
  1. 中国古典戏曲小说文献专题多媒体WEB数据库建设

    Multimedia WEB Database 's Construction of Literature of Chinese Classical Dramatic Special Subject

  2. 探讨了中国古典戏曲小说文献专题多媒体WEB数据库建设的必要性和技术要点。

    This article has discussed the necessity and the technical main points of multimedia WEB database 's construction of literature of Chinese classical dramatic special subject .

  3. 论文所云元明家庭家族叙事文学研究,即研究元明时代有关家庭家族的戏曲小说。

    The study of family ( saga ) narrative in Yuan Dynasty ;

  4. 沈起凤,清代著名戏曲小说作家。

    Shen qifeng , a famous dramatists in qing dynasty .

  5. 宋以后的戏曲小说中,普遍存在着大团圆结局模式。

    There exists universally a happy ending in opera novels after Song Dynasty .

  6. 民初言情小说的悲剧意识操守完美的殉道者&民初言情小说与晚明戏曲小说、五四爱情文学中的女性形象之比较

    Tragic Consciousness of Love Stories in Late Qing and Early ROC Martyrs With Perfect Moral Integrity

  7. 本文主要考述了现存的凌氵蒙初戏曲小说中侠义作品的渊源。

    This paper mainly investigates the origin of the chivalric works among the extant opera novels by Ling Mengchu .

  8. 金圣叹的文学接受理论初探&以其戏曲小说评点为例

    Study on the literary acceptance theories of Jin Shengtan & centred in his criticizing and assessing dramas and novels

  9. 钟馗的画和有关钟馗的传说故事、戏曲小说,更加异彩纷呈、引人入胜。

    The pictures , legends , traditional operas , and novels relating to Zhong Kui are various and appealing .

  10. 中国传统戏曲小说中存在着虚假的“团圆主义”即“大团圆”的结局,使作品形成了一种单一陈旧的模式。

    It existed the false reunion in the Chinese traditional drama novel , which became and old and single mode .

  11. 中国古代戏曲小说中痴心女子负心汉模式考察

    A Study of the Model of " An Innocent Girl Infatuated with a Heartless Man " in Ancient Chinese Drama Novels

  12. 本文收集了现存所有元明时期的杨家将戏曲小说文本作为研究对象。

    This thesis gathers extant operas and novels ( omitted ) Jiajiang in Yuan and Ming dynasty as the object of study .

  13. 中国古代戏曲小说所塑造的草莽型人物形象的共同特征是勇与力,是鲁莽。

    The sharing characteristics of the Robin hood-like characters created in the ancient Chinese plays and novels are brave and strong , and imprudent .

  14. 书籍禁毁:一种文化现象的观照&兼论俗文学范畴的戏曲小说禁毁

    The Banning or Destroying of Books : a Kind of Cultural Phenomenon & Concurrently Discusses the Phenomenon of Banning or Destroying of Operas and Novels

  15. 于是,在戏曲小说中对不危害他人的僧尼道姑的情爱行为予以宽容和同情。

    Therefore , the love affairs of the monks and nuns , if harmless to others , accepted tolerance and sympathy in novels and dramas .

  16. 从南宋起,雅文学渐有俗化现象,而俗文学如戏曲小说渐渐壮大,成为不可逆转的趋势。

    From Southern Song , on , there was growing a tendency of vulgarization of classic Chinese literature , such as the rapid rise of the theoretical art and the fiction .

  17. “大团圆”是我国古典文学特有的一种文学现象,它大量的出现在我国宋以后的戏曲小说中。

    " Grand union " is a kind of special phenomenon of literature in classic literature of our country , it is always found in Song dynasty 's drama and novel .

  18. 第三,金圣叹的戏曲小说评点将批评和鉴赏结合在一起,是一种独特的批评形式和鉴赏形式,也是一种独特的文学接受理论形式。

    Third , Jin Shengtan combined criticism and appreciation together , using a kind of special form to criticize and assess the dramas and novels , and brought it to literary acceptance theories .

  19. 纵观中晚明戏曲小说史,其主流就是写情浪潮的涌起和衰退史。

    Therefore , the main trend of the history of drama and novel in the mid and late Ming Dynasty is that of the development and decline of the tide of describing feelings .

  20. 涉及宋代语言的有关宋代文献,宋代卷包括宋儒语录、使臣出使谈判的实录、戏曲小说及三篇禅宗语录,对研究宋代时期的方言白话同样有重要的意义。

    Song involved in the literature about the Song Dynasty , Song Dynasty volume includes quotations Record envoys envoy talks , drama and the novel three Zen quotation , the study of vernacular dialect during the Song Dynasty equally important .

  21. 凌氵蒙初在创作或改编戏曲小说中侠义题材的作品时,十分重视吸取宋明笔记小说乃至民间传说中的素材,尤其重视《剑侠传》、《亘史》这两部著作。

    In creating or adapting opera novels bearing chivalric types of literature , he paid much attention to absorbing materials from literary sketches and folk legends in the Song and Ming Dynasties , especially from the two works of Legends of Swordsman and History of Eternity .

  22. 李渔戏曲与小说创作的差异性

    The Differences between the plays and stories of Li Yu

  23. 最后,对他关于戏曲和小说中最有特色的理论批评进行细致分析。

    Fourth , careful analysis on his distinctive opera and novel theory criticism .

  24. 中国古代戏曲、小说中意境的表现

    Artistic Conception in Ancient Chinese Drama and Novel

  25. 本文为《汉语大词典》收录的若干条明清戏曲、小说中使用的词语增补漏略的义项

    Addenda to several words for their semantic items in the Grand Chinese Dictionary in this paper

  26. 他在学术研究方面堪称著作等身,尤其以戏曲、小说的研究最为突出。

    In academic research , he does as prominent as writing , particularly in the research of verse drama and novels .

  27. 本篇包公文学的研究以戏曲、小说为主,对包公文学的考察时限止于清末。

    The study of the literature on Bao Gong focuses on the dramas and the novels before the end of the Qing dynasty .

  28. 以炀帝为题材创作的诗文、戏曲、小说等历代层出不穷,在中国文学史上产生了深远影响。

    The poetry , drama , novels about Emperor Sui Yang are very colorful , and has a profound impact in history of Chinese literature .

  29. 有关岳飞故事的研究,可分为戏曲、小说、故事等多种类型。

    Concerned Yue Fei story research , may divide into the drama , the novel , the story and so on the many kinds of types .

  30. 这部分重点从诗歌、散文、戏曲、小说四种文学体裁和文学批评五个方面的实绩论述了中国文学现代化转型的发生。

    Focusing on the achievements of literary criticism and literary creation in the genre of poetry , prose , play , and fiction , this part elaborates the modernizing transfer of Chinese literature .