
xì yuàn
  • <美>theater, <英>theatre;theatre
戏院 [xì yuàn]
  • [theatre] 现代供戏剧演出的建筑物,通常包括设有边副台与悬吊布景空间的舞台、供演员用的化装间以及常常设有楼座和包箱的观众席

戏院[xì yuàn]
  1. 老戏院被拆了,对不?

    The old theatre was pulled down , wasn 't it ?

  2. 他们设法再现了老戏院原来的气氛。

    They have managed to recreate the feeling of the original theatre .

  3. 戏院里一片寂静。

    There was a deathly hush in the theatre .

  4. 诺里奇的皇家戏院将在11月重新开业。

    The Theatre Royal , Norwich , will reopen in November .

  5. 他在一家戏院兼职当引座员。

    He did part-time work as an usher in a theatre .

  6. 戏院将小本经营。

    The theatre will be run on a shoestring .

  7. 戏院散场以后,街上顿时挤满了人。

    After the theatre let out , the street was at once thronged with people .

  8. 我需要穿礼服去戏院看戏吗?

    Do I need to dress for the theatre ?

  9. 哦,那家戏院可糟透呢。

    Oh , that theater was chronic .

  10. 原定今天把这座旧戏院拆掉,但临时突然决定暂缓进行。

    They were due to start demolishing the old theatre today but there 's been a last minute stay of execution .

  11. 公园和戏院只是市镇娱乐设施的一部分

    Parks and a theatre are just some of the town 's local amenities .

  12. 她母亲从不去戏院看戏。

    Her mother never went to the theater .

  13. 在戏院售票窗口售票时常与这种人打交道,从而会出现很多新鲜事儿。

    Working at a theater box-office ticket window poses many challenges in dealing with people .

  14. 酒店坐落于一向时髦的MaryleboneVillage区,在牛津街和邦德街旁边,步行几分钟就可到达伦敦一些最好的商店、著名的美术画廊和戏院。

    The Mandeville Hotel London is based in the ever-fashionable Marylebone Village , within a few minutes walk of some of Londons most exciting shops , art galleries and antique shops of Mayfair .

  15. 她家在中国饭店和黎声戏院之间。

    Her home located between the China Hotel and Lisheng theater .

  16. 于是我在放映的那家戏院外面等候着。

    So I waited outside the theater where it was playing .

  17. 他喜欢把成就和戏院扯上关系。

    And he likes to relate his success on the halls .

  18. 我的去戏院,擦洗干净。

    I must get up to the theater and scrub up .

  19. 戏院尚未全满。

    The theatre was not quite ( ie almost ) full .

  20. 戏院满了,皇家贵族都在那里。

    The theater was full ; royal and noble were there .

  21. 那些单凭其名气就能使戏院爆满的名演员。

    Those great actors whose names alone could fill a theatre .

  22. 我看见他们在戏院里亲昵地坐在一起。

    I saw them sitting cheek by jowl in the theatre .

  23. 他们然后因更短的戏院切而烦脑为什麽?

    Why then did they bother with a shorter theatrical cut ?

  24. 我们傍晚到王朝戏院。

    In the evening we will go to the Imperial Theater .

  25. 维斯奇的歌不能在戏院里唱。

    Vysotsky 's songs can 't be sung in the theatre .

  26. 有没有你们戏院座位的手册?

    Is there a guide for the seating of your theater ?

  27. 我们的座位就在戏院的后排。

    Our seats were right at the back of the theatre .

  28. 她的名字显眼地横挂在戏院正面。

    Her name was emblaooned across the front of the theatre .

  29. 他给她买了些廉价首饰,并带她上戏院。

    He bought her trinkets and took her to the theatre .

  30. 于是他们去了一家戏院看戏。

    So they went to a theatre to see a drama .