
  1. 中国歌剧对戏曲演唱艺术的吸收

    On Chinese Opera Absorbing the Artistic Singing Technique from Chinese Xiqu

  2. 它既有民歌演唱的亲切、自然,戏曲演唱的运腔、韵味,但又不同于戏曲演员和民歌手的演唱。

    It has not only the gentleness and naturalness of the folk song but also the tune-pattern and lingering charm of the opera .

  3. 本文对歌剧吸收戏曲演唱艺术的必然性、科学性和中国戏曲演唱艺术对中国歌剧的演唱艺术产生的影响进行了分析与研究。

    The aim of this article is to discuss the necessity of Chinese opera absorbing the artistic singing style from Chinese Xiqu and the influence of Chinese Xiqu on Chinese opera .

  4. 我国的民族声乐艺术主要包括传统的戏曲演唱、曲艺说唱和民间的民歌演唱三大类,其中也包括新民歌、新歌剧的演唱和西洋唱法民族化的演唱等。

    The Chinese national vocality include the drama singing , the speaking and singing music , the folk song , and it also include the new folk song , the singing of new drama , the Chinese singing of occident singing method .

  5. 而研究的结果对于声乐学、对于戏曲的演唱也具有非常重要的作用。

    This result is helpful for the singing of dramas .

  6. “戏歌综合”是中国民族歌剧将戏曲、民歌演唱特色进行辩证综合、风格独异的演唱艺术。

    Drama-opera integration is a unique art of performance which dialectically integrates the characteristics of both Chinese national opera and folk song .

  7. 使民族声乐的学习者和演唱者充分认识传统戏曲的艺术魅力,掌握戏曲演唱技巧和表演精髓,为丰富和拓宽民族声乐演唱技法提供了理论依据。

    Make the national voice of the learner and artist to fully understand the artistic charm of traditional opera , to master the essence of opera singing and performing skills , enrich and expand the National Vocal technique .

  8. 所确立的三分法为中国戏曲音乐各种板式的归类,阐明了实践与理论依据。这里用概括的方式对中国戏曲演唱艺术品种的共性作了概括。

    The three-type dividing method provides both practical and theoretical basis for the division of various types of beats in music of traditional Chinese opera .