
  • 网络theatre anthropology
  1. 巴尔巴与他的戏剧人类学

    Eugenio Barba and His Theatre Anthropology

  2. 戏剧人类学的诞生

    The Genesis of Theatre Anthropology

  3. 戏剧人类学的第一任务就是追寻这些超日常技巧所遵循的普遍原理。

    The first task of Theatre Anthropology is to trace the principles being followed by these extra-daily techniques .

  4. 作者指出,巴尔巴的戏剧人类学是融合东西方戏剧的一种积极尝试,意在探索超越东西方戏剧传统的戏剧表演的普遍原则,并对这种探索作了积极的肯定。

    The author argues that the tendency attempts to seek universal principles in performance through the encounters of Oriental and Occidental theatre .