
xì fǎ
  • conjuring;juggling;tricks;magic
戏法 [xì fǎ]
  • [conjuring;tricks] 魔术的花招;灵巧的、巧妙的、机灵的技艺或演技

戏法[xì fǎ]
  1. 保罗很会变戏法。

    Paul 's very good at conjuring .

  2. Alfred在年轻的时候就学会了很多吟游歌手的叙事诗歌,并能耍杂技把戏和简单的变戏法使他的节目多样化。

    Alfred had learned many of their ballads in his youth , and could vary his programme with acrobatic tricks and simple conjuring .

  3. 变这个戏法全凭手法敏捷。

    The trick is done simply by sleight of hand .

  4. 他私底下有变戏法的嗜好。

    His secret hobby : performing magic tricks .

  5. 我在和阿森纳队的比赛中上演了帽子戏法。

    I scored a hat-trick against Arsenal .

  6. 他表演纸牌戏法给我看。

    He shows me card tricks .

  7. 魔术师的戏法逗乐了孩子们。

    The conjuror 's magic delighted the children .

  8. 能够感应手部运动的LeapMotion可以让你体会变戏法的感受。

    The Leap Motion , which tracks the movement of hands , lets you do cool tricks .

  9. 勾销QE债务为这种无聊的会计戏法画上了句号。

    Retiring the QE debt puts an end to this accounting nonsense .

  10. 你上任时会收到一份聘用细则的书面材料。n.戏法

    On your appointment you will be issued with a written statement of particulars of employment .

  11. 这导致了一种简单的部署模型简单地添加注解过的bean,它们就能自动变得可以处理事务但是建立这样模型需要一些令人心烦的戏法。

    This results in a simple deployment model-simply add annotated beans and they are automatically transactional-but setting it up required some distracting magic .

  12. 我最喜欢表演的戏法是只用一张Tom的RootBoot盘和网络连接完成裸机系统的重建。

    One of my favorite show-off tricks is to do a complete bare-metal system rebuild , using only a Tom 's Root Boot disk and an Internet connection .

  13. 这也是继上赛季后半段对阵格拉纳达的比赛中轰进五球,带领球队9-1血洗对手之后,葡萄牙巨星C罗第32次为马德里巨人上演帽子戏法。

    His tally matched the five goals he scored in the 9-1 thrashing of Granada at the back end of last season and on the way the Portuguese superstar notched his 32nd hat-trick for the Madrid giants .

  14. 昨天下午,哈里·凯恩(HarryKane)的帽子戏法成功帮助英国以6:1比分拿下巴拿马,获得英国队在世界杯的最大胜利。

    Hat-trick hero ? Harry Kane helped England secure their biggest ever World Cup ? victory as the Three Lions thrashed Panama 6-1 yesterday afternoon .

  15. 此次胜利使穆雷在亚洲赛季实现了惊人的帽子戏法。苏格兰人显出锐不可当之势,排名超过16次大满贯冠军费德勒,成为ATP排名第三。

    The victory completed a stunning Asian hat-trick for Murray and allowed the seemingly unstoppable Scot to leapfrog 16-time grand-slam champion Federer into third spot in the ATP list .

  16. 完成这个DOM小戏法的第一步是找到网页中表示img元素的DOM节点。

    The first step in making this bit of DOM trickery occur involves looking up the DOM node that represents the img element in the Web page .

  17. 尽管库克也推出了许多优秀产品,但他却不具备前任乔布斯那样的“现实扭曲力场”,除非他也能变戏法般地弄出个AppleCar或是一体化自能家居什么的来。

    And for all of Tim Cook 's many fine qualities , he can 't generate a reality distortion field the way his predecessor could . Until Cook manages to pull another rabbit out of his iHat - an Apple Car ? a fully integrated smart home ? -

  18. 根据这一定义,读者就不难猜测出prestidigitator的词义。能从帽子里拉出兔子、吞火和玩其他类似的把戏的人不就是变戏法的人吗?

    He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of hats , swallowing fire , and other similar tricks .

  19. 这位魔术师通过表演许多魔术的戏法来娱乐观众。

    The magician performed many magic tricks to entertain the audience .

  20. 他用他那些烦人的二流戏法。

    He 's squandering the goodwill of his audience with tired .

  21. (如变戏法般)使某事物突然地或意外地出现

    Make sth appear suddenly or unexpectedly , as if by magic

  22. 一会儿耍戏法一会儿比赛体力;

    And sleights of art and feats of strength went round ;

  23. 更多信息见类型戏法。

    For more information , see the section on type juggling .

  24. 你能识破我的纸牌戏法吗?

    Can you work out how I did the card tricks ?

  25. 魔术,戏法魔术师或变戏法的人用的戏法;

    A trick performed by a magician or juggler ; sleight-of-hand .

  26. 这是为何所有戏法都有三个步骤的原因。

    That 's why every magic trick has a third act .

  27. 这些戏法没有“隐遁”,它们毫无价值。

    Without the prestige for these tricks , these are worthless .

  28. 这位魔术师经常在他太太的协助下变戏法。

    The magician often conjures with the aid of his wife .

  29. “我本能够上演帽子戏法”他说。

    " I could have had a hat-trick ," he said .

  30. 苏珊能在半小时内变戏法似的做出一顿美味的饭菜。

    Susan can conjure up a good deal in half hour .