为isused的目的状语。

    The way space is used to enable the individual to achieve privacy , to build homes or to design cities is culturally influenced .

  15. 但是agreeto+-ing和agreeto+不定式在意思上还是有区别的。

    However , there is a difference in meaning between agree to + - ing and agree to + infinitive .

  16. reconcilewith与…和解将我的想法与你的调和起来。不定式做后置定语

    Reconcile my way of thinking with yours .

  17. 在日剧一路下滑之时,《FirstClass》的导演与编剧无疑都成功的打破了定式,为人们留下了一部印象深刻的作品,同时也给日剧爱好者和日剧行业带来新的希望。

    In a time of Japanese TV dramas going downhill , the creators and writers of First Class certainly have done impressive job thinking outside the box , bringing hope to both fans and the industry .

  18. 根据《社会人口学信息采集表》,半定式访谈HIV感染者/AIDS病人,调查其疾病情况、治疗情况。

    Using the " Demographic Data Forum ", we interviewed every individuals with HIV / AIDS , explored their disease , treatment , and its impact .

  19. 由于PRO出现在非限定句的主语位置,因此汉语中是否存在定式与不定式的区别,是判定汉语中有无PRO存在的关键。

    Therefore , whether there is finite and nonfinite distinction in Chinese is the key issue concerning the existence of PRO in Mandarin Chinese .

  20. 4带ZU的不定式及其所属成分作定语;

    Infinitive with ZU and its related parts as attribute ;

  21. 另外,本文分析了PRO在英语小句,不定式结构和-ING结构中的具体分布特征。

    Besides , we analyze the distribution and the specific features of English null subject PRO in infinitives , - ING constructions and small clause .

  22. 此外,拉丁语里的不定式不可分裂,因为在拉丁语中不定式是由一个单词(currere)构成而不是两个单词(torun)。而在那个时代,拉丁语的地位非常重要。

    In addition , you can 't split infinitives in Latin since they 're one word ( currere ) rather than two ( to run ) , and Latin was still a big deal back then .

  23. 例如,KeithPetters就不喜欢看到在编码约定文档中所表述的“flex定式(fixation)”。

    For example , Keith Petters , doesn 't like what he sees as a " flex fixation " expressed in the code convention document .

  24. 其次,在定式句中他们能够正确地将题元动词置于否定词、动词短语副词以及被搁浅的量化词的右侧;在疑问句中也不将题元动词提升至C位置。

    Secondly , they correctly place thematic verbs on the right of negators , VP-adverbs and stranded quantifiers in finite clauses , and in questions they do not raise thematic verbs to C. Thirdly , they provide overt nominative subjects for nearly all the finite clauses .

  25. 方法:对61例门诊抑郁障碍青少年家庭采用求助半定式问卷,SDS,C-GAS调查。

    Methods : Using Semi-structure Help-seeking behavior questionnaire , SDS and C-GAS to survey depressive 61 adolescents ' help-seeking behavior and related factors .

  26. 自2002年friendster开创网上社交以来,这已成为一种定式。

    This has been the pattern since Friendster became the pioneer of online social networking in 2002 .

  27. 同时还提出了新型的基于业务分级的RWA定式,开发了一套具有友好人机交互界面的仿真软件,可实现对资源动态配置、业务分级以及链路传输损伤的计算机仿真。

    According this model , GUI-based simulation software is developed , which can implement the simulation of resource dynamic allocation , traffic classification and link impairment calculation .

  28. 按照定义的标准,我们改造了Shannon和Wiener的信息定义,由否定式变肯定式,既逆Shan-non信息定义:信息是确定性的增加;

    According to the standard of " definition ", we altered Shannon 's and Wiener 's information definitions , from negative form have changed affirmation , inverse Shannon 's information definition : information is increase of determinacy ;

  29. 方法采用抽搐性运动障碍定式检查提纲,中国精神障碍分类与诊断以及Yale抽搐性运动严重度全面评分表对31个先证者的家系进行评定和诊断。

    METHODS : International standard structural schedule for tic disorder , Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders and the Yale global scale for tic severity were used to evaluate and diagnose the families of 31 probands with tic disorder .

  30. 方法:先用PDQ+4问卷筛查,再以PDI-IV对筛查的阳性被试进行半定式查询确诊B群人格障碍患者,然后用童年期创伤性经历问卷(CTQ)测查所有被试的童年负性经历。

    Methods : PDQ + 4 was administered to the sample to screen personality disorder patients . Cluster-B personality disorder patients were then diagnosed by Personality Disorder Interview-IV ( PDI-IV ) .